Answer the following question

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Health Medical


Answer the following question

1 Question 1

Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question?

In patients who have experienced an acute MI how does being a smoker influence death and infarction rates during the first 5 years after MI?

Question 1

P (Population)

I (Intervention)

C (Comparison Group)

O (Outcome)

Question 2

Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question?

In patients with type 2 Diabetes and obesity, is bariatric surgery more effective than standard medical therapy at increasing the probability of remission of diabetes.

Question 2 options:

P (Population)

I (Intervention)

C (Comparison Group)

O (Outcome)

T (Time)

Question 3

Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question?

Are serial 12-lead EKG compared to one initial 12-lead EKG more accurate in diagnosis of an acute MI over 3 days

Question 3 options:

P (Population)

I (Intervention)

C (Comparison Group)

O (Outcome)

Question 4 Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question?

Do women with high blood pressure, during their first year after a hysterectomy, have an increase risk for heart disease?

Question 4 options:

P (Population

I (Intervention)

C (Comparison Group)

O (Outcome)

T (Time)

Question 4 which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question?

Do women with high blood pressure, during their first year after a hysterectomy, have an increased risk for heart disease?

Question 4 options:

P (Population)

I (Intervention)

C (Comparison Group)

O (Outcome)

T (Time)

Question 5

Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question?

How does the use of an influenza vaccine compare to not receiving vaccine influence the risk of developing pneumonia during flu season?

Question 5 options:

P (Population)

I (Intervention)

C (Comparison Group)

O (Outcome)

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Answer the following question 1 Question 1 Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question? In patients who have experienced an acute MI how does being a smoker influence death and infarction rates during the first 5 years after MI? Question 1 P (Population) I (Intervention) C (Comparison Group) O (Outcome) Question 2 Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question? In patients with type 2 Diabetes and obesity, is bariatric surgery more effective than standard medical therapy at increasing the probability of remission of diabetes. Question 2 options: P (Population) I (Intervention) C (Comparison Group) O (Outcome) T (Time) Question 3 Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question? Are serial 12-lead EKG compared to one initial 12-lead EKG more accurate in diagnosis of an acute MI over 3 days Question 3 options: P (Population) I (Intervention) C (Comparison Group) O (Outcome) Question 4 Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question? Do women with high blood pressure, during their first year after a hysterectomy, have an increase risk for heart disease? Question 4 options: P (Population I (Intervention) C (Comparison Group) O (Outcome) T (Time) Question 4 which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question? Do women with high blood pressure, during their first year after a hysterectomy, have an increased risk for heart disease? Question 4 options: P (Population) I (Intervention) C (Comparison Group) O (Outcome) T (Time) Question 5 Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question? How does the use of an influenza vaccine compare to not receiving vaccine influence the risk of developing pneumonia during flu season? Question 5 options: P (Population) I (Intervention) C (Comparison Group) O (Outcome)
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Answer the following question

1 Question 1
Which of the following components of a PICOT question is absent from the following clinical question?
In patients who have experienced an acute MI how does being a smoker influence death and infarction
rates during the first 5 years after MI?
Question 1
P (Population)
I (Intervention)
C (Comparison Group)
O (Outcome)


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