Data Structures question- JAVA

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De Anza College


In this lab you will explore two implementations of the ADT list. The first implementation will use an array and the second will use a linked structure. In both cases you will create new methods that work directly with the implementations. You will implement a reverse method that will reverse the order of the items in the list. You will also implement a cycle method that will move the first item in the list to the last position. The java files are attached as word documents since I cannot attach a .java file.

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import*; /** A linked implementation of the ADT List. * * This code is from Chapter 14 of * Data Structures and Abstractions with Java 4/e * @author Frank M. Carrano * * Modifications were made by Charles Hoot: * The toString method is overwritten to give a nice display of the items in * the list in this format { } * * An alternate display method has been created to print the list one item * to a line along with the index * * Stubs were added for the methods needed to complete Lab 13 * * @version 4.0 */ class LList implements ListInterface { private Node firstNode; // Reference to first node of chain private int numberOfEntries; public LList() { initializeDataFields(); } // end default constructor public void clear() { initializeDataFields(); } // end clear // Initialize the class's data fields to indicate an empty list. private void initializeDataFields() { firstNode = null; numberOfEntries = 0; } public void add(T newEntry) { Node newNode = new Node(newEntry); if (isEmpty()) { firstNode = newNode; } else // Add to end of nonempty list { Node lastNode = getNodeAt(numberOfEntries); lastNode.setNextNode(newNode); // Make last node reference new node } // end if numberOfEntries++; } // end add public void add(int newPosition, T newEntry) { if ((newPosition >= 1) && (newPosition 1 Node nodeBefore = getNodeAt(newPosition - 1); Node nodeAfter = nodeBefore.getNextNode(); newNode.setNextNode(nodeAfter); nodeBefore.setNextNode(newNode); } // end if numberOfEntries++; } else { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal position given to add operation."); } } // end add public T remove(int givenPosition) { T result = null; // Teturn value if ((givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition = 1) && (givenPosition = 1) && (givenPosition
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