Rasmussen College HIPAA Policies and Guidelines Written Assignment

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Computer Science

Rasmussen University


Policies are an integral component of an employee handbook. This week for your project, you will create an employee policy relating to HIPAA to include in your employee handbook.

In a minimum of 2 pages, include the following:

  • An office policy surrounding HIPAA and guidelines that employees must follow. Include in the office policy:
    • Principles and ethical beliefs of the organization
    • Why it's important for your organization to follow HIPAA guidelines
    • The role that HIPAA guidelines play in upholding your organization's values, integrity, and ethical practices.
    • Discuss how HIPAA policies may be received based on cultural differences.
  • As you draft your policy, remember your audience. You should use a suitable tone and develop your content in a way that will speak to and connect with your employee audience.

It may be helpful for you to compare various organizations’ privacy acts and regulations; organizations with and without HIPAA regulations pertaining to privacy.

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HIPAA Organizational Policy
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HIPAA Organizational Policy
Policies set within various organizations are always intent on ensuring that the
stakeholders therein act according to the expectations of the company’s management. On the
other hand, the management needs to conduct itself according to the shareholders’ and
stakeholders’ expectations, failure to which the management could lose its position within the
company, or the company could end up having adverse relations with the stakeholders in the said
industry. Therefore, the primary role of organizational policies is to ensure that every member of
the org...

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