Personality and the Psychoanalytic Perspective Worksheet

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Personality and the Psychoanalytic Perspective Worksheet

Answer the following questions using the text, the University Library, the Internet, and other appropriate resources. Your responses should be 175 to 260 words each.

  • How would you describe personality to a person who has no knowledge of the field of personality psychology?
  • What are some key personality features that define you?
  • Are your personality features consistent, or do they change according to the situation?
  • What are the main tenets of the psychoanalytic perspective of personality? What do all psychoanalytic theories have in common?

Complete the following table:


Main components of his theory (90 words minimum)

Significant differences between the two (90 words minimum)



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Personality and the Psychoanalytic Perspective Worksheet PSY/250 Version 9 Personality and the Psychoanalytic Perspective Worksheet Answer the following questions using the text, the University Library, the Internet, and other appropriate resources. Your responses should be 175 to 260 words each. 1. How would you describe personality to a person who has no knowledge of the field of personality psychology? 2. What are some key personality features that define you? 3. Are your personality features consistent, or do they change according to the situation? 4. What are the main tenets of the psychoanalytic perspective of personality? What do all psychoanalytic theories have in common? Complete the following table: Theorist Main components of his theory (90 words minimum) Significant differences between the two (90 words minimum) Freud Jung Copyright © 2016 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1
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Explanation & Answer


Personality and the Psychoanalytic Perspective
PSY/250 Version 9

Personality and the Psychoanalytic Perspective Worksheet

Answer the following questions using the text, the University Library, the Internet, and
other appropriate resources. Your responses should be 150 words minimum each.
1. How would you describe personality to a person who has no knowledge of the field
of personality psychology?
Personality refers to the emotional patterns, habitual behavior, and cognition displayed by an
individual. An individual’s behavioral patterns and personality may evolve from the
environmental and the biological factors in the person’s surrounding. Personality also refers to
the specific traits, for instance learned habits and other genetically acquired habits that define a
person’s behavior. The personality aspect can further be defined based on individuals’ actions
when responding to various factors around them, and how they interact with others. The
attribution theory tries to explain human behavior and personality by observing the consistency
or different behavior posed by the individuals under various circumstances. One’s personality
can be understood as the person’s consistent behavior that occurs implicitly (Allport, 2007).
Every person has long-term characteristics and their defined manner in which they react to
situations in their surroundings. Some of the traits that describe personality include sad,
impatient, curious and happy. A person’s openness to experience and agreeableness to particular
situations and experiences in the society can identify their character. Some people are open to
new experience while others may depict a highly sociable culture. All this define the...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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