Edit complaint letter assignment

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my complaint letter paper has some error and I need someone to fix the errors. The complaint letter should be based on the scenario that I attached.

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Scanned by CamScanner Complaint Letter Assignment: You are to write a complaint letter to Mark Smith, President of Shiny Clean, to address the following fact pattern. --This paper should be 3/4ths of a page in length. --It will be assessed on how well you use buffers and tactics learned in class to convey your message clearly and effectively. Mark Smith 404 Squeaky Lane Baltimore, MD 21287 You have used Clean Up soap products for over five years, and you have never had a negative reaction to any of them. Recently, you saw an advertisement on the television for a new Clean Up’s product, “The Exfoliator,” a facial cleanser. The advertisement states that “The Exfoliator” is a hypoallergenic formula that leaves you face clean and vibrant, eliminating blackheads and preventing acne. After seeing the advertisement, you went to your local store to buy a bar of “The Exfoliator” from your local Target store for $5. The night before you have a job interview, you opened the sealed box of “The Exfoliator” soap and washed your face according to the directions: lather on face and rinse with cold water. Then, you went to bed. The following morning, the morning of the interview, you awakened with your face tingling and slightly itchy. You went to you bathroom mirror to inspect your skin and noticed that your face was red and broken out with blemishes all over it. Not wanting to make a bad example at your interview, you called the company and rescheduled your interview for the following Monday. Then, you visited a dermatologist, who inspected you and informed you that you had an allergic reaction to the “The Exfoliator” soap. The bill for the emergency visit to the dermatologist was $100. Furthermore, he prescribed a crème to lessen the healing time of your rash so you would be presentable at your rescheduled interview. The crème cost you $25.
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