Lab Report

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Agilent Technologies 1. During Lab Build the circuit shown in Fig 1 here on your breadboard using the components in your kit. 2. If you do not have exact values of the components in your kits, please choose the closest value available. 3. Wiring should be very neat and professional. 4. Measure and note) the resistance values of all resistors used in your circuit using a Multimeter. 5. Measure and note) the voltage across all passive components in your circuit and Power supply voltage using a Multimeter. 6. For the fundamental loops mentioned above write the algebraic sum of the voltages and verify that the summation is zero for each loop separately. 7. Measure (and note) the current flowing through all Resistors RI-R5 using a Multimeter (Note: Multimeter should be in series with the component whose current is being measured) 8. Verify that the algebraic sum of the currents entering and exiting from point "A" is zero. Current (mA) Resistance (Ω). # Sample Observation Table: Voltage (V) 1 RI=5111K V(RI) = 3.7218V I(R1) =0.629 mA 2 R2 = 1.999% V(R2) = 1.699 1(R2) = 0.91 MA 3 R3 =0.9962 V(R3) = 9.280 1(R3) = 0.282mA 4 R4 =2.956V(R4) =2.103 v I(R4) = 0.698 MA 5 R5 =2.9586 V(R5)=2.992 V (R5) = 0.942 mA V (Supply) = 6 Post Lab Report (Due in 1 week after completion of lab exercise. I file per team) 1. Introduction: Brief overview of lab goals, statement of results. 2. Procedure: Detailed description of process including calculations, components, instruments settings, etc. 3. Simulation & Experimental Results: Present all results, including figures, tables, measurements etc. 4. Data Analysis: Do the results make sense? Any difference between simulation and experimental? Can you make any generalizations? Why or why not? 5. Discussion & Conclusion: Did you accomplish the lab goals? How do your results show this? 6. Note: All the reports must be in print form; no hand-written reports are accepted. An electronic copy (in Word or PDF format) should be submitted to the respective D2L dropbox and a hardcopy should be turned in to the Lab Instructor. 2 EE305 - Electrical Circuits II - Lab I CEAS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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