Case study about a car company

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  • Review your job description, business plans, business goals and policies and procedures.
  • Based on your job description, establish four goals (including both personal and team goals).
  • Develop KPIs to measure performance related to work goals.
    • How the KPIs will be used to measure goal-related performance.
    • How you will maintain performance under varying conditions and contingencies. Give specific examples.
    • How, given your own personal strengths and weaknesses, you will capitalise on or minimise the effect of these personal traits in your work plans.
  • Consider a range of activities to advance work goals. Prioritise possible activities. Choose two work goals to develop work plans for.
  • Referring to the template provided in Appendix 1 as an example, use Microsoft Word to develop two work plans to achieve the two goals you have prioritised.
  • In your journal, describe:
    • How you will ensure you serve as a positive role model through work planning and organisation. Give examples. Describe how your work plans serve as examples to follow in your workplace.
    • How you will maintain appropriate work–life balance, manage stress and maintain health.

In your journal, provide a list of the organisation’s policies, procedures and plans that will inform team and personal goal setting.

In your journal, describe how and why you established goals. Explain the value of personal and team goal-setting in Fixmycar Pty Ltd.

In your journal, describe:

In your journal, describe the process you undertook to prioritise activities. Describe competing demands and how you plan to manage these to achieve goals.

In your journal, describe the process of developing your plans to manage work priorities. Describe how you have used the plans to manage time efficiently.

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Australian Ideal College RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-8-8123 5780 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: Website: Educating for Excellence Assessment Cover Sheet Course Diploma of Leadership and Management BSB51915 Term/Block Unit Code BSBWOR501 Unit Name Manage personal work priorities and professional development Assessment Type Assessment Task 1 – Case study Time allowed Date Room Instructions for completing this form • • • • • Complete Sections A and B Attach this two-page cover sheet to your assessment submission Submit your assessment to your trainer/assessor Retain Section B as proof of submission Please refer to the Plagiarism Policy and Assessment Appeal and Reassessment Policy in the Student Handbook for more information. Section A – Student Details (student to complete) Student Name Student ID Student Declaration • • • I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. I have read the Assessment and Student Handbook and I understand all the rules and guidelines for undertaking assessments. I give permission for my assessment material to be used for continuous improvement purposes. Signature: ____________________________ Date submitted: ____/_____/_____ Section B – Receipt (student to keep a signed copy of this section as proof of submission) (Student to complete) (Assessment receiver to complete) Student name: Date received: Student no: Received by: ____/_____/_____ Task No.: AIC-UP- BSBWOR501–V2.0 Page 1 of 7 Australian Ideal College RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-8-8123 5780 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: Website: Educating for Excellence Section C – Assessment Result (Assessor to complete) Assessment Completion Status (Please Circle) Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Assessor name: Assessor signature: Date assessed: ____/_____/_____ Comments (Assessor to complete) AIC-UP- BSBWOR501–V2.0 Page 2 of 7 Australian Ideal College Educating for Excellence RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-8-8123 5780 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: Website: Assessment Task 1- Manage personal work priorities Instruction for the student This is an individual assessment. You are required to demonstrate the ability to establish personal work goals. The candidate will also demonstrate the ability to set and meet work priorities. If you need help understanding any questions, ask your assessor to explain. For this task, you will set work goals and prioritise work goals. You will then develop two work plans to achieve two work goals. You are required to keep a journal containing your reflections on and explanation of the process of managing work priorities. Read the case study, then complete all the requirements as directed. Case Study Fixmycar Pty Ltd is a roadside service company that has been operating in Australia for the last 3 year. Key services include: • Towing Assistance • Flat battery assistance • Flat Tire Assistance • Emergency key service • Collision Assistance • Water/Fuel/Oil/Fluid Delivery Services The company has three main departments: sales, call centre and roadside service. You have just begun work as the sales manager in Fixmycar Pty Ltd. You know that to effectively lead your team you need to be organised, focussed and skilled. To achieve this, you have decided to establish your personal work goals and you need to review your job description, business plans, business goals and policies and procedures Company mission: • To build and operate a nationally recognised brand in the roadside service industry by utilising a partnership within the automotive industry and affiliate companies with a focus on providing premium service. • To offer the premiere 24/7 roadside assistance program in Australia that is affordable to all and exceeds customers’ expectations. AIC-UP- BSBWOR501–V2.0 Page 3 of 7 Australian Ideal College Educating for Excellence RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-8-8123 5780 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: Website: Strategic plan The organisation has the strategic objective to grow the services component of the business in the next twelve months. Their objective is to improve profitability by 20% by 30 June 201X. JOB DESCRIPTION: Sales Manager • Manages sales of the company’s products and services in within a defined geographic area. • Ensures consistent, profitable growth in sales revenues through positive planning, deployment and management of sales personnel. • Identifies objectives, strategies and action plans to improve short- and long-term sales and earnings. CORE FUNCTIONS: • Collaborates with Director of Sales in establishing and recommending the most realistic sales goals for the company. • Manages an assigned geographic sales area or product line to maximize sales revenues and meet corporate objectives. • Establishes and manages effective programs to compensate, coach, appraise and train sales personnel. DETAILS OF FUNCTION: • Performs sales activities on major accounts and negotiates sales price and discounts in consultation with Director of Sales. • Manages personnel and develops sales and sales support staff. • Reviews progress of sales roles throughout the company. • Accurately forecasts annual, quarterly and monthly revenue streams. • Develops specific plans to ensure revenue growth in all company’s products. • Provides quarterly results assessments of sales staff’s productivity. • Coordinates proper company resources to ensure efficient and stable sales results. • Formulates all sales policies, practices and procedures. • Assists sales personnel in establishing personal contact and rapport with top echelon decision-makers. • Collaborates with Director of Sales to develop sales strategies to improve market share in all product lines. • Interprets short- and long-term effects on sales strategies in operating profit. • Educates sales team by establishing programs/seminars in the areas of new account sales and growth, sales of emerging products and multi-product sales, profitability, improved presentation strategies, competitive strategies, proper use and level of sales support, management of expenses and business/financial issues on contracts. • Collaborates with Director of Sales to establish and control budgets for sales promotion and trade show expenses. • Reviews expenses and recommends economies. • Holds regular meeting with sales staff. REPORTING: Report directly to Director of Sales. QUALIFICATIONS: • A university degree in marketing or business studies is preferred; or a minimum of seven years of related experience; or the equivalent combination of formal education and experience. AIC-UP- BSBWOR501–V2.0 Page 4 of 7 Australian Ideal College Educating for Excellence • • • • • RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-8-8123 5780 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: Website: Problem-solving and analytical skills to interpret sales performance and market trend information. Proven ability to motivate and lead the sales team. Experience in developing marketing and sales strategies. Excellent oral and written communication skills, plus a good working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite is required. A valid driver’s license. Professional Development Policy (Extract) Purpose This policy seeks to balance the needs of staff for professional development, the needs of the organisation for properly qualified staff, and the need to staff the organisation’s services. The purpose of this policy is • to encourage and support employees in their professional and career development as part of their employment with the organisation; • to provide administrative guidelines to facilitate fairness and equity in the application of these general principles. Policy 1. Position-specific professional development Where the CEO decides that it is necessary for a staff member to acquire a particular skill, to learn specific material, or to acquire specific qualifications in order for them to carry out the duties attached to their existing position, the organisation shall be fully responsible for all costs incurred in acquiring that skill, that learning, or that qualification, and the staff member shall, where necessary, be given permission to attend any such course within working hours. It would normally be expected that any such requirements would have been taken into account in the drawing up of a position description and set out in the criteria for selection; it would thus seldom be the case that continuing employees would be required to acquire new qualifications. 2. Non-position-specific professional development In its performance review procedures the organisation shall in every case encourage the person concerned to explore their available professional development options. Where an employee wishes to pursue further education or training but the CEO has not required that person to acquire a particular skill, to learn specific material, or to acquire specific qualifications to carry out the duties attached to their existing position, the organisation shall endeavour to facilitate such education or training through ▪ permitting (at the discretion of the CEO, and taking into account the efficiency of the workplace) any rearrangement of working hours that would assist such development ▪ permitting (at the discretion of the CEO, and taking into account the efficiency of the workplace) any use by the person of the organisation’s equipment or services that would assist in that development ▪ permitting (at the discretion of the CEO, and taking into account the efficiency of the workplace) any annual leave or unpaid leave arrangements that would assist in that development ▪ granting up to two days study leave as necessary to attend examinations. Educational or training requirements involving reimbursement of fees or provision of paid study leave may also be negotiated as part of the contract of employment between the employee and the organisation. Requirements 1. Review your job description, business plans, business goals and policies and procedures. In your journal, provide a list of the organisation’s policies, procedures and plans that will inform team and personal goal setting. AIC-UP- BSBWOR501–V2.0 Page 5 of 7 Australian Ideal College Educating for Excellence RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G ABN: 15 126 592 756 Sydney Campus: Level 7 & 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Adelaide Campus: Level 3, 21-23 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000 Hobart Campus: Ground Floor, 116 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: +61-8-8123 5780 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: Website: 2. Based on your job description, establish four goals (including both personal and team goals). In your journal, describe how and why you established goals. Explain the value of personal and team goal-setting in Fixmycar Pty Ltd. 3. Develop KPIs to measure performance related to work goals. In your journal, describe: a. How the KPIs will be used to measure goal-related performance. b. How you will maintain performance under varying conditions and contingencies. Give specific examples. c. How, given your own personal strengths and weaknesses, you will capitalise on or minimise the effect of these personal traits in your work plans. 4. Consider a range of activities to advance work goals. Prioritise possible activities. Choose two work goals to develop work plans for. In your journal, describe the process you undertook to prioritise activities. Describe competing demands and how you plan to manage these to achieve goals. 5. Referring to the template provided in Appendix 1 as an example, use Microsoft Word to develop two work plans to achieve the two goals you have prioritised. In your journal, describe the process of developing your plans to manage work priorities. Describe how you have used the plans to manage time efficiently. 6. In your journal, describe: a. How you will ensure you serve as a positive role model through work planning and organisation. Give examples. Describe how your work plans serve as examples to follow in your workplace. b. How you will maintain appropriate work–life balance, manage stress and maintain health. 7. Submit your work plans and journal to your assessor. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records. To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following: You must provide: • two work plans produced using Microsoft Word • a journal. AIC-UP- BSBWOR501–V2.0 Page 6 of 7 Australian Ideal College Registered as Australian Ideal College Pty. Ltd. ABN: 15 126 592 756 RTO No.: 91679 CRICOS Provider Code: 03053G Campus: Level 8, 75 King St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Tel: +61-2-9262 2968 Fax: +61-2-9262 2938 Email: Website: Educating for Excellence Appendix 1 – Work plan Work activity AIC-UP- BSBWOR501–V2.0 Description Goal/s KPIs Timeframe Person responsible Page 7 of 7
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Sales Manager’s Journal




There is constant pressure from the world, all around, forcing people to distribute their
energy to different tasks, some of which are trivial. As a sales manager at Fixmycar Pty Ltd, I
will be required to remain focused and committed to my responsibilities and to achieving the
goals set by the company. I will be required to be a role model and a leader of a team of sales
personnel. Setting goals will enable me to remain focused on achieving what I have set to
achieve, be a role model and a leader (Zimmerman et al., 2015). I will be required to set both
team goals and personal goals. I have to ensure that my team has well-defined, well-set, and
motivating goals. I also need to set my own personal goals for my growth and performance.
The organization’s plans, procedures, and policies that will inform my goal setting, both
personal and team goals are;
1. The company’s goal to offer an affordable and 24/7 premiere roadside assistance program
to all customers, and that exceeds the expectations of the customers.
2. My role as the company’s sales manager with the duty to ensure profitable growth in
sales revenue which is consistent, by managing the sales team, deployment and positive
3. The company’s strategic plan to grow the business’ services component in the next
twelve years and to improve profitability by 30 June 2019 by 20%.
4. The company’s Professional Development Policy that balances between the need to staff
the company’s services, the needs of the company for well-qualified staff and
professional development.
Personal and Team Goals
The personal goals that I have set for myself are;
1. I will be meeting each salesperson weekly for updates on their progress, their challenges,
and feedback. By this, I will ensure that the sales personnel remain committed to their
2. In every 12 months, I will be attending three seminars. I will be attending these seminars
to improve my skills which are job-related like effective coaching, to acquire collateral
competencies like strategic planning skills and to acquire more knowledge, for instance,
about a certain market segment or product line.
The team goals that I have set for the sales team are;
1. To increase the company sales by 20% by the end of the first quarter.
2. To start a new service in the company by the end of the second quarter based on the
feedback we will collect from the customers.
I established these goals by first analyzing the company’s procedures, goals, policies and
what is expected of me as the sales manager and the sales team. I mapped out what I wanted to
achieve by the end of this year and the results I expect. I reviewed the set profit goals, broke the
goals into short-term and achievable goals. I analyzed the target customer profile and developed



a nurture list. I then analyzed the short-term goals to ensure they were Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
I established the personal goals to ensure that I remain focused on achieving what I had
set to achieve, to be a role model and a leader. I set the team goals to ensure that the sales team
had a sense of direction on what the company wants to achieve and how it plans to achieve it. I
wanted the goals to be a guideline. I also set the goals to motivate the sales team and to increase
their performance.
The Value of Goal-Setting in Fixmycar Pty Ltd
Goal setting gives the employees a sense of direction (Hu & Grant, 2016). The set goals
will inform the employees about the company’s goals and how to achieve them. Goal-setting will
eliminate uncertainty that results from not understanding a company’s goals and hence set goals
will increase employee productivity in Fixmycar Pty Ltd.
Short term goals motivate employees. After the achievement of a certain goal, employees
feel satisfied and motivated. This will increase the employee performance in Fixmycar Pty Ltd.
The set goals will enable the company to reassess its performance. When a business is constantly
monitored against the set goals, it easy to understand if the actions put in place are efficient, and
changes can be made when necessary. Goals provide the clearest way to measure a company’s
Key Performance Indicators to Measure Performance Related To Work Goals
A Key Performance Indicator is a metric that is quantifiable, that is used to measure how
well a company or department is achieving the set goals (Zhang & Yeung, 2016). As a manager,
there is a high pressure to reach set performance levels and therefore am required to measure the
progress towards achieving the goals I have set for the department. The Key Performance
Indicators that I will use are;
Profit- I will be analyzing the net and gross profit margins to measure the department’s
return from sales and from the results I will be able to know the department’s progress.
Customer Retention and Satisfaction – through making a customer happy and satisfied,
the customer is retained. Customer retention is important for any business’ growth. I will
measure Customer Satisfaction and Retention by calculating the number of customers doing
repeat purchases and through customer satisfaction scores.
Number of Clients – I will be able to measure the department’s performance by
determining the number of lost and gained customers. This will enable me to know whether the
company’s products are meeting the customers’ needs.
Innovation Spending – this is a metric that shows the budget set by an organization for
innovation (Parmenter, 2015). Through this measure, I will be able to determine whether the
goal of starting a new service in the company is achievable.
I will collect the required information and data and process it. The results will enable me
to measure how well my department is achieving the set goals. I will use these Key Performance
Indicators to monitor the degree to which am meeting the quarterly goals. I will be able to



identify areas with problems, areas that are well performing and those that need improvement.
From the information, I will then be able to make decisions to modify, assess or review certain
Maintaining Performance under Varying Conditions and Contingencies
Any business is prone to changes in the market. Contingencies and varying conditions
may affect the business and sometimes they might lead to loss of the business. As the sales
manager, some of the strategies I will use to ensure I maintain performance even during
contingencies and varying condition include setting clear goals which the department has to
achieve within a certain period. This will help me ensure that the sales team remain focused and
work by all means to ensure the goals are achieved no matter the conditions. For example, if I set
a certain number of sales to be made by each salesperson weekly, each one of them will try by all
means to achieve the target.
I will also maintain performance by been flexible. I will be changing strategies to fit the
current market conditions. For instance, customer needs and preferences keep changing from
time to time. Customer satisfaction will always be the top priority and I will be flexible to meet
their needs. If they need a certain new service, with collaboration with the Director of Sales, I
will ensure that the service is introduced.
Another strategy that I will use in cases of contingencies and varying conditions is
communication. Through communication, I will be able to work with my sales team to ensure we
meet the set goals no matter the conditions. We will be able to agree on how to vary our
techniques to meet our goals. For example, if our customers are shifting to our competitor due to
their cheap prices, through communication we can agree on the techniques which we will use to
retain them and to get our lost customers back.
Regular training of the sales personnel which equip them with knowledge on the current
conditions and the skills they require to maintain their performance. For instance, if there is a
change in technology in the industry, the sales team need to be trained on how to use the
technology to increase their sales.
Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths - I have the ability to focus on one thing at a time and make a success out of it.
I never stop until I accomplish my plans and I always accomplish each goal at a time and
proceed to the next in time. These strengths will enable me to ensure each goal is achieved. I am
also a team-oriented and I enjoy working with other people. I will use this strength to work with
the team of sales personnel to ensure we achieve the set goals. Through teamwork, I will be able
to find the best solutions to problems and will make my work as a sales manager easier. I am
open-minded and open to new ideas and new technology which is a very important value in the
changing business world. The open-mindedness will help me learn, grow and strengthen my
belief in myself.
Weaknesses - When working on any project, I tend to focus on very small details and
sometimes it extends the period of time am supposed to complete the project. I focus on very fine



details of a project and spend some time more on it. However, it helps realize minor mistakes
and remove them and hence enhancing the accuracy of the work done. I will minimize the effect
of this weakness by ensuring that I manage my time efficiently. By managing my time, no time
will be wasted on trivial tasks and I will get enough time to work on my projects.
Activities I Have Prioritized To Advance Work Goals
Checking in with the Company’s Favorite Customers – in order to increase the company
sales by 20% by the end of the first quarter, I will need to strengthen the relationship between the
company and the existing customers. Checking in with them will enable me to see any new
opportunities. Taking interest in their business’ future and recognizing their loyalty can often
result to contract renewals, referrals, and up-sells (Ingram et al., 2015).
Reconnecting with Old Customers- a conversation with old customers who may be
dropped off at some point is important. Even if they will not purchase, our company’ name will
remain at the top of their minds.
Checking the Pipeline – I will make pipeline management to be a weekly practice to
assess how healthy it is.
Reviewing and Auditing the Marketing Collateral – I will assess the sales materials to
ensure they target what the customers need and also to ensure the information is correct. I will
ensure that research is done on the needs of the target customers and that the marketing collateral
concedes with these needs.
Initiating Knowledge Sharing – knowledge needs to be shared throughout the department
to limit repeated mistakes, inefficiencies and project delays.
Training Sales Personnel – the team of salesperson will need to be trained from time to
time to ensure they have the necessary information on the industry, products, and sales.
Researching the Target Customers – conducting a market research will enable the
department to understand who the target audience is and what they want before starting the new
service in the company (Daft & Marcic, 2016).
Set a Strategy to Draw Customers – before starting a new service, it will be important to
first ensure the other existing services are doing well and we will need to grow our customer
base for the new and the existing services. Some of the strategies that we will use to attract more
customers include ensuring that th...

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