- 1,500 Word Paper on "The Feast of Pentecost"
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Student Name: George Kouranos
Course: Seven Feasts of Israel 196OT
Title: "The Feast of Pentecost"
Some details about the topic, or main points etc. (background) However, you need to research more :)
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The Feast of Pentecost
The Feast of Pentecost
The Feast of Pentecost takes place on the fiftieth day of Passover or after seven weeks. It
commemorates the day the Holy Spirit descended on to the apostles of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.
It happened at a time when they celebrated the Feast of Weeks as evidenced in the book of Acts.
Pentecost is a Greek word which means fiftieth since it’s the festival occurring on the fiftieth
day. According to Judaism, the Festival of Weeks was one festival which got celebrated after the
Feast of Unleavened Bread’s first sabbath located in the book of Deuteronomy 16. The festival's
other known name is the feast of harvest and day of first fruits. The text of Exodus 34 calls the
Festival of Weeks as the "firstfruits of wheat harvest." "Feast of Weeks" day first came about
after seven weeks which followed the first grain harvest. The Jewish tradition regards the fiftieth
day as Festival of Weeks. The temple's destruction in 70 AD saw a change in how celebrations
got carried. The offerings could not get taken to the temple, and it had a different focus which led
to the Sinai incident. The feast ultimately got the name Pentecost from the Greek word
Pentekoste which refers to the fiftieth day.
The Mount Sinai incident saw Moses given the law by God. Before that, God had given a
command to the Israelites to observe a feast on the 50th day after the Passover. The feast was the
Pentecost day, and the Mount Sinai experience give s a picture of the Pentecost. Having an
understanding of this day will be useful in acknowledging the importance of the second chapter
of Acts about Pentecost. On the fiftiet...