Nursing Question

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Create a poster for the workplace that illustrates the relationship between stress and disease.

Stress is not limited to the very immediate actions we see in ourselves and others, such as being irritable, angry, anxious, nervous, and depressed. Stress and trauma can also have serious health consequences, from heart attacks to migraines. Many illnesses and diseases are the result of stress or made much worse by stress. Activities like exercise not only can reduce stress but also reduce the chance of illness. Likewise, slowing down and being in the moment, rather than always focusing on the next activity or everything that needs to be done, can help lengthen your life.

In your third assessment, you will create a workplace poster examining that stress-disease link. You will review coping and relaxation approaches and highlight organization-wide strategies to enhance wellness of employees. Job-related stress is often notable in our lives, and thus sharing such information in a workplace can help to support employees in their wellness journey.

Remember that there are small things that we can do each day to reduce our feelings of stress and enhance wellness.

  • By slowing our breathing down and focusing on the inhale and the exhale we can actually lower our levels of stress and our blood pressure (Herawati et al., 2023). Next time you find yourself feeling stressed while out and about, consider taking a few slow and deep breaths to calm your body.
  • Art, whether it is drawing or painting or making collages, can help you tap into feelings that are difficult to put into words (Abbing et al., 2019). The next time you feel stressed, grab a sketchpad and draw what you feel.


Abbing, A., de Sonneville, L., Baars, E., Bourne, D., & Swaab, H. (2019). Anxiety reduction through art therapy in women. Exploring stress regulation and executive functioning as underlying neurocognitive mechanisms. PloS One, 14(12).

Herawati, I., Mat Ludin, A. F., M, M., Ishak, I., & Farah, N. M. F. (2023). Breathing exercise for hypertensive patients: A scoping review. Frontiers in Physiology, 14.

Get yourself set up by completing these steps:

  • Select one of these disorders to focus your poster on:

Nervous System-Related Disorders:

Immune System-Related Disorders:

Bronchial asthma.The common cold.
Tension headaches.Influenza.
Migraine headaches.Allergies.
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
Irritable bowel syndrome.Ulcers and colitis.
  • Locate 1–2 peer-reviewed journal articles that discuss how stress contributes to disease onset or progression.

Posters can be used to provide easy-to-digest facts in a visually appealing way, as an aid to communicating information. One of the objectives of this assessment is to communicate persuasively and succinctly to a general audience.

Now that you have selected a disorder to focus on, begin creating your poster in Microsoft Word, including the following elements:

  • Provide a thorough description of the disease.
    • Explain in detail how stress can contribute to the progression of the disease.
    • Explain why is it important to know about the connection between stress and disease.
  • Identify approaches for addressing stress to minimize potential for the disease.
    • What you can do:
      • Explain a coping strategy that will help address this stress.
        • Be sure to pick a strategy not addressed in your Assessments 1 and 4 project.
      • Explain a relaxation technique that will help address this stress.
        • Be sure to pick a technique not addressed in your Assessments 1 and 4 project.
Coping Strategies:Relaxation Techniques:
Cognitive restructuring.Breathing.
Healthy balance.Meditation and mindfulness.
Journal writing.Yoga.
Expressive art therapy.Mental imagery and visualization.
Humor therapy.Music therapy.
Creative problem-solving.Massage therapy.
Communication skills in the digital age.T’ai Chi.
Resource management-managing time and money.Progressive muscle relaxation.

Additional coping strategies.

  • Social-support groups.
  • Hobbies.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Dream therapy.
  • Prayer and faith.
Exercise and nutrition.
  • Describe the steps a workplace can take to address stress in the workplace.
    • Find a peer-reviewed journal article that identifies strategies the workplace can use to support employees.
    • Include system-wide supports that can be implemented across the organization.

Use visual elements that support the main points.

Submit your completed one-page poster.

  • Written communication: Written communication is in professional style with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
  • Resources: Use a minimum of two sources—your textbook and one peer-reviewed journal article.
  • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Apply current theory and research to specific topics in stress, trauma, and wellness.
    • Explain why is it important to know about the connection between stress and disease.
  • Competency 2: Analyze ways in which stress and trauma impact the lives of individuals.
    • Explain in detail how stress can contribute to the progression of the disease.
  • Competency 3: Recommend a variety of responses to stress and trauma to enhance wellness on personal, local, and global scales.
    • Apply a coping strategy to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease.
    • Apply a relaxation technique to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease.
    • Describe organization-wide strategies that an employer can implement to support employees.
  • Competency 4: Communicate with appropriate purpose, organization, evidence, tone, and sentence structure.
    • Use APA style formatting for citations and reference list with only minor errors.
    • Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
    • Incorporate visuals that support the overall message.

Scoring Guide

Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

Explain in detail how stress can contribute to the progression of the disease.


Explains in detail with supporting evidence how stress can contribute to the progression of the disease.


Explains in detail how stress can contribute to the progression of the disease.


Identifies but does not explain how stress can contribute to the progression of the disease.

Non Performance

Does not identify how stress can contribute to the progression of the disease.

Explain why is it important to know about the connection between stress and disease.


Explains with supporting evidence why is it important to know about the connection between stress and disease.


Explains why is it important to know about the connection between stress and disease.


Minimally describes why is it important to know about the connection between stress and disease.

Non Performance

Does not describe why is it important to know about the connection between stress and disease.

Apply a coping strategy to address stress in order to minimize potential for the disease.


Applies a coping strategy to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease, with examples with supporting evidence.


Applies a coping strategy to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease.


Identifies but does not apply a coping strategy to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease.

Non Performance

Does not identify or apply a coping strategy to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease.

Apply a relaxation technique to address stress in order to minimize potential for the disease.


Applies a relaxation technique to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease with examples with supporting evidence.


Applies a relaxation technique to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease.


Identifies but does not apply a relaxation technique to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease.

Non Performance

Does not identify or apply a relaxation technique to address stress in order to to minimize potential for the disease.

Describe organization-wide strategies that an employer can implement to support employees.


Describes organization-wide strategies that an employer can implement to support employees with examples with supporting evidence.


Describes organization-wide strategies that an employer can implement to support employees.


Identifies but does not describe organization-wide strategies that an employer can implement to support employees.

Non Performance

Does not identify organization-wide strategies that an employer can implement to support employees.

Use APA style formatting for citations and reference list with only minor errors.


Uses proper APA style formatting for citations and reference list.


Uses APA style formatting for citations and reference list with only minor errors.


Uses APA style formatting for citations and reference list but has major errors.

Non Performance

Does not have citations or a reference list.

Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.


Presents a focused purpose through strong organizational skills. Presents evidence through strong paraphrasing and summarizing as well as appropriate tone and sentence structure.


Addresses assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.


Addresses the assessment purpose with minimal issues related to evidence, tone, and sentence structure.

Non Performance

Does not respond to the assessment prompt or does not organize text appropriately, uses inappropriate tone, or does not include structurally sound sentences.

Incorporate visuals that support the overall message.


Incorporates visuals that are critical to understanding the overall message.


Incorporates visuals that support the overall message.


Incorporates visuals that do not support the overall message.

Non Performance

Does not incorporate visuals that support the overall message.


User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer



Understanding Migraine

Evidence-Based Coping
Strategy: Expressive Art

Migraines are complex neurological disorders
characterized by severe, throbbing pain typically
affecting one side of the head (Aguilar-Shea et al.,
2022). They often come with:
Sensitivity to light and sound
Nausea and vomiting
Visual disturbances (aura)
Duration of 4-72 hours if untreated

Why Understanding the StressMigraine Link Matters
This connection is crucial because:
1. It provides a pathway for prevention through
stress management
2. Understanding triggers empowers patients to take
The Stress-Migraine Connection
control of their condition
Research demonstrates that stress is both a primary
3. Early intervention in stress management can
trigger and amplifier of migraine headaches. Studies show
reduce migraine frequency and severity
4. The economic impact of migraines in the
80% of migraine sufferers identify stress as their main
workplace can be significantly reduced
trigger (Onan et al., 2023).
5. Quality of life improvements extend beyond
Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline cause
migraine management to overall health (Onan et
blood vessel constriction and inflammation
al., 2023).
Chronic stress leads to sensitization of pain pathways
in the brain
The "let-down effect" after stress often triggers
migraine attacks

Art therapy has shown remarkable effectiveness in
managing migraine-related stress:
Engages both hemispheres of the brain to process
stress differently
Provides non-verbal expression of pain and
Creates a mindful state that reduces stress
hormone production
Can be practiced during lunch breaks or stressfree moments
Supported by research showing 35% reduction in
migraine frequency (Aguilar-Shea et al., 2022).

Organization-Wide Support

Evidence-based workplace interventions that reduce
migraine impact:
1. Flexible Work Arrangements
Adjustable work hours during migraine episodes
Remote work options during prodrome phase
Modified lighting in workspaces (Al-Karagholi et
al., 2024).
2. Wellness Programs
Regular stress management workshops
On-site relaxation rooms
Access to migraine management apps
Ergonomic workspace assessments
3. Healthcare Support
Comprehensive health insurance covering
migraine treatments
PMR specifically targets tension-related migraine
Partnerships with headache specialists
Employee assistance programs with stress
Systematically relaxes major muscle groups
management focus (Al-Karagholi et al., 2024).
Reduces muscle tension in neck and shoulders
4. Environmental Modifications
Lowers cortisol levels
Anti-glare screens
Can be done at desk in 5-10 minutes
Adjustable lighting
Studies show 50% reduction in migraine intensity
Quiet zones for work
when practiced regularly (Robbins, 2021).

Proven Relaxation Technique:
Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Take Action Today

Remember: Managing stress isn't just about
preventing migraines—it's about improving your
overall quality of life. Start with one small change

Onan, D., Younis, S., Wellsgatnik, W. D.,
Farham, F., Andruškevičius, S., Abashidze, A.,
Jusupova, A., Romanenko, Y., Grosu, O.,
Moldokulova, M. Z., Mursalova, U.,
Saidkhodjaeva, S., Martelletti, P., & Ashina, S.
(2023). Debate: differences and similarities
between tension-type headache and migraine.
The Journal of Headache and Pain, 24(1), 92.
Aguilar-Shea, A. L., Membrilla Md, J. A., &
Diaz-de-Teran, J. (2022). Migraine review for
general practice. Atencion Primaria, 54(2),
Al-Karagholi, M. A., Arngrim, N., & Ashina, M.
(2024). Migraine headache and aura induced by
hypoxia. The Journal of Physiology, 602(21),
Robbins M. S. (2021). Diagnosis and
Management of Headache: A Review. JAMA,
325(18), 1874–1885.


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