Israel - Report

User Generated


Business Finance


in addition to my first portion which you completely earlier: (4- 5 pages double spaced)

Group Project Format


  1. Environmental Assessment (for entire country) Sabrina

Physical Setting

Map of country

Population density and distribution

Major cities and possible sites for locating operation Economic Factors

Current employment rate

Minimum wage and prevailing wages

Average income, in local currency and US$ equivalent Purchasing power parity

Income distribution

Membership in regional trading blocks Major industries and products

Labor Force

Labor unions (if any)

Quality and availability of labor force Population education, literacy levels, and skills

Special issues affecting expatriate workers (if any) Government sponsored training programs

Legal and Political Environment Assessment of political stability and risk

Employment law that may impact your business plans or strategies Requirements of any trading block memberships

Immigration law

Work permits for foreign workers

Work rules for spouse of expatriate workers (if any) Culture

Language (s)

Religion (s)

Dominant cultural values Work motivation and practices Values, beliefs, and attitudes Gender attitudes and issues

Hofstede dimensions (optional) Other cultural issues for expatriates

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Explanation & Answer





Israel Report
Institutional Affiliation:


Israel Report

Environmental Assessment
Physical Assessment
The geographical setting of Israel is a diverse one with snow-capped mountains towards
the North and desert conditions in the south. It is in the Western Asia continent to the Eastern
border of the Mediterranean Sea. The countries bordering this country include; Egypt, Jordan,
West Bank, Syria, and Lebanon. The Mediterranean Sea is located to the Western side of Israel.
This sea covers most of its coastline which extends up to 273 kilometers. The Gaza Strip also
forms 59 kilometers of Israel’s coastline.
The Negev desert covers much of Israel’s southern land (16000 square kilometers). This
is even more than half the total area of the country. The Judean Desert is located to the North of
the Negev desert. At the border of this desert with Jordan, there is the Dead Sea which is
considered to be the lowest point on earth.
Coming to the inland area, the Judean Hills dominate most of the West Bank land. The
Fertile Israeli Coastal Plains dominate the northern and central coastlines. Coming towards the
inland of the northern region is the mountain range of the Mount Carmel followed by the fertile
Valley of Jezreel then the Galilee region which is hilly. Beyond this is the sea of Galilee.
The Jordan Rift Valley divides the country into the Arabian Plate and the African Plate.
This kind of tectonic disposition makes the region to have high seismic activity. Although the
most recent earthquakes were experienced several years back (31 BCE, 363, 749 and 1033 CE),
the event of earthquakes occurring in the future cannot be ruled out. This has ...

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