Answer these five discussion questions.

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Business Finance


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a omar C Chegg: Organizational Beha x Organizationa X 4 G: C Bb My Blackboard Content - BX S SOLUTION: Case Study Pap X S SOLUTION: Case Study Pap X 6 Howard Community College x Secure!/4/8/4/2/48/2/2/2/2@0:66.4 Terepas • Cognitive coping Table of Contents • Problem-focused coping • Emotion-focused coping Q Search contents • Burnout • Type A Behavior Pattern • Social support Supplement Features • Instrumental support • Emotional support McGraw-Hill Connect p. 135 p. 135 p. 135 p. 139 p. 139 p. 141 p. 141 p. 141 xiv xvi xviii Brief Contents DISCUSSION QUESTIONS xix Contents Half Title Page PART 1 INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 5.1 Prior to reading this chapter, how did you define stress? Did your definition of stress reflect stressors, the stress process, strains, or some combination? 5.2 Describe your dream job and then provide a list of the types of stressors that you would expect to be present. How much of your salary, if any at all, would you give up to eliminate the most important hindrance stressors? Why? 53 If you had several job offers after graduating, to what degree would the level of challenge stressors in the different jobs influence your choice of which job to take? Why? 54 How would you assess your ability to handle stress? Given the information provided in this chapter, what could you do to improve your effectiveness in this area? 5.5 If you managed people in an organization in which there were lots of hindrance stressors, what actions would you take to help ensure that your employees coped with the stressors using a problem-focused (as opposed to emotion-focused) strategy? > 93 PART 2 INDIVIDUAL MECHANISMS > 265 PART 3 INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS > Page 152 CASE: INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 337 PART 4 GROUP MECHANISMS > 479 PART 5 ORGANIZATIONAL MECHANISMS > 540 INTEGRATIVE CASES Each year the IRS processes approximately 240 million tax returns and collects about $3 trillion. This is a huge amount of money, constituting more than 90 percent of all receipts to the United States. This fact is not lost to IRS employees, who find great satisfaction in knowing that their efforts help keep the country running. At the same time, however, being an IRS employee is difficult, in part, because the public doesn't appreciate the agency's mission. To most people, the IRS is responsible for the cost and hassle of filing and paying taxes, time-consuming audits, and seizures of homes and businesses. In fact, although IRS employees feel their jobs are personally meaningful, they are often unwilling to tell acquaintances who they work for. There are several reasons why working at the IRS has been made even more difficult over the last several years. First, in an attempt to make the IRS more efficient, the agency was reorganized from a decentralized structure with 33 regions responsible for different functions (collections, customer service, audits, and criminal investigations) to a centralized structure with four national units that serve different customers individuals, small businesses, large corporations, and nonprofits). This change reduced interaction among team members, and along with it, camaraderie and social support. Second, there have been significant budget cuts, and as a consequence, there are fewer employees and resources available to accomplish the work. Employees not only have to perform the responsibilities of multiple jobs, but they also have to spend their own money on basic supplies like pens, paper, and staples. Finally, a number of well-publicized scandals have worsened the public's perception of the agency. You may remember the well-publicized video of IRS executives dressed as Star Trek characters, the news clip of the IRS employees staying in lavish presidential suites at a conference, and the news story of employees being rehired by the agency after they were fired for not paying their taxes. Although these incidents were a function of a few bad apples, they reflected poorly on the agency and were demoralizing to employees. To make matters worse, there are signs that the agency's effectiveness is declining. For example, only 40 percent of all people who call the IRS for help ever get thr 549 GLOSSARY/SUBJECT INDEX 569 NAME INDEX 0 583 COMPANY INDEX h
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Discussion questions
Institutional affiliation
Prior to reading the chapter, I defined stress as things that make me feel unrelaxed. For example,
not having enough time, or not having the resources I need such as money. In addition, I also
thought that stress could result from unnecessary demands from my parents. Indeed, my
definition of stress reflected strains mentioned. In most cases, the strai...

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