2-3 page paper

User Generated


Computer Science


To assist LSS, your contract has been expanded to also perform an access control audit.

  • Describe the process needed to perform the audit.
  • Discuss typical devices, or assets, and possible issues associated with auditing a typical network environment (including a database with health care information, an HR database and application, and call center workstations that access information considered to be private).
  • List and describe at least 4 possible examples.

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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: AUDITING


Control access auditing

Name of student

Name of course

Affiliated institution
Instructor’s name



Describe the process needed to perform the audit.

Access control is a necessary step in mitigating the organization's security risks. It is
therefore mandatory to ensure that the auditing process is done as effectively as possible. The
implementation of access control is to ensure that external and internal organization users only
have access to the relevant resources they need in their activities and respective tasks, this
prevents wasting resources which is beneficial to the organization.
For the maximum economic application of the resources through access control, there is a
need for a financial inspection done as an audit. The process needed for an audit control must be
systemic and professional. The ...

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