A3 problem-solving document

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Business Finance


filling out the first half of your A3 problem-solving document.

filling out the first half of your A3 problem-solving document.

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Ongoing project: The first half of the A3 problem-solving document (Core) Instructions For this activity, you will be filling out the first half of your A3 problem-solving document. Download the template from the Online Campus. Then, using the problem statement you developed in Module 3, and drawing on your investigation into the current design of your identified problematic process, fill out the following sections of the A3 document: • Problem statement (along with background information) • Current design • Root causes You may include supplementary work that informs the completion of your assignment. However, please limit this to an image representing the current workflow, assuming you are otherwise unable to fit the image into the given template. Note: Please do not fill out the rest of the A3 documente at this stage of the program. You will be given the opportunity to return to your form during Module 6. Question For this activity, you will be filling out the first half of your A3 problem-solving document. Download the template from the Online Campus. Then, using the problem statement you developed in Module 3, and drawing on your investigation into the current design of your identified problematic process, fill out the following sections of the A3 document: • Problem statement (along with background information) • Current design • Root causes You may include supplementary work that informs the completion of your assignment. However, limit this to a photograph or diagram representing the current workflow that you are otherwise unable to fit into the given template. Note: Please do not fill out the rest of the A3 document at this stage of the program. You will be given the opportunity to return to your form during Module 6. Instructions for submission: 1. Right click on the activity template file on the Online Campus (OLC), and open with Adobe Reader 11. (Ensure that you open the file itself on your desktop, and not just in your online browser.) 2. Fill in the necessary answers. 3. Save your answers in the activity template, either by clicking “save” or “save as”. 4. Rename your copy of the template with your name and module number. For example, “Zadie Smith M4 Ongoing Project”. 5. Open your activity template (as instructed in step 1) after you saved it, and verify that your content was saved correctly. 6. Upload your activity template to the Online Campus. Problem Statement: “Harley-Davidson values the need to develop quality products at the least possible costs and shortest time possible. However, the costs and time of production have been on the rise. Due to these problems, raising the current prices and reducing the number of motorcycles produced within annually may be inevitable in the foreseeable future. Since this could be lead to a decline in productivity, customer satisfaction, and sustainability of the company, it is necessary to find a long-lasting solution” Assignment Rubric Your submission will be reviewed using this rubric. Criteria not met Adherence to the brief Criteria met No submission or Participant has Good Exceptional Participant has Participant has attempted to addressed the addressed all Participant has addressed each address the required required component required in individual required components in components in the sections of the A3 problem- components in the the A3 problem- A3 problem- solving document. A3 problem- solving solving solving document. The document. All document. information information provided is provided is relevant. coherent and attempt relevant. Problem statement No submission or Submission Submission Submission attempts to provides adequate provides deep Submission provides background provide context insight into the insight into the information and successfully for a particular context for a context for a implements the five basic organizational particular particular elements of a good problem problem. organizational organizational statement, in that it connects the Participant has problem, while problem, while problem with a goal, it articulates attempted to implementing implementing all a clear gap between the current provide a problem most of the basic five of the basic state and the goal, the key statement. attempt. elements of a elements of a variables are quantifiable, the good problem good problem statement is as neutral as statement. statement. possible, and it is sufficiently small in scope. No submission or Participant has Participant has attempt. attempted to provided a good provided a Submission provides evidence that describe the description of the detailed, coherent, the participant has conducted a current design of current design of and insightful thorough investigation regarding the work under the work under description of the the current design of a particular investigation. investigation. current design of Current design problematic business process. Participant has the work under investigation. No submission or Participant has Participant Participant attempt. attempted to connects insightfully Submission incorporates conduct a root investigation connects comments on the organization, as cause analysis. outcomes with investigation a system, and connects the the problem outcomes with the outcomes of the investigation into statement, and problem the current design to the problem demonstrates a statement, and statement. clear systems- demonstrates a Root cause thinking approach clear and cogent to root cause systems-thinking analysis. approach to root cause analysis.
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Target Design
-An increase in costs and time
of production are persistent
and result to a decline in
productivity, customer
satisfaction, and sustainability
of the company.
-Best practices in balancing
the current motorcycle prices
and reducing rate of annual
Utilize: production costs and

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