HCS451 Discussion

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Health Medical


1.The Institute for Healthcare Improvement has a wealth of information on the PDSA cycle including examples and worksheets. It also uses PDSAs in an improvement model. Below is a quote from the electronic reserve readings about the model.

The " IHI uses the Model for Improvement as the framework to guide improvement work. The Model for Improvement, developed by Associates in Process Improvement, is a simple, yet powerful tool for accelerating improvement. This model is not meant to replace change models that organizations may already be using, but rather to accelerate improvement (How to Improve)."

Class: How does this model differ from models you are familiar with? 150-200 words


2.Observation is an important source of learning while trying to improve. When observing you often observe only what we want to or expect to observe. Sometimes we may not notice certain actions of friends but will notice those actions in strangers. There are many types of data helpful in making changes that result in improvement. Documented observation could include a video of a manufacturing process, an entry in a journal, or a written complaint or compliment. No matter what type of data you are collecting, the collection of data should start with a plan. You can decide what data to collect from the questions you are trying to answer. Developing, testing, implementing, and spreading changes all lead to a natural set of questions. What are some examples?

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Explanation & Answer



Process Improvement Guide




Process Improvement Guide
Process improvement is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of an entity. In connection with this,
the process may be guided by an inquiry into the entity’s effectiveness in:

Creating both safe and healthy working environment for its workers

Dispute resolution

Promoting teamwork and team growth

Eliminating adverse consequences of economies of scale

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