family case study

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For this activity, watch the video: Family Therapy Case Study. Use the information in the scenario to answer the following questions:

Inez and Joseph are a married couple with a 7-year-old son, Leo. Leo is in second grade, but Leo has been refusing to go to school for several weeks. Sometimes, Inez and Joseph are able to coax or force him to go to school, but other times, he stays home the entire day. Almost every school-day morning begins with Leo refusing to get dressed to go to school. Inez and Joseph have been unable to overcome this refusal, and if they try to dress him themselves, he squirms, runs out of the room, cries, and screams. Leo's behavior has caused significant strain on the marriage. Inez and Joseph frequently and intensely argue about the ideal way to handle Leo. Generally, Inez is more sympathetic and concerned about exploring underlying roots of his behavior, whereas Joseph prefers to make hard-and-fast rules or demands that will force Leo to behave more appropriately regarding of any underlying causes. There is significantly more hostility and less warmth in the home since Leo began this behavior, and Inez and Joseph are concerned that the problem is not improving. They seek the help of Dr. Gollum, a clinical psychologist who practices family therapy.

  • Which approach to family therapy would be ideal for this family (e.g., structural, solution-focused, Bowenian)? Explain your thoughts and support your choices with aspects of the text or other scholarly sources.
  • Is family therapy preferable to other options, such as individual therapy for Leo or parent training for Inez and Joseph? Explain your thoughts and support your choices with aspects of the text or other scholarly sources.
  • What would be the most valid measure of psychotherapy outcome for this case? Explain your thoughts and support your choices with aspects of the text or other scholarly sources.
  • Cite your textbook and online source(s) according to APA format. Be sure to include both an in-text citation for each scholarly source, and also a complete reference citation at the end of your post or paper. You will find a review of how to cite your scholarly sources using APA format in “APA Quick Reference” under Course Resources

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Explanation & Answer



Family Therapy Case Study Solution


Family therapy case study solution
The current case involves a couple that has a seven-year-old son. The son has been
refusing to go to school and disagreements on how to resolve the problem threaten the future
of the family. The family is thus seeking help from Dr. Gollum on how to resolve the
There are many approaches that Dr. Gollum could use in helping this family.
However, based on the evidence from research and the success rate of the various approaches
in relation to the current situation, it would be advisable that Dr. Gollum considers solutionfocused brief therapy (SFBT). This approach differs from the rest in that, while the rest of the
approaches focus on the past, the present, and the f...

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