pcn week 2 discussion questions

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DQ 1

Discuss the importance of using the MCMI-IV when assessing the mental status of a client. Can the MCMI-IV be useful in assessing emotional status as well? Why or why not? Provide specific examples to support your position.

DQ 2

What are some strengths and challenges of MCMI-IV for assessing mental status? Do you feel that this MCMI-IV is a good method to assess emotional status? Why or why not? Provide specific examples to support your position.

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Explanation & Answer

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Running Head: MCMI-IV


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Discuss the importance of using the MCMI-IV when assessing the mental status of a
client. The MCMI-IV is a self-report questionnaire that is used to help clinicians evaluate,
diagnose and treat individuals who have interposed and emotional hardships. It is used to
diagnose mental disorders and can aid in decision making when treatment is being sought.
Deeper pervasive clinical issues can also be diagnosed using the technique. It provides
information about patients who are undergoing psychiatric and psychological assessment.
The MCMI-IV has incorporated personality scale and...

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