physical security

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Using the school library, other credible sources and proper APA formatting write 4-6 pages on the following as they relate to physical security.

What is minimum security?

What is low level security?

What is medium security?

What is high level security?

What is maximum security?

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Physical Security
Institutional Affiliation



Physical security involves denying entrance or access to an unauthorized party to protect
other individuals or property from harm. There are various strategies that can be enacted in order
to enhance physical security. Physical security also involves the use of equipment such as CCTV
cameras, surveillance and access controls to improve the security of a given area or protect
certain people, property or organization from damage. The damage could arise from thugs,
thieves who may steal an organization's property or other malicious individuals. The paper will
explore the forms of security prisons that relate to physical security. They include minimum,
low-level, medium, high-level, and maximum security (Rafter, 2017).
Minimum security
A minimum security refers to a prison or center for detention whereby the restrictions on
the prisoners are few as compared to the normal jails and prisons. It is also referred to as Federal
Prison Camp, whereby individuals who have committed a crime that is not related to violence are
detained. In this case, the minimum security prisons hold the individuals who appear to cause
fewer damages and who are considered as less risky or dangerous individual in the society. In
this case, minimum security is related to physical security as the detained individuals are
prevented from accessing the rest of the public and causing any form of injury or damages to the
other people (Rafter, 2017).
The physical security and protection of the properties are assured of locking the criminals
into the minimum security prisons. An advantage of this type of physical security is that the
individuals who have been locked up are given training through certain programs and most of
them end up being rehabilitated and change their behaviors (Rafter, 2017). One of the



disadvantages of this type of physical security is that the individuals who have been locked
inside the minimum security prison can find an opportunity of escaping from the prisons much
easily as there is no much pressure and restriction exerted to them. In minimum security house
units, the doors are not locked and they are allowed to access facilities that will make their lives
to be of more value.
Low-level security
Low-level security is also referred to as Federal Correctional Institutions. In this case, the
individuals who are being detained have a little history or background information relating to
cases of violence. For the prisoners to be qualified in this case, they must have approximately
less than twenty years in prison from their sentence date. Individuals with a crime that involves
sexual immorality or harassment are also detained in the low-level security prisons. In this type
of prison, cases of violence are le...

Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.


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