science, bio, english and business

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I need one thing tomorrow and the other in the file will be in different day. so I can add more time after the one I need tomorrow. unless your a machine lol that can work fast.

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Module 2 Discussion 1: Close Reading Practice 1. Find a printed advertisement that you find interesting. This ad can be a billboard, a magazine ad, or an advertisement you find online, but it should not be a video (no television commercials). 2. Think: Look closely at the details of the advertisement: o What catches your attention? What do you see first? Second? Last? o What elements of the image are large or small? What elements are at the top of the ad or at the bottom? o What colors are used? o What font is used? o Where is the text placed? o How do the images and the text work together? 3. Write: Describe your reading of the advertisement: o Describe the significant details of the advertisement. o Discuss the impact and effectiveness of the elements you describe. What choices have the advertisers made to try to influence their viewers? What assumptions do the advertisers make about the identities of their viewers? Module 2 Discussion 2: Annotation and Textual Analysis Practice structions 1. Read the New York Times article, “The American Debate,” which is available through the CCCOnline Library in the Global Issues in Context database. 2. Use the Highlights and Notes tool to highlight and annotate as you read. (When you select text, you are given the option to highlight or add notes.) Read the article more than once! 3. Once you have annotated the article, use the Download option in the Tools block to download and save the article and your annotations to your computer. Choose PDF as the format in which to download the article and your notes. 4. Think: Think about the answers to the following questions: o What is the article’s thesis or purpose? o Who is the intended audience? o What is the article’s tone? Is the writing formal or informal? Is it emotional or logical? Humorous or serious? o Are there any words or language choices that stand out to you? o Does the writer use descriptive or figurative language? 5. Write: Write a paragraph describing the writer’s choices and discussing your impression of the article. Which of your observations do you think are most important to the article’s purpose and effectiveness? Use at least one quotation from the text to support your ideas. Be sure to use a correctly formatted in-text citation, using MLA Style, for that quotation and then create a Works Cited entry to correspond to that citation. 6. Attach the downloaded PDF copy of the article with your annotations to your post. MODULE 2 ASSIGNMENT: CLOSE ANALYSIS ESSAY Instructions 1. In the Discussion 2: Annotation and Textual Analysis Practice discussion, you were provided a specific article to analyze. For this essay assignment, you will choose another article on the same topic to analyze. 2. The CCCOnline Library provides access to scholarly research databases. You can also access these databases from a link provided on your D2L home page. 3. Once you are on the research databases page, scroll down to find the Global Issues in Context database. Select this database. Then select "Database Login." Log in with your S#. 4. Enter “American Identity” in the search box. Then, click the Global Viewpoints tab. Limit your search by clicking “Editorial” on the right side of the page (under "Limit Search By"). Choose one of the remaining articles to read for this assignment. 5. Closely read and annotate the article. (Hint: You can use the Highlights and Notes tool on the right side of the reading panel to annotate online.) 6. Choose just one paragraph of the article, or two consecutive paragraphs if they are less than four sentences each, to analyze for this essay. 7. Pre-Write: Think about the answers to the following questions: o What is the article’s thesis or purpose? What is this paragraph’s topic or purpose? o What is the paragraph’s tone? Is the writing formal or informal? Is it emotional or logical? Humorous or serious? Is it angry, sad, defensive, excited, compassionate, concerned, critical, frustrated, light-hearted, or worried? o Are there any words or language choices that stand out to you? o Does the writer use descriptive or figurative language? Does the writer repeat certain words? o Does the writer use dialogue/quotations, narration, description, or definitions? o How is this paragraph organized? Do you see patterns in the ideas or the sentences? Why do you think the writer made these choices? What effect do they have on the reader? What conclusions can you draw from your understanding of these choices? 8. Write: Construct an essay analyzing the details you find significant about this paragraph. This should not be a summary of or response to the content of the paragraph, but a detailed analysis of the words, tone, language, organization, purpose, etc. of the paragraph. o Create an introduction and thesis statement that show your overall assessment of the paragraph. o Use topic sentences and transitions to organize your body paragraphs. Your topic sentences should state your observations and conclusions. o Develop specific evidence for your ideas. Quote specific words and phrases from the paragraph that support your claims and conclusions. Use MLA Style in-text citations for each quotation. o Construct a conclusion paragraph that synthesizes your main points and offers closure. o Your essay should be about 750 words. o Your only source is the article you analyze; you should not use any additional sources for this assignment. 9. Be sure to use MLA Style to format this assignment. Apply MLA Style to all aspects of the paper, including the heading, title page, proper paragraph indentation and spacing, font, margins, size, etc. (For this assignment, a Works Cited page is not required.) Need help with MLA? Please refer to the CCCOnline MLA Citation Toolkit or consult the Purdue OWL for more information. 10. Proofread your work before submission. o Module 3 Discussion 1: Ask Questions and Construct a Hypothesis: How Do Insecticides Work? Answer this question: How does chlorpyrifos work? For your response, research chlorpyrifos and use your knowledge of enzymes gained from the text readings and Exploration page to answer the question. Make sure you write down the sources you use for your research. o Start your discussion post by describing how enzymes work, both structurally and energetically. Also, include how enzyme inhibitors work, including different types of inhibitors such as competitive, allosteric, and feedback inhibition. o Your next paragraph will focus on chlorpyrifos. You should find one to two reliable sources that discuss how chlorpyrifos works. This is also known as its mechanism of action. Focus on the enzyme the chlorpyrifos inhibits and its normal role in insect physiology, and what type of inhibitor chlorpyrifos is. o Finally, why might you expect chlorpyrifos to also be toxic to humans? Consider how you could use the scientific method to learn if chlorpyrifos is toxic to humans and how much. What questions would you want to research? What is your hypothesis and method? o o Describe your experiment including the independent, dependent and control variables. Also, describe the planned method and hypothesis. All references must be cited using APA Style. Business Prompt: This week you will study two important areas that drive the success of any business: scheduling (chapter 16) and Project Management (Chapter 17). Your discussion forum challenge this week is to find two online resources that provided you insight into each of these areas. The resources you choose are to be authoritative, relevant to the subject matter you studied this week, and provide insights beyond what you learned from your textbook readings. These resources can be either: (a) a YouTube video of over 10 minutes in length that provides an overview of scheduling or project management tools, methods, or systems or (b) an authoritative Website dedicated to informing and educating readers on scheduling or project management tools, methods, or systems Once you have found two authoritative resources, provide for the following in your discussion forum: 1. 2. 3. The presenters bona fides (creds) that caused you to believe the individual or organization is an authority on the subject (you will need to do some research on the individual or organization that provided the resource) A hyperlink (not just a URL) to the resource An overview of what this resource added to your learning that may not have been covered in your textbook 250 word intext citation and reference Science 133.the interaction between sunlight and our planet’s atmosphere is the cause of some beautiful effects (the colors of the sunset, the blue of the sky, the green ray, etc) but is also the cause of the greenhouse effect. How does the greenhouse effect work? Is it beneficial or harmful to humans?250 words
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Running Head: BUSINESS

Business Prompt
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Business Prompt
Business Tools for Scheduling by David Ingram
Business Tools for Scheduling |
David Bronson Ingram is an American philanthropist, successor, and a businessman. He
is currently the Ingram Entertainment's Chairman and President, which is the greatest video
games and DVDs distributor in the entire United States. Additionally, he is the Initiator and the
Chairman of the DBI Beverage, which is a California beers and soft drink distributor in regions
like Chico, Ukiah, San Francisco, and among others.
Extra Knowledge from the Resource
The business scheduling is the method of forming formal plans used in structuring the
compound projects. Scheduling tools, on the other hand, are those pieces of equipment that
operate for the day-to-day duties and responsibilities including shifts of the scheduling work and
placements of order. Additionally, these tools work for more significant projects like rearranging
the operational departments or creating new facilities. There are several scheduling tools;
however, the Program Evaluation and Review Technique / Critical Path Method and the Gantt
Charts are the noticeable common tools, which one can utilize manually or with the help of the
specific software. To begin with, PERT/CPM is that tool whose diagrams determines every submethod used in executing...

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