Can someone help me with my essay that's due tomorrow night thank you!

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Business Finance



Once you have a clear understanding of what your organization needs, it is time to consider the interview process. This assignment is a continuation of the acquiring, developing, and leveraging employee process you have already been working on during this course. The interview process is an important step in hiring the right person for your organization. For this assignment, develop an interview strategy you would consider using to interview and select the right candidate for your organization. You are required to use the job descriptions you developed in the previous assignment. As you are developing your interview strategy, think about testing options that would benefit the interview process. The following must be included in your interview strategy (750-1,000 words):

  1. A detailed description of the time, place, format, interview type, and employees involved in the actual interview process.
  2. At least one testing option to be included in the selection process. Explain why this testing option is best suited for the selection process.
  3. A minimum of four situational and four behavioral interview questions that you would use to interview for both jobs. (Reminder: Use both of the job descriptions from your previous assignment.)

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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Nonprofit Servant Leader Profile 1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% 100.0 %Content 30.0 %Servant Leadership Principles Employed Informational piece describing specific servant leadership principles employed by the organization is not included. 2 Less than Satisfactory 74.00% 3 Satisfactory 79.00% Informational piece Informational piece describing specific describing specific servant leadership servant leadership principles employed principles employed by the organization by the organization is incomplete or is included but lacks incorrect. explanation and supporting details. 4 Good 87.00% 5 Excellent 100.00% Informational Informational piece piece describing describing specific specific servant servant leadership leadership principles principles employed by the employed by the organization is organization is extremely thorough complete and and includes includes relevant extensive explanation and explanation and supporting details. supporting details. 20.0 Examples of how Examples of how An example of how Examples of how Numerous %Examples of implementing implementing implementing implementing examples of how Success and servant leadership servant leadership servant leadership servant leadership implementing Positive principles has principles has principles has principles has servant leadership Impact helped the helped the helped the helped the principles has organization organization organization achieve organization helped the achieve success achieve success success while achieve success organization while having a while having a having a positive while having a achieve success positive impact on positive impact on impact on people positive impact on while having a people and the people and the and the community people and the positive impact on community are not community are is included but community are people and the included. incomplete or additional details are included along community are incorrect. needed for full with supporting included along with understanding. details. extensive supporting details. 20.0 Discussion of which Discussion of which Discussion of which Discussion of Discussion of %Discussion servant leadership servant leadership servant leadership which servant which servant of Valued principles you principles you principles you leadership leadership Servant recognize as most recognize as most recognize as most principles you principles you Leadership valuable and would valuable and would valuable and would recognize as most recognize as most Principles consider integrating consider integrating consider integrating valuable and valuable and would within your own within your own within your own would consider consider organization is not organization is organization is integrating within integrating within included. incomplete. included but lacks your own your own explanation and organization is organization is supporting details. complete and thorough and includes relevant includes numerous supporting details. supporting details. 20.0 No outside sources Few outside Research is Research is timely Research is %Research were used to sources were used adequate. Sources and relevant, and supportive of the support the to support the are standard in addresses all of rationale assignment. assignment. Limited relevance, quality of the issues stated presented. research is outside sources, or in the assignment Sources are apparent. timeliness. criteria. distinctive. Addresses all of the issues stated in the assignment criteria. 10.0 Surface errors are Frequent and Some mechanical Prose is largely The writer is clearly %Mechanics of pervasive enough repetitive errors or typos are free of mechanical in command of Writing that they impede mechanical errors present, but they are errors, although a standard, written, 2 AUSTRALIAN LAW (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is employed. distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied. not overly distracting few may be academic En to the reader. present. The writer Correct and varied uses a variety of sentence structure effective sentence and audiencestructures and appropriate figures of speech. language are employed.
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Interview Strategy
Institution Affiliation


Interview Strategy

The organization has a vision that has to be achieved through the use of the right resource
at the organization disposal. Some of the resources that are important and propel an organization
to achieve their goals are the workforce of the organization. However, the workforce needs to be
equipped and competent for the job. Therefore, it is the role of the manager to make use of the
interview process to obtain the best and qualified workers for his organization and ensure that
they are geared towards making the organization achieve its goal. Therefore, as a manager, you
ought to use the best interview strategy to get the best and qualified workers for the organization.
The best strategy to use for an interview is the one that has proper preparation and has a
set of guidelines. As a manager, you need to be focused on what you expect from the candidate
who will best fit for the job. The job description requires that the employee should perform
various tasks that are outlined in the job description (Woodcock, 2016). It states that the
employee shall perform all the duties that regard to his/her department and any other duty as
assigned by the supervisor.
The interview i...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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