Case Study and Discussion Question?

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Computer Science


Question 1.)

Your boss mentions that recently a number of employees have received calls from individuals who didn't identify themselves and asked a lot of questions about the company and its computer infrastructure. At first, he thought this was just a computer vendor who was trying to sell your company some new product, but no vendor has approached the company. He also says several strange e-mails requesting personal information have been sent to employees, and quite a few people have been seen searching your company's trash dumpsters for recyclable containers. Your boss asks what you think about all of these strange incidents. Respond and be sure to provide recommendations on what should be done about the various incidents.

Subject Topic: Topic is related to Information Security Subject

Question 2.)

Importance of “Creating a Methodology” in Project Management? Can PMO implement the acceleration process?

Subject Topic: Topic is related to Project Management Subject

Note for Question 1 & 2:Please write 600 words for each question. Also mention 2 refernces for each questions

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Explanation & Answer




Project management
Institution affiliation



Project management is no longer a new term in the modern world. The organization through the
management has the overall responsibility of ensuring the success of every objective laid down
in the organization strategic plan. There are therefore expected to develop the necessary
monitoring and control processes that will ensure the company experiences the required success
at all levels. Essentially project management features as one of the tools that help the
organization in realizing the goals and the objectives laid out in the strategic plan. The
management has the responsibility of ensuring that the project has led to positive outcomes. Poor
project management and control will lead to loss of resources increase in cost and failure to stick
to the scope of the project thus leading to a total failure of the project. Thus it is important to
understand the project methodology as it is the backbone of every project.
The project management office has the sole responsibility of ensuring that the necessary
methodology is selected by the organization. The office can stand firm and accelerate the
implementation of every process in a project given that they understand the methodology. Since
the office features right from the initial stages of the project, they are bound by the methodology
and must stick to the scope defined by this methodology. Essentially a project cannot be put to
completion without having an evaluation of the methodology given that this methodology
defines the lengths and the subsequent results that the project must realize. It is logical to every
member of project management to have an understanding of the methodology as applied through
the organization.
The methodology defines the need to have the project management office accelerate the

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