Abnormal Psychology in the News

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Part 1: Submit the following as part of Module 3:

  1. The URL for an online article about depressive or bipolar disorders
  2. A summary, in your own words, of what the article was about

Part 2: After you have received feedback from your instructor, continue to use the approved article and write a paper with the following elements.

  1. A summary, in your own words, of what the article was about (this can be the same as your Part 1 submission)
  2. A description of the central issues or concerns; that is, why was the article written, do you think? What is the message it is trying to convey?
  3. A description on whether you think this article accurately described the disorder(s); be sure to base your answer on what you learned in the module. You should also use one additional reliable source to evaluate the article’s description of the disorder (e.g., part of the DSM, or a source from NIMH). Also be sure to give specific reasons why you think the article did or did not accurately describe the disorder.
  4. An evaluation of the impact of this article; does it genuinely contribute to understanding of the topic at hand or is it misleading?

The paper should be written according to APA style format. 3-4 pages




I’ve already completed the first part. Also I'm attaching the 1st part here. Please let me know if you’ve any questions. please don’t forget about citations.

No plagiarism should be found. NO CHAT GPT, NO AI, Please let me know if you can access all the recordings.

Thank you!

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Part 1: Article URL: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2024/10/lithium-longevity-suicidemicrodosing The Truth About Lithium Might Never Come Out (Published in The Atlantic on October 2024) Summary of the Article: This article describes how low doses of lithium, usually provided to people suffering from bipolar disorder, are being researched for other potential benefits apart from stabilizing mood. It deals with the increasing popularity of low dose lithium salts supplements, which are being advertised for improved mood and anti-aging. It is also important to point out the lack of proper studies on the effects of low dose lithium, as the author indicates that there are some studies which indicate a possible separate benefit for wellbeing and longevity, but proof is absent. It also deals with the difficulties of carrying out proper clinical research as it is not a patentable substance that decreases pharmaceutical interest. The piece calls for more focused studies in order to assess the full range of benefits and risks of long-term low-dose lithium treatment Academic Source for Evaluation: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/bipolar-disorder 12/31/24, 2:46 PM Paper 1: Abnormal Psychology in the News: Part 2 Criteria Content Evidence Writing Evaluation Ratings Pts 10 to >8.0 pts Distinguished 8 to >6.0 pts Proficient 6 to >4.0 pts Developing 4 to >2.0 pts Minimal 2 to >0 pts Absent Prompts are addressed Prompts are addressed Uneven in the answer Significant problems with Content is inaccurate or correctly, accurately, and appropriately (in correctly and accurately; lack of detail present accuracy and level of detail providing sufficient content and/or greatly lacking in detail sufficient detail) at times 10 to >8.0 pts 8 to >6.0 pts 6 to >4.0 pts 4 to >2.0 pts 2 to >0 pts Distinguished Proficient Developing Minimal Absent Relevant and important Evidence is provided, Uneven in how often the Limited use of evidence from Fails to provide information from the module systematically including support for all major points, although utilized and integrated; priority is not given to the most evidence from the module for evidence for the module through·out positions, or positions supports poor sources from the In every part of (a place or object). statements selected module evidence clearly supports points important ideas / terms 10 pts answering accurately 10 to >8.0 pts 8 to >6.0 pts 6 to >4.0 pts 4 to >2.0 pts 2 to >0 pts Distinguished Proficient Developing Minimal Absent Highly attuned Engaging Uneven tone, Either: inappropriate Lacks to appropriate language, level of formality, tone with appropriate level of level of formality and/or tone or level of formality, frequent major grammar/language/APA awareness of audience, appropriate and appropriate formality and audience audience awareness; errors throughout the paper tone and level of tone of writing Few to no grammar or awareness Some minor errors but or, minor errors throughout formality; Major errors in language problems they do not occur the paper; or, some major conventional use of throughout the paper APA or writing concerns at grammar / language that interfere times with paper readability 2 to >0 pts 10 to >8.0 pts 8 to >6.0 pts 6 to >4.0 pts 4 to >2.0 pts Distinguished Proficient Developing Minimal Absent High quality evaluation; Acceptable quality Evaluation is attempted; some Minimal evaluation Evaluation is absent https://portagelearning.instructure.com/courses/2119/assignments/54892?module_item_id=245326 10 pts More » 10 pts 10 pts 3/4 12/31/24, 2:46 PM Paper 1: Abnormal Psychology in the News: Part 2 Criteria Follows Prompt Ratings Pts thoughts are carefully considered and evaluation; thoughts are fairly well- articulation of writer’s thoughts but lacking present; surface level evaluation with minimal carefully explained considered and explained sufficient detail detail 10 to >8.0 pts Distinguished 8 to >6.0 pts Proficient 6 to >4.0 pts Developing 4 to >2.0 pts Minimal 2 to >0 pts Absent Fully addresses all questions in the prompt Addresses nearly all aspects of the Unevenly addresses prompt Significant problems with addressing Prompt is not addressed prompt 10 pts prompt Total Points: 50 https://portagelearning.instructure.com/courses/2119/assignments/54892?module_item_id=245326 4/4
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Part 2 Article Summary

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Part 2 Article Summary
Love, S. (2024, October). The truth about Lithium might never come out. The Atlantic.
The article describes Lithium as a bipolar disorder medication. It describes its history,
controversies, modern use, and challenges associated with its exploration. According to the
article, Lithium is a reactive element that has been explored as a pharmaceutical in the treatment
of mental illnesses. The element can be used as a mood enhancer and an antiaging compound. It
has been used in dietary supplements, medicine, and a wellness regimen. Lithium has received
criticism and appraisal in equal measure following its historical use. The salts were first isolated
in the 19th century to treat headaches, gout, and indigestion (Love, 2024). The most popular
lithium-based products then were lithium water and 7 Up. However, in 1949, the FDA instituted
a ban on lithium-containing foods due to an increasing number of cases of lithium poisoning
from lithium chloride, which was marketed as a spice. The medical use of ...

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