CJ 675 2-2 Short Paper: Crime Trends

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Business Finance


2-2 Short Paper Crime Trends

Overview: To complete this assignment, you must complete the assigned textbook reading and review this Article: Annual Fargo Police Report Shows Increase in Crime Trends for 2015. This short paper is similar to a literature review.

Prompt: Prepare a detailed short paper that thoroughly addresses the following:

● Analyze the article and identify the major factors that contributed to such a prominent crime trend within Fargo Police Department’s jurisdiction.

● What research method would you employ to work toward a solution to alleviate the problem and why?

● Finally, what decision would you make to reduce the impact of crime on the surrounding community?

Guidelines for Submission: Your short paper must be a submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA format.

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