Short History Paper - diary entries

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The following is an exercise in historical role play. You are a lieutenant in either the French Lafayette Escadrille or the American Flying Service in the First World War--make it clear which entity you represent. You have completed your training to become a fighter pilot and have reported to your squadron. Your commanding officer has ordered you to keep a journal of your experiences. Pretend you are writing over a six-week period--that means you will have 6 entries on one essay. Separate each entry by date. The reason for six entries is that the average lifespan of a pilot in the First World War was six weeks. In each of the first five entries, describe the life of a First World War fighter pilot. Describe your daily life and discuss your successes and your fears. What kind of plane do you fly? What kind of weapons do you use? How does it feel to be in the air? What's combat like? The more details, the better. Be sure to mention the lives of your fellow squadron members. Remember to stay in character--authenticity counts, as does attention to factual detail. Importantly: In your final, sixth entry, your squadron commander (give him a name and rank) must write a letter to your family describing how your character--meaning you, the pilot--died in combat. This means your character must die in order for you to get any credit at all for this assignment.


1) Special Discussion Board Questions should be answered in essay form, providing the type of depth and detail expected in a research paper. You should take the time to explain complicated concepts in a thorough and thoughtful manner. Remember, you need to demonstrate an understanding of events--not only in terms of what happened but also why it happened and what effect it had on society. Remember to answer each part of your question as well.

2) Stay on target—answer the questions as fully as possible and don’t wander off the subject—doing so will hurt your grade. You are not required to respond to any other person's post.

3) To answer each Special Discussion Question you are required to use resources other than your textbook and you are required to provide a list of those sources at the end of your post. This means you may need to take a trip to your local library or conduct an online search or two before you have the information necessary for you to compose your posting. DO NOT use any of the following as sources: your textbook, films or television programs (including documentaries and filmed courses), lectures, blogs, Twitter posts, or Facebook pages. I take off points if you do.

4) Be sure to cite your sources at the end of your posting. DO NOT use endnotes, footnotes, or any other form of source citation within the body of your post. I take off 50% of your grade if you do. Also, do not use phrases such as "According to Jones,..." because I count those as a form of in-text citation and grade accordingly.

5) DO NOT use quotes (and like all the other DO NOTS, I take off points for doing). I want to read your writing, not someone else's. Read your sources and then write your essay in your own words.

6) Express yourself clearly. Use good grammar. Write in complete sentences. Do not use any of those abbreviations so commonly used on blogs and text messages. I suggest you compose your contribution on a word processing program with a spell-checker. Then cut and paste--or type it in. This may help you get out everything you want to say before you hit “submit.” Be sure to use at least 12 point type for your response so it can be read. And, no, you cannot edit your contributions after they are posted.

7) Posts should run 1,000 - 1,500 words in length--some will run more and some will run less. The rule of thumb here is to answer all parts of the question thoroughly and in detail (and you'll be surprised how fast your essay grows as you write it, once you've done your research).

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Explanation & Answer

please find the attached file. i look forward to working with you again. good bye

In the year 2016, Donald Trump, who was a real estate developer n New York managed to be
elected as the 45th president of America, against his opponent Hillary Clinton. He was running
as a republican while Hillary was running as a democrat. Before being elected, he had not held
any government appointed office despite having considered the presidential bid before. He has
throughout his life set standards on business as well as entrepreneurial excellence and was to
bring that knowledge and perspective in the presidency. There have been a number of critics and
praises regarding his presidency so far, which will be discussed below.
One of the advantages is that he is a successful business man and has quite a strong plan n
regards to reduction of illegal immigration. In the same regard this strategy will create
opportunity for more jobs through increasing the border control as well as building of a better
and stronger military. Being in business his entire life is exactly what America needs to help
bring down the deficit status. This is because national debt is one of the biggest issues facing the
company and it is Trump who has the best chances for the country to achieve a balanced budget.
Despite the fact that Trump has brought the economic status of Us down by cutting trade
relations with other nations, research has showed that the unemployment rate has decreased
because of the availability of 211000 jobs in the market. This was a comparison was made with
the unemployment rate since 2010 when Obama was in office. Some companies have promised
to avail jobs for the population which is th

The US president Donald trump is seen as a racist. He is seen to make racial comments and
denying them. While he was making his presidential campaigns, he made claims that people
considered him a racist. He made some tweets that the Black Americans had killed some white
Americans and associated them with acts of violence . The US Department of justice had sued
the trump family business for discriminating black renters. Trump also made claims that Barrack
Obama who was the president of united states was not born there. He made questioning
statements if Obama was a Muslim. He accused some teenagers from Latin of raping a white
woman. He branded the American migrants as rapists a remark that made many people furious.
In one of the meetings about immigration reform in 2018, he referred the African countries and
El Salvador as ‘shitholes’a comment that spread to all parts of the world. The UN Human rights
office claimed that the comments were ‘shameful and shocking’. Haiti’s Foreign Minister
confronted Robin Dialo to clarify this. This came up when Donald was being briefed on changes
to the visa lottery asking why US needed people from nations like Haiti to be involved in such
Trump got into the Casino business from residential estate. One of his presidents in his Casinos’
said that Trump once mentioned that he hated it whenever the black guys handled his money and
he preferred his money being counted by...

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