Conflict Mapping

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Conflict Mapping

Use the Conflict Map (attached) to analyze a conflict you are involved in currently or were involved with in the past. If possible, try to choose a conflict you experienced in the workplace.

In the table, you will:

  1. Identify the position of the parties.
  2. Identify the interests, beliefs, and feelings of the parties.
  3. Identify the visions of the parties.

You will also explain the impact of the conflict on the relationship.

After filling out the Conflict Map, post in a word document for your peers in which you discuss your map.

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Conflict Map Complete the map by filling in information from the conflict you are analyzing. When the table and all other information is complete, post the map to the discussion board and create a 2–3minute Adobe Connect presentation, explaining your map and your findings. Define and describe conflcit: Person A Person B Position of person. Interests, beliefs, and feelings of this individual. Vision of what this individual wants. Impact of the conflict on the relationship between Person A and Person B: Impact of the conflict to others peripheral to the conflict: 1
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Conflict Map
Complete the map by filling in information from the conflict you are analyzing. When the table
and all other information is complete, post the map to the discussion board and create a 2–3minute Adobe Connect presentation, explaining your map and your fin...

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