Topic 1: Online Research - Topic of Choice Wk 2 DQ

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Online Research - Topic of Choice

Class: In this Week 2 discussion you are going to conduct Online Research: Locate a Current Event, Article or Journal that describes one of the following: (You only need to select one of your choice)

  • Bounce Rates
  • Conversions
  • JavaScript Tags
  • Unique Visitors
  • Explain your selection why you selected this topic.
  • Describe in your comments the importance and relevance your topic has to web analytics.
  • Illustrate a few examples of how your topic is used in web analytics.

Helpful Readings: Be sure to review the Week 2 Lessons for additional reading materials and information. (You may use these or select your own from your own research)

Additional and helpful resources:

Locate book “Web Analytics an Hour a Day” by Avinash Kaushik in the APUS Library, pages 168-170, and 172-173, and 30-33 and 132-135 will be most helpful.

Locate book “Web Analytics 2.0” by Avinash Kaushik in the APUS Library, pages 76-77, and 55-56, and page 139 and 38-39 will be most helpful.

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