Public Meeting Assignment: Attend one public meeting outside of class and write a 2.5 page
summary. You may attend any type of meeting, but the meeting must discuss an environmental topic.
Meetings such as; City Council, Planning Commission, non-profit, any Government Agency, are acceptable.
pls look up the public meeting in my area which is San Jose California. You dont have to attend the meeting, just pretend you did and write the paper.

Explanation & Answer

Surname 1
The city council of San Jose California held a public meeting with the residents to discuss
how they were to correct the problem of sewage spills and trash into the rivers. Pollution of the
environment and in this case river is a significant issue that was discussed in the meeting. The
Guadalupe River is mainly affected where people throw trash into it. A member from the city
council stated that it is critical that we take care of our environment. Every person within the city
should take responsibility for ensuring that they dispose of their garbage correctly. Throwing
trash into the water sources exposes us all to the risk of contracting diseases that are associated
with contaminated water. These diseases are such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery.
Taking responsibility will ensure that we stop polluting the environment, specifically
water sources, and also correct any person we may find throwing garbage into the river. Water is
an essential element in human life, a...