Waste Water
Sources: Wiki, EPA, Lenntech, CASTion
Traditional Industrial Wastewater
• Historically, water and wastewater treatment plants have used a a
variety of strategies to remove contamination from their influent and
effluent waters so that it can be either used as process water or
discharged to the sanitary sewer.
• Among the technologies that could be used for water and waste water
treatment are ion exchange, reverse osmosis, filtration, flocculation, oilwater separators or biological treatments.
• Most industrial plants that require high quality water have separate
water and wastewater treatment systems with the influent water used
in the plant and then sent as used process water to wastewater
treatment plants.
• The plant must then make a significant investment in separate water
and wastewater treatment systems.
Waste Water Treatment Process
Source: http://www.vicchiengineering.com/product_iv5.html
WW treatment process
Process Description
Local water authorities require industrial wastewater discharge neutralization to
protect the ecological systems in the surrounding lakes, rivers, and oceans or to
protect the local sewer networks and treatment plant.
The use of acidic and caustic chemicals to neutralize the discharge is widely used
because they are effective and inexpensive. The neutralization process can be complex
and is different for each industrial location. A good understanding of the wastewater
chemical make up, buffering capacity (alkalinity), flow rate, and sewer discharge
requirements (pH, suspended solids, dissolved solids etc.) is critical in selecting the
proper chemical neutralization treatment program.
It is most effective to perform the neutralization process in a tank rather than in a pipe
to the final process or discharge.
The neutralization tank construction should include a pH sensor, mounted in a position
that will allow the easy removal of the sensor for periodic maintenance and
calibration, a mixing motor, and chemical injection pumps located opposite of the pH
Sensors that measure pH are crucial in the neutralization process, however, all pH
sensors are not the same. Many neutralization processes contain materials or
chemicals that can cause premature senor failure by contamination of the internal
reference solution (or “coating” on the sensor).
Simplified WW Treatment Process is presented
Source: http://www.lenntech.com/aplications/waste/waste-water.htm
Primary Treatment - Clarification
• Clarification consists in removing of particles, sediments, oil, natural organic
matter and color from the water to make it clearer.
A clarification step is the first part of conventional treatment for waste
and surface water treatment.
It usually consist of:- Screening
- Physical chemical treatment is a generic term for Coagulation-Flocculation
- Sedimentation or Flotation, upon particles properties and water type
- Fine filtration
For detailed information check the links above.
• For industrial effluents, Centrifugation is applied for heavy particles removal
• Read more: http://www.lenntech.com/library/clarification/physchem.htm#ixzz0hQwYnQBh
Source: http://www.lenntech.com/library/clarification/physchem.htm
Secondary - Biological Treatment
• Biological treatment of waste water and (domestic) sewage water is
used to lower the organic load of soluted organic compounds. There
are two main categories:
✓ Aerobic treatment
✓ Anaerobic treatment
The organic load is defined by the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD).
In aerobic systems the water is aerated with compressed air (in some
cases oxygen). Anaerobic systems run under oxygen free conditions.
Read more: http://www.lenntech.com/applications/waste/biological/biological.htm#ixzz0hQyPHT1q
Tertiary WW treatment – Fine filtration
Water filtration for industrial wastewater and water recycling processes.
Sediments, fins and particles can be removed by sediment filters:
- Cartridge filters
- Bag filters
- Y-Strainers
- Drum filter
- Disc filter
- Woven Wire
- Precoat Filter
more: http://www.lenntech.com/systems/sediment/filtration.htm#ixzz0hR04Cdne
Sludge Treatment
• Biological/chemical waste water treatment reduces the solved and
unresolved pollutants existing in the waste water. These are to be
regained in the sewage sludge at the end of the water treatment.
• The sludge treatment is necessary to reduce and to amliorate the
sludges, which are produced within the biological wastewater
Sludge drying
Also check additional information links about copious growth
of filamentous organisms - problems and solutions and biological excess
sludge reduction.
Read more: http://www.lenntech.com/library/sludge/sludgetreatment-general.htm#ixzz0hR4QStAE
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• How does our wastewater treatment plant work?
• The 16 million gallons per day (average) entering the facility is
conveyed by over 635 miles of interceptor sewers, varying in size from
8 inches to 72 inches in diameter. The Sanitary Sewer Maintenance
Section is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all public sewer
mains and manholes.
• The type of wastewater treatment used in the Columbia Regional
Wastewater Treatment Plantis called the complete-mix activated
sludge process. This is a biological process in which naturally occurring
living microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa, tiny plants and animals) are
maintained at a very high population level. They quickly consume the
dissolved and suspended organic material carried over from the primary
treatment of the incoming wastewater as a source of food. This process
promotes the formation of biological masses that clump together by
adhesion and settle to the bottom forming "sludge."
• http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/PublicWorks/Sewer/wwtppg_4.php
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Wastewater treatment basically takes place
in three stages:
• Preliminary & Primary treatment, which
removes 40-60% of the solids.
• Secondary treatment, which removes about
90% of the pollutants and completes the
process for the liquid portion of the separated
• Sludge (biosolids) treatment and disposal.
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Preliminary & Primary Treatment
• STEP 1
Sanitary sewers carry wastewater from homes and
businesses to the raw wastewater pumping station at
the treatment plant. The wastewater flows by gravity,
rather than pressurized pipe flow, in the sanitary sewer
pipes. Routine cleaning and closed circuit television
inspection of Columbia's sanitary sewer lines helps
keep the sewer collection system in good shape. Each
year new construction in the City of Columbia adds
about 10 miles of new sanitary sewer lines and 250
manholes to the sanitary sewer collection system.
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Preliminary & Primary Treatment
• STEP 2
Bar Screens let water pass, but not
trash (such as rags, diapers,
etc.). There are two bar screens
located inside the Raw Wastewater
Pump Building. The trash is
collected and properly disposed
of. The screened wastewater is
pumped to the Primary Settling
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Preliminary & Primary Treatment
• STEP 3
Two Primary Settling Basins allow
smaller particles to settle from
wastewater by gravity. This primary
wastewater flows out to the next
stage of treatment. Scrapers collect
the solid matter that remains (called
"primary sludge"). A surface skimmer
collects scum or grease floating on top
of the basins.
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Secondary Treatment
• STEP 1
Two Aeration Basins supply large amounts of
air to the mixture of primary wastewater and
helpful bacteria and the other microorganisms
that consume the harmful organic matter. The
growth of the helpful microorganisms is sped
up by vigorous mixing of air (aeration) with
the concentrated microorganisms (activated
sludge) and the wastewater. Adequate oxygen
is supplied to support the biological process at
a very active level. The ratio of food (organic
matter) to organisms to oxygen is continually
monitored and adjusted to meet daily
variations in the wastewater.
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Secondary Treatment
• STEP 2 Two Final Settling Basins
allow the clumps of biological mass
(the microorganisms) to settle from
the water by gravity. 90-95 % of this
mixture, called "activated sludge," is
returned to the aeration basins to
help maintain the needed amount of
microorganisms. The remaining 5-10
% is pumped to the anaerobic
digester (described later).
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Secondary treatment
• STEP 3 The final effluent (liquid portion from Step 2)
travels through a 2.25 mile long, 72 inch diameter
pipeline to WTU-4, the first of the City's four constructed
wetland treatment units, in the McBaine Bottoms for
further treatment. Cattails planted in theseconstructed
wetland cells (ponds) consume some of the remaining
nutrients in the effluent. The wastewater passes through
three more WTU's before treatment is completed. This
"polished" effluent leaves the City of Columbia's
constructed wetlands at the wetlands pump station
where it is pumped into the Missouri Department of
Conservation'sEagle Bluffs Conservation Area(EBCA), a
restored riverine wetland. This "polished" effluent is
used as a source of water for the EBCA. For more
information about the City of Columbia's constructed
wetlands treatment system, click on the image of cattails
on the right.
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Sludge (Biosolids) Treatment
• STEP 1 The "primary sludge"
from the Primary Settling
Basins is pumped to
the Hydrocyclone Grit
Separator where it is spun,
thereby separating the
inorganic solids (grit) from the
lighter weight organic
solids. The grit is disposed of
in the City landfill.
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Sludge (Biosolids) Treatment
• STEP 2 The primary sludge continues
on to the gravitySludge
Thickener where the solids are
concentrated and pumped to the
anaerobic digesters. The liquid
overflow is returned to the pump
station. Waste Activated Sludge from
the Final Settling Basins is pumped to a
Centrifuge (image at right) for further
solids processing, then pumped to the
anaerobic digesters.
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Sludge (Biosolids) Treatment
• STEP 3 Primary and activated
sludges are anaerobically
digested(decomposed by bacteria
without the presence of air) in
the two-stage digesters. Stabilized
sludge has little odor and conforms
to the EPA requirements to further
reduce harmful microorganisms.
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Sludge (Biosolids) Treatment
• Step 3
• Methane gas is produced by this
anaerobic digestion and is used as fuel for
an engine-generator providing 240 kW of
electrical power used in the treatment
process. Waste heat from the engine is
recovered for heating the treatment plant
buildings and to provide heating to
improve the sludge digestion process and
produce more gas.
Columbia, MO Regional Wastewater
Treatment Plant - Example
• Sludge (Biosolids) Treatment
• STEP 4 Step 4 is the application of the
stabilized sludge (biosolids) onto both Cityowned and private farmland by subsurface
injection(plowing). The biosolids are
utilized in an environmentally acceptable
manner as a beneficial and valuable
fertilizer and soil conditioner. The biosolids
applied to all sites are monitored for
nutrients, metals, other compounds and
fecal coliform bacteria. Soil testing is
performed at all sites prior to biosolids
The Changing Economics of Process
Water Use and Disposal
• Today, the economics for industrial wastewater treatment and water
treatment are changing because of water shortages, rising commodity
prices and a higher degree of water and waste water treatment.
• Current average national prices are increasing more than the rate of
inflation for water purchase and wastewater disposal. Nationwide
average wastewater disposal rates have increased by 12.1% from
• However, among industrial and commercial groups there are widely
different wastewater discharge rates based on surcharges for carbon
oxygen demand, solids content, flow of their wastewater and degree
of effluent treatment.
• Among the industry groups with the highest wastewater discharge
rates are specialty food manufacturing, drum and barrel
manufacturing, inorganic chemicals manufacturing, and paint
manufacturing and others that use metals or solvents in their process.
The Changing Economics of Process
Water Use and Disposal
• Rising costs for water, wastewater disposal and rising
commodity prices have many corporations rethinking their
water and waste water treatment strategies looking to reduce
costs. Instead of only considering environmental regulations
in their decision making, companies are now looking at other
factors in their waste water treatment capital investment
models including:
✓ Economic value of the commodities discharged in wastewater
✓ Permit costs
✓ Purchase costs for process water
✓ Disposal Costs for wastewater
✓ Waste Disposal costs
✓ Costs of wastewater treatment systems
Advanced Industrial Wastewater
• Recovery and reuse of process water in industrial
treatment systems requires a new technological
strategy based on the separation of process water
from the process chemistry.
• These advanced industrial wastewater treatment
system combine traditional commercial off-theshelf technologies such as membranes, reverse
osmosis, micro- and ultrafiltration with newer
systems that allow recovery of water and process
chemistries at a standard of quality that can be
reused or recycled back into your process.
Source: http://www.castion.com/IndustrialSolutions/effluent-water-treatment.aspx
Advanced Industrial Wastewater
Water and Liquid Waste Treatment
Plant and System Operators
• BLS - Occupational Outlook Handbook
• Check significant points for Water and Liquid
Waste Treatment Plant and System Operators
• http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos229.htm
• Also check Mass IWTP description:
August 2002
Source Water Protection
Best Management Practices and Other
Measures for Protecting Drinking Water
August 2002
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency would like to acknowledge
the contributions of the members of the Source Water Protection Best
Management Practices Advisory Group, under the leadership of Steven
Ainsworth of the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.
Rita Bair
James Bourne
Ross Brennan
Hamilton Brown
Richard Cobb
James Crawford
Anthony Dulka
Jack Falk
MaryJo Feuerbach
Nancy Fitz
Claire Gesalman
Robert Goo
Richard Gullick
Denise Hawkins
Joyce Hudson
Elizabeth Hunt
Paul Jehn
Joseph Lee
Marty Link
Ryan McReynolds
Karen Metchis
Douglas Minter
Beatriz Oliveira
Bruce Olsen
Roberta Parry
Kenneth Pelletier
Art Persons
Shari Ring
Andrea Ryon
Chi Ho Sham
Paul Shriner
Stephanie Vap-Morrow
Hal White
Pamla Wood
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency would like to acknowle dge the contributions of
the members of the Source Water Protection Best Management Practices Advisory Group,
under the leadership of Steven Ainsworth of the Office of Ground Water and Drinking
Water. The members are Rita Bair, U.S. EPA, Region 5; James Bourne, U.S. EPA, Office
of Ground Water and Drinking Water; Ross Brennan, U.S. EPA, Office of Wastewater
Management; Hamilton Brown, State Services Organization; Richard Cobb, Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency; James Crawford, Mississippi Department of
Environmental Quality; Anthony Dulka, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency; Jay
Evans, U.S. EPA, Office of Underground Storage Tanks; Jack Falk, U.S. EPA, Office of
Wastewater Management; MaryJo Feuerbach, U.S. EPA, Region 1; Nancy Fitz, U.S. EPA,
Office of Pesticide Programs; Claire Gesalman, U.S. EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs;
Robert Goo, U.S. EPA, Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds; Richard Gullick,
American Water Works Company, Inc.; Denise Hawkins, The Cadmus Group, Inc.; Joyce
Hudson, U.S. EPA, Office of Wastewater Management; Elizabeth Hunt, Vermont
Department of Environmental Conservation; Paul Jehn, Ground Water Protection Council;
Joseph Lee, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection; Marty Link, Nebraska
Department of Environmental Quality; Ryan McReynolds, U.S. EPA, Office of Ground
Water and Drinking Water; Karen Metchis, U.S. EPA, Office of Wastewater Management;
Douglas Minter, U.S. EPA, Region 8; Beatriz Oliveira, U.S. EPA, Office of Emergency and
Remedial Response; Bruce Olsen, Minnesota Department of Health; Roberta Parry, U.S.
EPA, Office of Policy; Kenneth Pelletier, Massachusetts Department of Environmental
Protection; Art Persons, Minnesota Department of Health; Shari Ring, The Cadmus Group,
Inc.; Andrea Ryon, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments; Chi Ho Sham, The
Cadmus Group, Inc.; Paul Shriner, U.S. EPA, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water;
Stephanie Vap-Morrow, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality; Hal White U.S.
EPA, Office of Underground Storage Tanks; and Pamla Wood, Kentucky Department for
Environmental Protection.
August 2002
Drinking Water Academy
• The mission of the Drinking Water Academy (DWA) is to enhance the
capabilities of State, Tribal and EPA staff to implement Safe Drinking Water
Act (SDWA) requirements. Through classroom instruction, Web-based
training, and the availability of training modules and other information, the
DWA works to bring new personnel up to speed and enhance the skills of
current drinking water staff.
• The DWA provides training in SDWA’s three major program areas:
Public water system supervision;
Underground injection control; and
Source water protection.
• The DWA provides an introductory course in each of these three areas, as
well as an introductory overview of SDWA. It also provides regulatory
training and technical training on specific topics such as sanitary surveys.
• This course builds on the introductory source water protection course. The
purpose of this course is to provide information on source water
contamination prevention measures to technical assistance providers who, in
turn, will assist local level water suppliers and communities who are
responsible for implementing such measures.
August 2002
• Define source water and explain its
• Describe potential threats to source water
• Discuss SDWA’s major source water
protection programs
• Define source water protection measures
• This training will cover a number of topics. By the end of the session, you
should be able to:
Define source water and explain its importance;
Describe potential threats to source water;
Discuss SDWA’s major source water protection programs; and
Define source water protection measures.
August 2002
• Discuss types of prevention measures
• Describe measures for specific sources
• Discuss what individuals and
organizations can do to foster source
water protection
• In addition, you should be able to:
Discuss types of prevention measures;
Describe measures for specific sources; and
Discuss what individuals and organizations can do to foster source
water protection.
August 2002
Introduction to
Source Water
August 2002
Definition and Importance
of Source Water Protection
• Source water protection is defined as efforts
to protect drinking water sources
– Surface water
– Ground water
• Why protect source water?
Public health protection
Economic benefits
Environmental benefits
Public confidence
• Whether a public water system relies on surface water, ground water, or a
combination of the two, protection of a water system’s source is important.
If source water becomes contaminated, threats to public health are
In addition, expensive treatment or replacement or relocation of the
water supply may be required. Treatment or relocation costs are
passed on to every user served by the public water system and local
property values may be reduced.
Water is a limited resource. If a source becomes contaminated, there
may not be another source available that can be developed.
• Protection of existing sources of water is a prudent way to protect public
health and keep treatment costs to a minimum.
• Existing Federal laws have tended to focus on specific sources, pollutants, or
land uses that may affect water quality, and have not addressed the need for
an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to environmental management.
Historically, successes in controlling water pollution have been most
widespread in surface water through control of point sources and in ground
water by preventing contamination from hazardous waste sites.
August 2002
Benefits of Source
Water Protection
• "An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure."
• Many communities are implementing protection efforts to prevent
contamination of their drinking water supplies. These communities,
counties, and locally financed water districts have found that the less
polluted water is before it reaches the treatment plant, the less extensive and
expensive the efforts needed to safeguard the public's health.
• Studies have shown that the cost of dealing with contaminated ground water
supplies for the communities studied was, on average, 30 to 40 times more
(and up to 200 times greater) than preventing their contamination.
• Further, clean water and healthy ecosystems offer other unquantifiable
benefits, in terms of the quality of our lives.
• This section describes the benefits of preventing drinking water
contamination. It describes and compares the costs of contamination and the
benefits or costs-avoided due to preventive measures.
August 2002
Avoid Costs of
• Quantifiable costs – treatment and
remediation; finding and replacing water
supplies; public information campaigns;
regulatory compliance; loss of property
value and tax revenue
• Less quantifiable costs – health costs; lost
productivity; lost economic development
opportunities; lost consumer confidence
• The benefits to communities of protecting their drinking water supplies might best be understood
by describing the costs of failing to protect them. These costs include those that are relatively easy
to capture in monetary or economic terms and those that are not. Easily quantifiable costs of
drinking water supply contamination include:
treatment and/or remediation,
finding and developing new supplies and/or providing emergency replacement water,
abandoning a drinking water supply due to contamination,
paying for consulting services and staff time,
litigating against responsible parties,
conducting public information campaigns when incidents arouse public and media interest in
source water pollution,
meeting the regulations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, such as the Disinfection Byproduct
and monitoring requirements,
loss of property value or tax revenue, and
loss of revenue from boating or fishing when a lake or reservoir is used as a drinking water
• Costs that are not easily quantified include:
health related costs from exposure to contaminated water,
lost production of individuals and businesses, interruption of fire protection, loss of economic
development opportunities, and
lack of community acceptance of treated drinking water.
August 2002
Is Expensive
• A community may
spend millions of
dollars responding
to contamination
• One basic truth is that dealing with contamination is expensive. Consider the
following communities’ experiences.
In Perryton, TX, carbon tetrachloride was detected in the ground
water supply. Remediation cost this small community an estimated
Pesticides and solvents in Mililani, HI’s ground water required the
system to build and operate a new treatment plant. The plant cost $2.5
million, and annual operation costs are $154,000.
The towns of Coeur d'Alene, ID and Atlanta, MI have experienced
contamination of their ground water supplies. Each had to replace its
water supply, at costs of approximately $500,000.
Solvents and Freon in the ground water serving Montgomery County,
MD are requiring the county to install water lines and provide free
water to its customers. This has cost the County over $3 million, plus
$45,000 per year for 50 years.
Cryptosporidium in Milwaukee’s river water sickened hundreds of
people and required the city to upgrade its water system. The cost of
the system improvements, along with costs to the water utility, city,
and Health Department associated with the disease outbreak were $89
• Preventing drinking water contamination can save communities similar
response costs.
August 2002
Saving Money
Through Prevention
• Cost savings via
complying with
• Monitoring waivers
• Water as a
commodity or raw
material -- quality
• Prevention can save communities money in other ways.
• Communities with effective drinking water contamination prevention
programs may enjoy substantial savings in the costs of complying with
SDWA or similar state regulations. For example, water purveyors that
minimize algae growth by implementing programs that prevent nutrients
from entering water supply reservoirs will likely minimize the cost for
treating the water to remove total organic carbon in compliance with the
Disinfection Byproducts Rule.
• Water suppliers with programs in place to prevent contamination of drinking
water also may be eligible for waivers from some monitoring requirements,
thereby reducing monitoring costs. Such waivers have already saved
Massachusetts water systems approximately $22 million over the three- year
compliance cycle, while Texas water systems saved $49 million over two
and one- half years.
• In addition, water can be thought of as a commodity that water systems
sell and farmers use as a raw material. Once it becomes contaminated, it
loses value because it cannot be sold to customers, or it must be treated prior
to being sold or used. Uncontaminated water has value to the PWS,
determined by the price of water its customers are willing to pay.
August 2002
Economic Benefits
• Real estate values
• Business
– Tax revenues
– Jobs
• Recreation and
tourism revenue
• Preventing contamination of drinking water can also help to maintain real
estate values in areas served by protected water supplies. In regions affected
by water supply contamination, declines in real estate values ha ve been
clearly documented, such as in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
• Protecting water supplies may also prevent the loss of existing or potential
tax revenues and jobs when businesses refuse to locate or remain near
places with known or suspected problems. For example, a survey by the
Freshwater Foundation found that five Minnesota cities collectively lost over
$8 million in tax revenues because of real estate devaluation as a result of
ground water pollution.
• Preventing contamination of a water supply that serves as a major scenic or
tourist attraction can safeguard local tourism and recreation revenues.
For example, the annual value of tourism and recreation in the Keuka Lake
watershed in upstate New York was conservatively estimated at $15 million
in 1996. Keuka Lake provides drinking water for the villages of Penn Yan,
Hammondsport, Keuka Park, and Dresden.
“The integrity of a town's water reflects upon the integrity of the
companies within that town.”
Sam Rowse, President of Veryfine Products in Westford, MA,
on businesses’ preference for communities with protected water
August 2002
Still More
Economic Benefits
Detention pond
• BMPs are standard
operating procedures
that can reduce the
threats that activities at
homes, businesses,
agriculture, and industry
can pose to water
• BMPs can increase the
aesthetic beauty and
value of residential and
commercial properties
• Some best management practices, such as aesthetically designed runoff controls
offer financial benefits in addition to their environmental benefits. When
designed and sited correctly and safely, artificial lakes or wetlands can increase
the value of surrounding property (and the tax revenue they generate).
• Developers often realize higher (and quicker) sales from homes adjacent to a wet
pond; walking paths and fitness equipment can add to the aesthetics of the area
and provide recreational uses, further increasing property value s. In general, the
proximity to water raises the value of a home, by up to 28 percent, according to a
1993 study conducted by the National Association of Home Builders.
• A few cases illustrate this point:
In the Sale Lake subdivision of Boulder, CO, lots surrounding a constructed
wetland drew a 30 percent price premium over those with no water view.
In the Hybernia community of Highland Park, IL, waterfront lots
surrounding a constructed detention pond/stream system draw a 10 percent
premium above those with no water view.
BMPs can increase rental values as well. At the Lynne Lake Arms in St.
Petersburg, FL, apartments or townhouses facing detention ponds on the
property return rents of $15 to $35 more per month than those that do not.
Similar trends are seen in rental fees for commercial property, such as office
space in Fairfax County, VA.
August 2002
Non-Monetary Benefits
• In addition to the monetary benefits of preventing contamination of drinking
water supplies, there are benefits that are difficult (or controversial) to assign
a dollar value. While difficult to quantify monetarily, they ha ve a direct link
to quality of life. Their importance may rival or exceed that of monetary
benefits. For example, protection of human health is the driving force
behind the Nation's water supply protection programs.
• Other quality of life benefits include safeguarding resources for future
generations, building confidence in the water supply, and maintaining
healthy ecosystems and opportunities for recreation.
August 2002
Health Benefits
• Reduce risk to human
– illnesses and death
– productivity and
– medical expenses
• Preventing contamination of drinking water supplies should result in reduced
risk to human health from both acute and chronic ailments. Overall, the U.S.
is doing a good job delivering safe drinking water to the public, but
challenges remain and may increase as new waterborne disease age nts and
chemicals are found in water supplies. Although most people experience
only mild illnesses from waterborne microbes, pathogenic organisms such as
Cryptosporidium and some strains of E. coli can be transmitted to people
through drinking water and cause serious illness or even death.
• In addition to threats posed by microbial contaminants, other substances can
contaminate water supplies. Metals, volatile organic carbons, synthetic
organic chemicals, and pesticides can cause serious health problems for
persons exposed to them over long periods of time at levels exceeding
health-based drinking water standards. Potential health effects of long-term
exposure to these pollutants include cancer, birth defects, and organ, nervous
system, and blood damage.
• The health-related costs of contamination can include lost wages, hospital
and doctor bills, and in extreme cases, death.
August 2002
Quality of Life Benefits
• Safeguarding
resources for future
• Building confidence in
the water supply
• Healthy ecosystems
and recreational
• Stewardship of water resources is an important goal for people in a
community who care about the fate of their children and grand children.
Protecting water supplies for future generations brings with it a sense of
accomplishment and legacy, and generates an attitude of pride in the
• Effective communities often exhibit a prevailing attitude of trust toward the
local government structure. If residents have a high level of confidence in
the ability and commitment of the people on whom they depend for clean
water, they are much more likely to be supportive of these departments on a
day-to-day basis, as well as at town or city council meetings when programs
and budgets are presented. This attitude is critical to continued success in
providing high quality water.
• By ensuring clean water resources, a community helps to support the
biological systems on which life depends. Plant and wildlife ecosystems
benefit from clean water as much as people do. In addition to providing
drinking water, clean water resources often enhance recreational activities,
such as swimming, fishing, and boating. These and other activities, in
addition to enhancing the quality of life for people who engage in them, may
provide enormous tourism or other economic benefits to local economies.
August 2002
The Costs of Prevention
• Vary based on the prevention
measure(s) selected
• Differ from community to community
• Of course, there are costs associated with preventing contamination of
drinking water supplies.
• The cost to an individual supplier or community greatly depends on the
types of preventive measures it chooses to implement. Protective measures
can be relatively simple and inexpensive (such as public education
programs) to expensive (such as purchasing land or easements). Program
costs include staffing; program planning, development, and administration;
land or easement purchases; and structural management measures.
Constructed management devices such as wetlands and retention
basins, can cost approximately $100,000 for a 50-acre site, plus the
value of the land they occupy.
Housekeeping measures such as street sweeping cost public works
departments depending on the frequency at which they are performed.
• These costs may vary greatly from community to community and place to
place, and will depend on such factors as the value of real estate in a
particular area and the measures the community selects to protect its water
August 2002
Costs and Benefits
• Responding to
contamination can
be as much as 200
times as costly as
• EPA studied the contamination and prevention costs to six small- and
medium-sized communities that experienced contamination of their ground
water supplies and subsequently developed a wellhead protection program.
Costs of contamination included costs of remediation activities,
replacing water supplies, and providing water.
Prevention costs include basic program costs for delineating a
protection area, identifying potential sources of contamination,
developing an initial management plan, and planning for alternative
water supplies and other responses in case of an emergency.
The ratio of the benefits of avoiding contamination to the costs of the
wellhead programs ranged from 5 to 1 to 200 to 1.
August 2002
SWP Is Worth It
• Comparing the costs of contamination to the costs to prevention reveals that
prevention programs are generally well worth the cost and effort as an
effective “insurance” against contamination and its associated costs.
• If you add the considerable quality of life benefits that are potentially
provided by a source water protection program, the program may prove to be
a bargain.
August 2002
Contamination Pathways
• Surface water is vulnerable to contamination from direct discharges, runoff and ground
water inflow. Chemical and microbiological contaminants (represented by the red
diamonds) may enter surface water through runoff, or through direct disposal into rivers or
streams; acid rain may affect surface water sources; and contaminated ground water may
interact with surface water and spread contamination. Surface water is vulnerable to both
chemical and microbiological contamination and in most cases requires treatment,
filtration and/or disinfection before it is safe to drink. Runoff from surface areas in a
watershed, either near a drinking water supply intake or in upstream tributaries, may
contain contaminants, including human or animal wastes (represented by the yellow
circles). In addition, contaminated ground water may recharge streams or lakes spreading
the contamination to a surface water source.
• Ground water, which is protected by layers of soils and other subsurface materials,
sometimes does not require treatment prior to use. However, ground water can become
contaminated through infiltration from the surface, injection of contaminants through
improperly constructed or defective injection wells (including septic systems), or by
naturally occurring substances in the soil or rock through which it flows. Depending on
the hydrogeologic setting, contaminants in ground water may migrate from the source and
pollute water supplies far away. The properties of the aquifer (i.e.,ground water within the
subsurface zone of saturation in sufficient quantities to support a well or spring) and
overlying soils affect contaminant movement. For example, highly permeable aquifers
conduct ground water flow quickly, allowing little time to detect a contamination plume
before it reaches a drinking water supply.
• Ground water under the direct influence of surface water (GWUDI) faces the same risks
as surface water and the same treatment should be used before us ing GWUDI as a source
of drinking water.
August 2002
What Health Effects Can
Contaminated Source Water
• Acute health effects
• Chronic health effects
• There are two major types of health effects—acute and chronic.
Acute health effects are immediate (appearing within hours or days) effects
that may result from exposure to certain contaminants such as pathogens
(disease causing organisms) or nitrate that may be in drinking water.
– Pathogens are usually associated with gastrointestinal illness and, in
extreme cases, death, especially among immuno-compromised
individuals, such as AIDS patients.
– Nitrate in drinking water also poses an acute health threat to infants.
High levels can interfere with the ability of an infant’s blood to carry
oxygen. This potentially fatal condition is called methemoglobinemia or
“blue baby syndrome.” Nitrates may also indicate the possible presence
of other more serious residential or agricultural contaminants such as
Chronic health effects are the possible result of exposure over many years to
a drinking water contaminant, especially at levels above its maximum level
established by EPA. Chronic health effects include birth defects, cancer, and
other long-term health effects. Contaminants causing chronic health effects
are mostly chemical contaminants and include, among others, byproducts of
disinfection, lead and other metals, pesticides, and solvents. For example,
some disinfection byproducts are toxic and some are probably carcinogens.
Exposure to lead can impair the mental development of children. However,
there is usually little risk from short-term exposure to these contaminants at
levels typically found in drinking water.
August 2002
What Contaminants Cause
Acute Health Effects?
• Viruses (e.g., Norwalk virus) • Parasites, protozoa or cysts
• Nitrate
• Bacteria (e.g., Shigella,
Parasite Giardia lamblia
Parasite Cryptosporidium
Warning Sign About
Dangers of Nitrate
• Pathogens , which can cause acute health effects, are microorganisms that can cause disease in humans,
animals and plants. They may be bacteria, viruses, or parasites and are found in sewage, in runoff from
animal farms or rural areas populated with domestic and/or wild animals, and in water used for
swimming. Fish and shellfish contaminated by pathogens, or the contaminated water itself, can cause
serious illnesses.
A virus is the smallest form of microorganism capable of causing disease. A virus of fecal origin
is called an enterovirus and is infectious to humans by waterborne transmission. These viruses,
such as the Norwalk virus and a group of Norwalk-like viruses, are of special concern for
drinking water regulators. Many waterborne viruses can cause gastroenteritis, with symptoms
that include diarrhea, nausea, and/or stomach cramps. Gastroenteritis can be fatal for people with
compromised immune systems. The World Health Organization counts waterborne viruses as
second only to malaria in lost work time and dollars in the global economy.
Bacteria are microscopic living organisms usually consisting of a single cell. Waterborne
disease-causing bacteria include E. coli and Shigella .
Protozoa or parasites are also single cell organisms. Examples include Giardia lamblia and
Cryptosporidium. Giardia lamblia was only recognized as being a human pathogen capable of
causing waterborne disease outbreaks in the late 1970s. During the past 15 years, Giardia
lamblia has become recognized as one of the most common causes of waterborne disease in
humans in the United States. The protozoa Cryptosporidium (often called “crypto”) is commonly
found in lakes and rivers and is highly resistant to disinfection used in chlorine. Cryptosporidium
has caused several large outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness.
Nitrate in drinking water at levels above 10 ppm is a health risk for infants less than six months
old. High nitrate levels in drinking water can cause blue baby syndrome. Nitrate levels may rise
quickly for short periods of time because of rainfall or agricultural activity.
August 2002
What Contaminants Cause
Chronic Health Effects?
• Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
• Inorganic chemicals (IOCs)
• Synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs)
• Contaminants that can cause chronic health effects include byproducts of disinfection, lead and other
metals, pesticides, and solvents. Sources of these contaminants include:
Commercial activities such as automotive repair facilities, laundromats and dry cleaners,
airports, gas stations, photographic processors, and construction sites often use materials that are
Industrial activities such as chemical manufacturing and storage, machine or metalworking
shops, and mining operations often use substances that can contaminate drinking water supplies.
Petroleum product storage in underground tanks is one of the greatest threats to ground water
Agricultural activities such as use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers applied to crops on
farmland may be highly toxic and can remain in soil and water for many months or years.
These same substances are used by millions of homeowners as well.
Urban activities such as improper disposal or leaks of household hazardous wastes, can seep
into the ground or run into storm drains and contaminate ground water.
Other sources of water contamination include chemicals used for road de-icing and
maintenance, landfills, and surface impoundments.
• Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) vaporize at relatively low temperatures. They include mostly
industrial and chemical solvents such as benzene and toluene. Benzene has the potential to cause
chromosome aberrations and cancer from a lifetime exposure at le vels above the maximum
contaminant level. Toluene has the potential to cause pronounced nervous disorders such as spasms,
tremors, impairment of speech, hearing, vision, memory, and coordination; and liver and kidney
damage from a lifetime exposure, especially at levels above the MCL.
• Inorganic chemicals (IOCs) include metals and minerals. Some of these have the potential to cause
chronic health effects. For example, lead has the potential to cause stroke, kidney disease, and cancer
from a lifetime exposure, especially at levels above the MCL.
• Synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs) are man-made and include pesticides such as atrazine and
alachlor. Atrazine has the potential to cause weight loss; cardiovascular damage; retinal and some
muscle degeneration; and cancer from a lifetime exposure at levels above the MCL. Alachlor can
cause eye, liver, kidney, or spleen problems; anemia; and an increased risk of cancer from life-time
exposure, especially at levels above the MCL.
August 2002
SDWA’s Major
Source Water
August 2002
Historical Basis Early State Approach
• Multiple barrier approach used by
States since early 1900s included
source selection and protection
• Sanitary surveys to check system from
source to tap
• In the 19th century, State public health agencies began to protect sources of
drinking water in response to widespread epidemics attributed to drinking
water contamination from pathogens. By the mid-1900s, State public health
departments were well-established regulatory agencies.
• The predominant philosophy in these State programs was a multiple barrier
approach to prevent or treat drinking water contamination. The first barrier
was selection and protection of an appropriate source. For surface sources,
this meant locating and constructing water intakes to ensure little or no
contamination from fecal bacteria. For ground water sources, this meant
constructing wells in appropriate locations, at appropriate depths, and with
approved construction methods (e.g., casing and grouting).
• Other barriers included treatment (selected to be appropriate to the quality of
the source water) and distribution (to promote full circulation and avoid
stagnant water conditions that might facilitate microbial contamination). The
integrity of distribution systems was periodically checked to avoid any type of
cross-connection whereby untreated or contaminated water might enter the
• One method to implement the multiple barrier approach was to conduct
routine sanitary surveys where State sanitarians or engineers inspected water
systems and checked all components of the system from source to tap.
Sanitary surveys identified problems and potential problems thereby
preventing contamination of water supplies.
August 2002
SDWA Source Water
Protection Programs
• 1974 SDWA
– Sole Source Aquifer program
– Underground Injection Control program
• 1986 SDWA Amendments: Wellhead
Protection program
• 1996 SDWA Amendments
– Source Water Petition program
– Source Water Assessment program
• The Federal government began a limited role in protecting drinking water with the creation of
the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) in 1912 and the PHS’s subsequent regulation of drinking
water in interstate commerce (e.g., on interstate carriers). Prior to 1974, States were
responsible for protecting drinking water and ground and surface water sources.
• SDWA, first enacted in 1974, included provisions for a program to protect ground water
sources -- the Sole Source Aquifer program. This program prohibits Federal financial
assistance for projects that might contaminate an aquifer that has been designated by EPA as a
sole or principal source of drinking water for an area.
• The 1974 SDWA also included provisions for the Underground Injection Control (UIC)
program. This program protects Underground Sources of Drinking Water (USDWs) from
contamination through injection wells.
• The 1986 SDWA Amendments established the Wellhead Protection (WHP) Program in
Section 1428. This non-regulatory program includes provisions to protect the surface and
subsurface areas around public drinking water wells and offers communities a cost-effective
means of protecting vulnerable ground water supplies.
• The 1996 Amendments established the Source Water Assessment Program (discussed later) and
the Source Water Petition Program.This program, authorized by SDWA Section 1454, is
voluntary for States, and is intended to support locally-driven efforts designed to address a
limited number of contaminants identified in the statute. See the State Source Water Protection
Programs Guidance (August 1997) at www.epa.gov/safewater/swp/swp.pdf for additional
• Except for the UIC program, EPA’s ground water and source water programs are not
regulatory. There are no enforceable national ground water standards. These programs
typically educate, facilitate, coordinate, and assist with protection of ground water.
August 2002
What Is the Sole Source
Aquifer Program?
• A sole source aquifer:
– Supplies at least 50% of
drinking water
– Is the only feasible
drinking water source that
• Any person may petition
• 70 designated sole
source aquifers
• The Sole Source Aquifer Protection Program is authorized by Section 1424
of the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. The program provides for EPA
review of proposed Federal financially-assisted projects, such as highway
improvements, wastewater treatment facilities, or agricultural projects that
can potentially contaminate a designated sole source aquifer.
• A sole source aquifer, or principal source aquifer:
Supplies at least 50 percent of the drinking water consumed in the area
overlying the aquifer; and
Is the only physically, legally, and economically feasible water source
for all those who depend on the aquifer for drinking water.
• Any person or organization may apply to designate an aquifer as a sole
source by submitting a petition to EPA. As of February 2000, there are 70
designated sole source aquifers in the U.S.
August 2002
Significance of the Sole
Source Aquifer Program
• EPA reviews Federally-funded projects
• Information from SSA designation can
help delineate SWPAs
• SSAs can raise community awareness
• SWAPs can help evaluate candidate
• Proposed projects with Federal financial assistance that have the potential to contaminate SSAs
are subject to EPA review by a ground water specialist. This review may be coordinated with
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) reviews and with relevant Federal, State and local
agencies. Examples of projects that might be subject to review include highways, wastewater
treatment facilities, construction projects that involve storm water disposal, public water supply
wells and transmission lines, agricultural projects that involve the management of animal waste,
and projects funded through Community Development Block Grants. Project reviews can result
EPA requirements for design improvements, ground water monitorin g programs,
maintenance and educational activities that would not otherwise occur; or
Direct technical assistance, by identifying specific activities that may lead to ground water
contamination. In addition, technical assistance usually involves site-specific coordination
of ground water protection activities among State and local environmental and public health
protection agencies.
• The hydrogeologic and water usage information required by EPA during the process of
designating a sole source aquifer can help define source water protection areas and determine the
susceptibility of water supplies. Sole source aquifer project reviews can be a valuable source of
information on potential contaminant sources in source water protection areas.
• A sole source aquifer designation can also increase community awareness on the use, value, and
vulnerability of aquifers and build support for implementing various ground water protection
efforts at the local level.
• The information from source water assessments can be used to help evaluate whether an area
meets SSA designation criteria, and can provide useful information for project reviews, such as
the location of delineated source water protection areas, potential or existing sources of
contamination, and local variations in aquifer susceptibility.
• Some States have chosen to regulate activities in SSAs to provide additional ground water
August 2002
Underground Source of Drinking Water
10,000 TDS)
What is the UIC Program and
Why is it Significant?
• The UIC program mission is to protect underground sources of drinking water from
contamination by regulating the construction and operation of in jection wells.
• Injection is defined as subsurface emplacement of fluids through a bored, drilled, or dr iven
well or through a dug well where the depth of the dug well is greater than the largest surface
dimension; or a dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension; or an
improved sinkhole; or a subsurface fluid distribution system.
• Protection of ground water from this potential source of contamination is significant since
there are estimated to be more than 600,000 injection wells in the U.S. that dispose of a
variety of wastes including hazardous waste. (Only a small portion of injection wells inject
hazardous waste.)
• Underground sources of drinking water (USDWs) are important sources of drinking water.
In order to understand the definition of a USDW, there are some basic concepts that must be
Water contains dissolved minerals, especially salt. The salinity of water is expressed
as Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), measured as parts per million (ppm) or the
equivalent milligrams per liter (mg/L).
Water with between 0 and 500 mg/L TDS is considered to be suitable for human
consumption. Water that has a higher salinity than drinking water may be used for
many other purposes (e.g., agricultural and industrial uses). In addition, water
containing up to 10,000 mg/L TDS can potentially be treated to reduce TDS to
drinkable quality levels. Waters containing in excess of 10,000 mg/L TDS are called
brine, or simply salt water.
• Thus, Underground Sources of Drinking Water are aquifers (geologic formations where
water collects in quantities sufficient to support a well or spring) with less than 10,000 mg/L
• The graphic is a simplified picture of this. Whether there is a layer of fresh water with high
TDS water underneath depends on the location.
• EPA regulates underground injection control wells in order to protect USDWs.
August 2002
Class III
Class II
Class V
Agricul tural
Class I
Ore Body
Base of the
Source: GWPC
• Injection wells may be used to purposefully inject fluid; they may also serve as a conduit
for fluids to drain or seep into the subsurface.
• Injection wells are used to put fluid into the subsurface versus drinking water wells which
are used to take water out of the subsurface.
• There are many types of injection wells. In order to regulate the universe of wells, EPA
established five classes of injection wells.
Class I wells are technologically sophisticated wells that inject large volumes of
hazardous or non- hazardous wastes into deep, isolated rock formations.
Class II wells inject fluids associated with oil and natural gas production.
Class III wells inject super- hot steam, water, or other fluid into mineral formations,
which is then pumped to the surface and the minerals are extracted.
Class IV wells inject hazardous or radioactive wastes into or above underground
sources of drinking water. These wells are banned. All existing Class IV wells were
approved under State and Federal cleanup programs, such as those under RCRA or
Class V wells use injection practices that are not included in the other classes. Class
V wells vary widely. Some are technologically advanced wastewater disposal systems
used by industry, and others are "low-tech" holes in the ground.
August 2002
What Is Wellhead
• Protection of ground water
• Authorized by SDWA Section
1428 of the 1986 Amendments
• EPA-approved, State-designed
wellhead protection plans can
receive Federal funding to protect
ground water sources
• Requirements for Federal
• Section 1428 of the 1986 SDWA Amendments created the Wellhead
Protection (WHP) Program, which offered communities a cost-effective
means of protecting vulnerable ground water supplies. This program does
not address surface water supplies.
• The 1986 Amendments required each State to submit a comprehensive State
wellhead protection plan to EPA within three years. EPA reviewed the Stateproposed wellhead protection programs; if a program was disapproved, the
State could not receive Federal funds to implement its program. Congress
believed that this enabled EPA to direct the use of scarce Federal dollars in
the most effective way, while letting States continue to pursue their
preventative programs. Currently, 49 States and two Territories have EPAapproved WHP programs.
• To establish wellhead protection programs, communities delineate
vulnerable areas and identify sources of contamination. Through regulatory
or non-regulatory controls, local officials and volunteers manage
contamination sources and protect their water supply, as well as plan for
contamination incidents or other water supply emergencies.
August 2002
WHP Significance Most CWSs Use Ground Water
Ground Water Systems
Surface Water Systems
• Wellhead protection efforts are significant because many water systems use
ground water as their primary source of drinking water.
• Of all community water systems (i.e., a public water system that serves at
least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves
at least 25 year-round residents), just over 80 percent rely on ground water as
their primary source. Most of these systems are small systems. (Of
community water systems, 93 percent serve fewer than 10,000 people.)
Smaller water systems are more likely to choose ground water sources,
which usually require less treatment and usually involve smaller capital
• Although small systems relying on ground water are numerous, the y serve
only a small fraction of the population. For example, systems that serve
3,300 people or fewer make up over 85 percent of CWSs nationwide, yet
serve less than 10 percent of the population.
• Wellhead protection efforts continue today and make up a significant part of
the source water protection program.
August 2002
Source Water
August 2002
What is a Source
Water Assessment?
Public distribution of findings
Susceptibility analysis
Contamination source inventory
• Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) primacy States (i.e., States approved by EPA to administer a
State PWSS program in lieu of the Federal PWSS program) are required by the SDWA Amendments of
1996, Sections 1453 and 1428(b), to complete a source water assessment for each public water system.
These assessments can be done for each system or on an “area-wide” basis involving more than one PWS.
• A source water assessment provides important information for carrying out protection programs. In fact,
Congress intended source water assessments to serve as the basis of local source water protection
programs. This “know your resource and system susceptibility” part of protection involves identifying the
land that drains to the drinking water source and the most prominent potential contaminant risks
associated with it. To be considered complete, a source water assessment must include four components:
Delineation of the source water protection area (SWPA), the portion of a watershed or ground
water area that may contribute water (and, therefore, pollutants) to the water supply.
Identification of all significant potential sources of drinking water contamination within the SWPA.
The resulting contamination source inventory must describe the sources (or categories of sources)
of contamination either by specific location or by area.
Determination of the water supply’s susceptibility to contamination from identified sources. The
susceptibility determination can be either an absolute measure of the potential for contamination of
the PWS or a relative comparison between sources within the SWPA.
Distribution of the source water assessment results to the public. Assessments are not considered
completed until results are communicated to the public.
• Several agencies within a State are likely to be involved in the effort to establish a plan to assess source
water protection areas. Usually, environmental protection agencies or health departments take the lead;
departments of agriculture or agricultural extension programs, and soil and water conservation boards may
also be involved. States are also encouraged to initiate interstate or international partnerships to protect
source water protection areas that cross borders.
• Local governments and water systems will be key partners in assessing source water and implementing
local SWP programs. Local partners can provide input on assessments and gather local support for SWP
management, especially where regulatory controls will be implemented.
August 2002
Source Water Assessments
as the Basis of Protection
• Provide important information
• May be used to prioritize protection
• Completed source water assessments provide important information.
Typically, information collected during an assessment includes delineated
protection areas, locations of wells and intakes, inventories and locations of
potential contaminant sources, determinations of relative threats to drinking
water sources, and hydrogeological data.
• Source water assessment information, in conjunction with other watershed
assessment efforts, by identifying relative threats to water qua lity, can help
water systems and localities determine protection priorities for addressing
these threats.
August 2002
Elements of State
• Public participation in developing SWAP
• Plan to delineate areas, inventory
contaminants, determine susceptibility
• Timetable for implementation, agencies
involved, plan to update assessments
• Plan to make the results of
assessments available to the public
• According to SDWA Section 1453, each State must develop and submit to
EPA a Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) that includes four
Public, technical, and citizen advisory group involvement in the
development of the State-wide SWAP.
A plan to complete source water assessments for each public water
system (PWS) to identify watersheds and ground water recharge areas
that supply public drinking water systems, inventory potential
contaminant sources, and determine the water system’s susceptibility to
A plan to implement its chosen source water assessment approach, i.e.,
a timetable for completing assessments, roles of various State and other
agencies, and plans for updating the assessments.
A plan to provide the public with access to the results of the
susceptibility determination.
• All States were required to submit their SWAP strategies to EPA by
February 6, 1999. EPA has since approved the States’ submittals. Each
State has two years, plus a possible extension of up to 18 months, to
complete all of its source water assessments after EPA approval of their
• States must implement source water assessments according to the approved
August 2002
Other Source Water
Programs and
• There are many programs administered by EPA and by other Federal
agencies that can be used to protect source water, especially surface water.
• EPA-administered programs include those under the Clean Water Act. EPA
also uses the hazardous waste and underground storage tank programs under
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); the Superfund
program under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
and Liability Act (CERCLA); and the pesticides program under the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to enhance source water
• Other Federal agencies that administer relevant programs include the
Departments of Agriculture, Transportation, and the Interior, the Army
Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Geological Survey.
• In addition, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) provides an
important opportunity to point out potential drinking water impacts and
recommend alternative sites or mitigative measures.
• In addition to these programs, EPA is carrying out or supporting some key
source water protection initiatives, including a Source Water Contamination
Prevention Strategic Plan and source water protection field projects through
grants to the National Rural Water Association and the Environme ntal
Finance Center Network.
August 2002
Source Water
Protection Initiatives
• Source Water Contamination
Prevention Strategy
• National Rural Water Association
• Environmental Finance Center Network
• EPA is working with the States and other partners to develop a Source Water
Contamination Prevention Strategic Plan as a national framework for source
water protection efforts. The goal of the plan is to protect current and
potential drinking water sources and the health of those who rel y on those
sources. The proposed long-term vision is that all interested stakeholders
using a variety of tools in a coordinated fashion, establish barriers that
significantly lower the risk of contamination entering current and potential
drinking water resources.
• The objectives of the plan will include enhancing coordination with Clean
Water Act and other EPA programs and with other Federal agencies to better
support local source water prevention priorities.
• The National Rural Water Association has hired new field technicians to
help water systems and localities in 27 project areas in 11 States to develop
and implement source water protection plans through 2001.
• The Environmental Finance Center Network is also helping water systems
and localities develop and implement source water protection pla ns in eight
project areas in eight States.
August 2002
Source Water Protection
under the Clean Water Act
Treatment Plants
Water Systems
Ground Water
Used as
Drinking Water
Used as
Surface Water
Used for
Industrial Uses,
Wildlife Habitat,
and Fishing
• The Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act intersect in
protecting surface water used as drinking water.
August 2002
Source Water Protection
under the Clean Water Act
• The Clean Water Action Plan (CWAP) is a 1998 Presidential initia tive. Its goal is to
protect public health and restore the nation's waterways by emphasizing
collaborative strategies built around all activities that affect bodies of water and the
communities they sustain.
The CWAP provides for cooperation between State, Federal,Tribal, regional,
and local governments, as well as private partners. It provides a forum to
collaborate on strategies for protecting and restoring priority watersheds.
A key element of the Action Plan is the integration of public health and
aquatic ecosystem goals when identifying priorities for watershed restoration
and protection. The Action Plan assigns priority to drinking water source
areas needing protection.
• Under the CWAP, States, Tribes, local governments, organizations and the public
will work together to conduct unified watershed assessments. This process will
assess watershed conditions; identify watersheds where aquatic systems do not meet
clean water and natural resource goals; identify the highest priority watersheds for
restoration and target a subset of that group for restoration action strategies;
determine what other issues, such as protection of drinking water, need to be
addressed; and ensure that all the appropriate stakeholders are involved in the
• Completed source water assessments can help Federal agencies direct protection
programs to highest priority source waters and help guide agency decisions
regarding placement and construction of new facilities.
• The signatories to the CWAP agreement include: EPA, the U.S. Postal Service, the
Department of Energy, the Department of Transportation, the Department of the
Interior, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Department of Defense, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Commerce.
August 2002
Source Water Protection
under the Clean Water Act
• “Point” sources or “nonpoint” sources
• National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES)
• Water quality standards
• Total Maximum Daily
Loads (TMDLs)
• The CWA, SDWA’s partner in water legislation, designates surface water contamination
sources as “point sources” or “non-point sources.” Point sources are direct discharges to a
single point; examples include discharges from sewage treatment plants, and some industrial
sources. Non-point sources are diffused across a broad area and their contamination cannot
be traced to a single discharge point. Examples include runoff of excess fertilizers,
herbicides, and insecticides from agricultural lands and residential areas; oil, grease, and
toxic chemicals from urban runoff and energy production; and sediment from improperly
managed construction sites, crop and forest lands, and eroding streambanks.
• The primary regulatory mechanism provided by the CWA is the National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program. It requires permits for all
discharges of pollutants to surface waters from pipes, outlets, or other discrete conveyances
(i.e., point sources). Permits are not required, however, for non-point sources. Under the
CWA, non-point source pollution is addressed through non-regulatory means.
• Water quality standards are set by authorized States and Tribes to restore and maintain the
physical, chemical and biological integrity of the nation’s waters and to meet the goal of
“fishable/swimmable” water. A water quality standard consists of three elements:
The designated beneficial use of a water body;
The water quality criteria (i.e., the quality of the water) necessary to protect that use;
An antidegradation policy.
• Under CWA Section 303(d), States are required to identify waters that do not meet water
quality standards after the implementation of nationally required levels of pollution control
technology, and to develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for those waters.
TMDLs are used to determine the maximum allowable amount of pollutants that can be
discharged to impaired waters. Based on this determination, pollutant loadings are allocated
among pollution sources in a water segment. TMDLs also provide a basis for identifying
and establishing controls to reduce both point and non-point source pollutant loadings. State
lists that identify waters needing TMDLs, and TMDLs developed for specific water bodies,
are a useful source of information for the development of source water assessments.
August 2002
Other Federal Source
Protection Programs
• There are many other Federal agencies that have programs that can contribute to source water
• USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service obtains advice from State Technical Committees,
which may include State water agencies, on source water-related activities under the Environmental
Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). State water program officials have opportunities to integrate
source water assessment and protection objectives with USDA conservation program concerns.
NRCS provides technical advice and some cost-share assistance to farmers on best management
• USDA also sponsors the Farm*A*Syst and Home*A*Syst network of 50 State interagency
programs that help farmers, ranchers and homeowners identify environmental and health risks on
their property, and take voluntary actions to reduce these risks and protect drinking water. USDA
has a number of other programs that foster source water protection, including the Cooperative State
Research Education and Extension Service, the Forest Service, and the Rural Utilities Service.
• USGS provides scientific information on water resources, biological resources, mapping, and
geology, to support wise management of our natural resources. USGS will provide water-quality
and land-use data that may be useful in drinking water source assessments. In addition, on a costshare basis, USGS can provide technical assistance on source water protection area delineation,
including hydrogeological analyses, ground water age-dating and flow modeling, and delineation of
ground water contributing areas using flow models.
• EPA and the Department of Transportation have a partnership to implement the Transportation
Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), which includes provisions to ensure environmentally
sound transportation systems.
• The Department of Transportation is also in the process of identifying drinking water unusually
sensitive areas (USAs). DOT is evaluating Federal and State data sources in order to generate the
drinking water USAs. This will allow transportation projects to be reviewed for potential drinking
water impacts.
August 2002
Other Federal Source
Protection Programs
• See
for a list of Federal
data sources related
to source water
• The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service within the Department of the Interior (DOI) has
a National Wetlands Inventory Project that provides maps and dig ital wetland data
with site specific classification and location information. Land management
agencies at DOI, including the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park
Service, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Office of Surface Mining, can be
important partners in coordinating source water assessments.
• EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers jointly administer Section 404 of the Clean
Water Act, which regulates the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of
the U.S. This program can be used for watershed and special area management
• The Council on Environmental Quality implements the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA), which requires environmental assessments or environmental
impact statements for Federally-funded activities. NEPA ensures that adverse
environmental impacts will be avoided or mitigated through the assessment process.
August 2002
Who Ultimately
Protects the Source?
• States are uniquely positioned and qualified to foster comprehensive source
water protection programs because they implement most existing water and
natural resource programs.
• However, in order to be effective, source water protection ultimately has to be
implemented as a community-based program. While Federal and State
programs can guide source protection programs, source water protection
activities are largely the responsibility of local jurisdictions.
• Implementing a source water protection program involves community
support, public education, land use planning, and planning for emergencies —
all locally-based concepts. It may also involve many localities cooperating
with support from regional, State or Federal entities.
• The remainder of this course discusses source water contaminatio n prevention
measures that can be implemented at the local level.
August 2002
Introduction to
Source Water
August 2002
What are Source Water
Protection Measures?
• Practices to prevent contamination of
ground water and surface water that are
used or potentially used as sources of
drinking water
• Protection measures form the first
barrier to drinking water protection
• Protection of drinking water sources is important to prevent contamination. The
cost of cleaning up often exceeds the cost of prevention.
• Many types of management measures are available to address threats identified
within a watershed. These include land use controls, such as subdivision and zoning
regulations; regulations, permits, and inspections; constructed or vegetative
systems; and good housekeeping practices for proper use of equip ment and
chemical products or wastes; and other tools, such as public education.
• Protection measures are part of a multi-barrier approach to drinking water
protection, along with treatment, monitoring, operator capacity, and maintenance of
the distribution system.
• The following slides present measures that communities, businesses, and
individuals can take to protect source water.
August 2002
How Can Protection
Measures Fit into a SWPP?
• Impose by regulation
• Encourage through non-regulatory
• Combine approaches as appropriate
given site-specific considerations
• Depending on their situation, local government officials can choose from a variety of
regulatory and non-regulatory measures to address identified or potential threats to
their water supplies.
• Regulatory controls include zoning ordinances and subdivision controls, construction
and operating standards, health regulations (such as storage tank and septic tank
requirements), and permitting or inspections.
Examples of local zoning ordinances to protect ground water and surface water
sources of drinking water can be found at http://www.epa.gov/r5water/ordcom/
and http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/ordinance/.
• Non-regulatory controls include purchase of property or development rights,
encouraging the use of best management practices, public education, household
hazardous waste collection programs, and economic incentives such as agricultural
cost-share programs.
• A combination of these methods is usually necessary for an effective management
plan. In addition, the same end can usually be achieved through different means. For
example, setbacks can be achieved through permits or local ordinances. The range of
feasible tools will depend on the local authority to regulate la nd uses, and the nature of
the contamination threats.
• To see how communities are combining protection measures to protect their drinking
water supplies, go to EPA’s compilation of local case studies in source water protection
at http://www.epa.gov/safewater/protect/casesty/casestudy.html. The local contacts
listed at the end of each case study should be able to provide you with some tips on
how to put together your own protection plan.
August 2002
What are BMPs?
• Many of the available management measures are known as best mana gement
practices (BMPs). BMPs are standard operating procedures that can reduce
the threat that normal activities at homes, businesses, agricultural lands or
industry can pose to water supplies. BMPs have been developed for many
activities and industries that store, handle, or transport hazardous or toxic
substances. They can help prevent the release of these substances or control
these releases in an environmentally sound manner, and encourage the
adoption of voluntary design or procedural standards.
August 2002
Selecting Management
Land use controls
Regulations and permits
Structural measures
Good housekeeping practices
Public education
Land management
Emergency response planning
• Many management measures are available to prevent pollution, control
contaminants at the source, or treat wastewater. One alone usua lly is not
sufficient, and combinations of measures work best.
• In choosing the most appropriate measures, local government officials and
water system operators should consider their situations, and may need to
prioritize the implementation of specific measures to make the most of the
resources available to them.
• Local government officials should look creatively at existing ordinances and
regulations. They may be able to use rules passed for other reasons to
address source water issues. For example, if special permits are allowed
when necessary to protect public safety or health, it is possible that they
could be used for source water protection.
• Selection of management measures will be based on a variety of factors,
including the physical properties of the watershed (annual precipitation, soil
type and drainage, ground water and surface water hydrology, and space
limitations), land uses and potential contaminants, type of contamination
problem (e.g., point source or non-point source), public acceptance of
measures, cost, maintenance needs, and aesthetics.
August 2002
Land Use Controls
Subdivision growth controls
Land purchase
Acquisition of development rights
Land use prohibitions
• Land uses that pose risks to source water can be controlled or moved from
sensitive areas. Local government officials can use subdivision and growth
controls to reduce population density, or zoning ordinances to prohibit or
restrict certain activities in SWPAs.
• By acquiring the rights to development on parcels of land through purchase
or donation of the land, local government officials have complete control
over the activities in critical areas.
• The high cost of purchasing property or development rights makes this
impractical for many communities. Some States have grants for acquiring
environmentally sensitive lands and non-profit organizations such as local or
regional land trusts can assist communities by acquiring land within SWPAs.
The American Farmland Trust and the Nature Conservancy are examp les of
non-profit organizations that focus on protection of water resources through
land acquisition. USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program also mana ges a
program to obtain easements on environmentally sensitive land.
• Often, the greatest consideration in passing regulatory land use controls is
the political acceptability of limiting certain activities. However, most
people consider passing zoning ordinances to be the right and responsibility
of local governments, and public education about the importance of
protecting water supplies can increase the acceptance of land use controls.
• The next few slides describe land use controls for managing SWPAs.
August 2002
Growth Controls
• Primary purpose is to control division of
land into lots suitable for building
• Can protect drinking water supplies
– Septic system effluent
– Storm water runoff
• As the nation’s population increases, sprawl and the proliferation of homes,
businesses, and associated activities such as pesticide and fertilizer use, and
septic systems, can threaten drinking water supplies.
• Subdivision regulations govern the process by which individual lots of land
are created out of larger tracts. Subdivision regulations are intended to
ensure that subdivisions are appropriately related to their surroundings.
General site design standards, such as preservation of environme ntally
sensitive areas, are one example of subdivision regulations.
• Ways in which subdivision requirements can protect water supplies include:
Ensuring that septic systems and storm water infiltration structures do
not contaminate ground water; and
Managing drainage (e.g., using erosion controls) to ensure that runoff
does not become excessive as the area of paved surfaces increases and
to provide recharge to aquifers.
August 2002
• Zoning is the division of a municipality or county into districts for the
purpose of regulating land use. Communities traditionally use zo ning to
separate potentially conflicting land uses from one another. Exa mples of
how zoning can be used to protect drinking water sources include
requirements that limit impervious surfaces, encourage open space, locate
high risk activities away form drinking water sources, or encourage cluster
development to reduce runoff. For example, Brunswick, Maine, adopted a
threshold that no more than 5 percent of a site to be developed in its Coastal
Protection Zone may be impervious area.
• Zoning is an effective regulatory tool for preventing threats to water sources
from new development, and zoning ordinances are usually well-accepted as
the prerogative of local governments. Unfortunately, zoning is of limited use
in addressing threats from existing land uses, because they are
"grandfathered" (i.e., exempt from new zoning requirements) when zoning
laws take effect. Zoning ordinances may be difficult to pass where citizens
want to encourage growth and economic development.
• Examples of local zoning ordinances to protect ground water and surface
water sources of drinking water can be found at
http://www.epa.gov/r5water/ordcom/ and
August 2002
Land Purchase and
Development Rights
• Land purchases
• Conservation
• Land trusts and
• The best way to control activities within sensitive areas is to purchase land
and/or development rights to that land. Communities may purchase land
outright or obtain conservation easements, which are voluntary arrangements
preventing a landowner from performing certain activities or prohibiting
certain kinds or densities of development. The easements become attached to
the deed for the property, and remain in effect when it is sold or transferred.
Restrictions in the deed make it clear that the land cannot be developed
based on the rights that have been purchased.
• The primary disadvantage to purchasing property or development rights is
the high cost, so it is impractical for many communities. Land trusts or
conservancies can purchase land outright, or be recipients of conservation
easements or land donations. Land owners can also gain tax benefits from
donating their land for environmental protection. Some States offer grants or
loans to communities for acquiring environmentally sensitive lands. Certain
non-profit organizations such as local or regional land trusts, can assist
communities by acquiring land.
August 2002
Land Use Prohibitions
• Effective way to remove threats from
sensitive areas
• Source-specific and chemical-specific
• Hazardous chemicals that are caustic, toxic, or volatile can endanger public
health or water supplies. Authorities can opt to prohibit or limit the storage
or use of large supplies of dangerous substances in sensitive areas.
• Land use prohibitions can be very effective ways to remove potential
contamination sources from water supply areas. Because they are very
restrictive, local government officials should use hydrologic studies to verify
their necessity. If potentially threatening land uses already exist in the area, a
phased- in approach may be more acceptable. For example, a ban on
underground storage tanks could ban new USTs immediately, and phase out
existing tanks as their service lives expire by requiring replacement tanks to
be above ground.
August 2002
Land Use Prohibitions
• Land use prohibitions can be aimed at controlling either activities that use
dangerous substances (source-specific standards) or the materials themselves
(contaminant-specific standards).
• Examples of source-specific standards include:
Prohibiting gas stations in sensitive areas, or requiring double-hulled or
corrosion-resistant design of underground storage tanks.
Septic system requirements, such as minimum setbacks from surface
water or separations from the water table, or mandatory maintena nce
and inspections schedules.
• Contaminant-specific standards may prohibit the use of heavy metals,
petroleum products, solvents, or radioactive materials in source water
protection areas. Regulations on the application of pesticides, fertilizer,
manure, and sludge are also examples of contaminant-specific standards.
August 2002
Regulations and
Construction and operating standards
Permit requirements
Land use prohibitions
Public health regulations
• Management measures can be imposed by regulation or through permit
requirements. Local government officials can require owners of facilities that
can endanger drinking water supplies to comply with standards for proper
design, operation, or maintenance.
• In some communities, local government officials may encounter public
resistance to regulations, and the cost to administer permitting or inspection
programs can be high. However, regulations can be an effective way to
control certain activities in source water protection areas. Most regulatory
controls are subject to the provisions of State enabling legisla tion, and
require careful drafting to avoid potential legal challenges.
• The next few slides describe regulatory options available to local
government officials.
August 2002
Construction and
Operating Standards
• Construction and operating standards may be imposed to reduce threats to
water supplies from some activities. For example:
Storage tanks may be required to have a double-hulled construction
and leak detection systems.
Homeowners with septic systems may be required to construct them
using approved designs or maintain their systems regularly.
• Construction and operating standards may require some of the constructed
devices, operating and maintenance practices, or product and waste disposal
procedures described later in this section.
August 2002
Permit Requirements
• Local authorities can require permits
• Permit fees can help recover program
• Permits can be site-specific
• Inspections enforce permit requirements
• Municipalities can require owners or operators of facilities tha t can pose a
potential risk to water supplies to obtain permits. Permits allow authorities to
maintain an inventory of potential contamination sources, periodically
inspect facilities for compliance with ordinances, require minimum
construction or operating standards (see previous slide), and periodically
reexamine the appropriateness of the source or activity to determine if
revisions (or discontinuance) are necessary.
• Permitting fees can help recover the costs associated with tracking and
maintaining source-specific information.
• Existing Class V motor vehicle waste disposal wells are an example of a use
for which a permit may be required.
• One provision of a permit may be periodic inspections. Inspectio ns can
identify people who are not complying with standards, and can also provide
an opportunity to educate them about proper procedures and make sure they
are following them.
• Permits can also be site-specific, and permit requirements can be tailored to
the specific location or activity.
August 2002
Public Health Regulations
• Underground storage tanks
– Construction standards
– Leak testing
• Septic systems
– Number and size in a given area
– Siting, setback distances and construction
– Maintenance standards
• Floor drains
• Regulation by a local health department can help protect source waters.
Examples of areas that health departments typically regulate are
underground storage tanks, septic systems and floor drains.
Prohibition or registration of residential underground storage tanks,
leak testing, ground water monitoring, and construction standards can
help to reduce the risk from these tanks.
Regulations addressing the number and size of septic systems allowed
in an area, construction and siting standards, bans on certain solvent
cleaners, maintenance standards, and setback distances can help to
ensure that septic systems do not contaminate source water.
Towns may implement controls prohibiting any floor drain that
discharges to ground water when the drain is located in an area where
pollutants may enter the drain.
• Health departments may regulate numerous other activities that could
contribute to contamination of source waters. Coordination at the local level
to ensure that the appropriate departments are involved in source water
protection efforts is important.
• Health regulations are usually an accepted regulatory option for local
governments. Although implementing a new program of inspections and
enforcement may require significant resources, this infrastructure often
already exists within local government. Local officials can direct or
coordinate these resources to work on source water priorities.
August 2002
Structural Measures
• Constructed systems or devices
• Vegetative measures
• Structural BMPs refer to man-made systems or devices designed to prevent
contamination. They may work by preventing leaks or contamination, or
stopping them at the source; collecting or diverting hazardous or toxic
components of a waste stream; or encouraging filtration or infiltration of
wastewater to allow natural processes to remove contaminants.
• Where they are not imposed by local regulations or ordinances (see above),
land owners should be encouraged to adopt these BMPs.
• The next few slides describe and give examples of constructed and
vegetative BMPs.
August 2002
Constructed Systems
or Devices
• Automatic shut-off and
leak detection devices
• Secondary containment
• Drainage diversion
• Segregated floor drains
• Waste collection
• Constructed devices or retrofits to existing machinery or operations can
detect equipment failures or leaks, contain contaminants at the source, or
catch spilled chemicals. Examples include:
Secondary containment structures, such as oil- retaining catch basins,
containment berms for above ground storage tanks, or impervious
surfaces for tank placement.
At animal feeding operations, earthen ridges or diversion terraces to
direct surface flow away from animal waste.
Leak detection devices on storage tanks, including automatic tank
gauges, vapor monitoring, interstitial monitoring, and ground water
Segregating floor drains from wastewater carrying hazardous or toxic
wastes, such as photography development fluids.
Devices to collect and store wastewater for proper disposal.
August 2002
Vegetative Measures
Photo: Texas Chapter, APWA
• Natural vegetation is remarkably effective at filtering contaminants before
they reach water bodies or seep into the ground water. It can also slow the
speed of runoff to prevent erosion.
• Vegetative measures capitalize on these abilities to promote filtering or
infiltration of waste water. They are often used to mitigate the damage
caused by runoff over farm land, roads, or in urban areas.
• Examples include constructed wetlands, vegetated buffer strips along shore
lines, or grassed swales or depressions that collect runoff, encourage
infiltration, or reduce erosion.
• They often require little maintenance, other than proper management of
runoff they collect, and can improve land values. For example, in residential
areas real estate values may be higher for properties surrounding a
constructed wetland. However, these vegetative measures also require
proper management of runoff.
August 2002
Good Housekeeping
• Equipment operation and
• Product storage, use and handling
• Waste storage and disposal
• May be required by local ordinances
or health regulations
• Homeowners and business owners should be made aware that careful
handling of potentially dangerous substances and proper use of the
equipment and chemicals they use every day can go a long way to protecting
their water supply. These “good housekeeping” practices typically do not
require significant expenditures or drastic changes to customary activities,
and can often save money by eliminating waste of the products they buy.
• People should be encouraged to limit fertilizer applications to lawns and
gardens, and properly store chemicals to prevent contamination of storm
water runoff. Chemicals and oil should not be poured into sewers. Pet
wastes, a significant source of nutrient contamination, should be disposed of
• Employees should be trained in the use of BMP devices and safe use and
storage of chemicals at the workplace.
• Some of these practices may be imposed by local ordinances or he alth
regulations (such as maintenance requirements for septic systems ). If not,
their use should be encouraged through public education.
August 2002
Equipment Operation
and Maintenance
• Proper maintenance of vehicles and household, farm, construction, and
industrial equipment prevents accidents, leaks, and breakdown of pollution
preventing design. It also extends their service lives, saving owners money.
Septic system maintenance reduces the threat of leakage of the tank
and possible contamination of ground water by pathogens. It can also
save home and business owners money by avoiding costly repairs.
Vehicle maintenance increases the life span of cars and trucks,
construction vehicles, and farm equipment. Properly maintained
equipment reduces the likelihood of spills and accidents, and offers
other environmental benefits, such as reducing air pollution.
Washing vehicles before they leave a construction site keeps sediment
on the site and out of roadway storm sewers.
Inspecting storage tanks for potential leaks helps to ensure that
chemicals do not spill on the ground or seep into the ground water.
Avoiding leaks saves the tank owner money on the purchase of the
substance stored.
Keeping equipment properly calibrated (e.g., for fertilizer and pesticide
application) is also important.
August 2002
Product Storage, Use
and Handling
• Properly used, most chemical products available to homeowners are safe for
the environment. One of the most basic aspects of proper product storage and
use is following the manufacturer’s directions. Land and busine ss owners
should understand that reading and following the directions on the label of
pesticides, fertilizers, and automotive products can protect the ir drinking
water supply. Other safe product use and handling practices include the
Pesticide and fertilizer application equipment should be loaded over
impervious surfaces, so that any spills can be cleaned without seeping
into ground water. Farmers and homeowners should purchase only
what they need, and store and apply excess product to plants or crops
during subsequent applications, or give leftovers to a neighbor instead
of throwing them out.
Selecting appropriate low sudsing, low phosphate, biodegradable
detergents at vehicle washing operations maximizes the effectiveness
of oil/water separation and retention in control devices.
August 2002
Proper Waste Storage
and Disposal
Photos: Texas Chapter, APWA
• Relatively small amounts of waste from lea...
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