Research Errors and What Can Be Done to Minimize Those Errors

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In research, errors may be made which can impact research findings. These are called Type I and Type II errors. It is important to understand both types of errors and how to avoid them.


In a 3- to 4-page essay, post your response to the following:

Compare and contrast type I and type II errors, and provide an example of each. Describe what sorts of problems can result when each type of error occurs. Then, discuss steps researchers can take to adjust the amount of risk involved in making these errors.

Support your findings with examples and scholarly references. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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Research Errors and Minimization
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Research Errors and Minimization
Comparison between Type I and Type II Errors
Type I and type II errors are critical hence the need to consider them in different fields.
The researcher can avoid both the mistakes by replicating and adjusting the levels of
significance. They come into existence as a result of testing hypothesis to prove the validity of
research that helps in determining whether an identified hypothesis is right or wrong. Type I
error is evident in incidents when the researcher does not accept the null hypothesis which is true
(Rothman, 2010). However, type II error is accepting false hypothesis that ought to be rejected.
False positive is the positive outcomes that match the rejection of the null hypothesis. However,
false negatives imply that it is the negative result that causes the researcher to accept the null
hypothesis. Another distinction is that type I error asserts a false hit by indicating something that
in actual sense is absent. In cont...

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