A report of an experiment

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This assignment is for a report that we did as a group number 1 on the brush creek in Kansas City, Missouri.

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This is a really easy assignment where you got all the informations and you just add it in a re

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Group UNDERSTANDING THE EARTH ENV Sci 110L LAB 7 BRUSH CREEK SAMPLING OBJECTIVE To gather water quality data for a small, urban stream ACTIVITIES .Conduct a Visual Survey of site Measure Chemical Parameters Measure Stream Flow Perform Macro-Invertebrate Count . PRE-TRIP PREPARATIONS Collect field equipment Last minute instructions POST-TRIP RESPONSIBILITIES • Return all equipment to lab 403FH Clean all equipment before leaving FIELD TRIP Your instructor will supply you with the following: Group data sheet Water chemistry instruction Activities are divided into several parts: Water Quality Stream Flow Channel cross sectional area Stream velocity Macro-Invertebrate Count . - Four groups will do 2 parts each week plus the Visual Survey Chenson, Tyler Fasching wko Kohl Charley Yong Stephani mane VISUAL STREAM SURVEY DATA SHEET check the County Jackson % TO trees 20 grasses or weeds 30 % Please check the box next to “Site #" if this is a new site and please be sure to attach a map. Site # Stream_Brush creek Site Description Date7|4ix Time (24-hr., military time) 1317 Trained Data Submitter's Stream Team Number Trained Data Submitter (person assuming responsibility for these data) Trained Participants *1. Floodplain land use industrial 0 % commercial @25% residential 50 % pasture/hayfields_0% row crops % woods other (specify). *2. Riparian cover bare ground % parking lots/streets 0 % building! % other (specify) 1% % *3. Streambank conditions trees 10-15% grasses or weeds 10-15% bare ground 10-15% bedrock 0-1_% pavement/riprap 60 __% other (specify) % Bed composition of riffle (or, if alternative habitat, check box a) silt or mud 0 % sand /_% gravel 40 % cobble (2-10") 50 % boulders >10" 5_% bedrock % 5. Percent embeddedness of cobble substrate = + 5 = Cobble substrate not present at site 6. Signs of human use Trash sewage *4. + % 7. Algae What percent of stream bottom is covered by visible algae? 40_% Of the algae observed, what percentage is: (a) close-growing 20_%+(b) filamentous (strands over 2" long) $_%= 100% (The sum of 7a and 7b should equal 100%) 8. Water Color (describe) Braun 9. Water Odor (describes fish Sewage 10. Weather Conditions (cloud cover 997 1075 of sunlight_algal growth indicates amount of cloudiness - Turbidity is high with amount of small 11. Comments *Items 1 thru 4 must total 100% PLEASE KEEP A COPY AND SEND ORIGINAL DATA TO: Priscilla Stotts Water Protection Program Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 176 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 Volunteer Monitoring - 1/04 Water Qua Volunte Water Quality Data Sheet Jy leefaseer Team Members: Cherde Yang, Skolunu Chypiacerem AR Alyafie Elen Fasching Site # and location: Fody Al Buenza, Loke kon 1 Kirsten Stephenso Date of Sampling: 7-18-18 13:35 Start Time: Weather Conditions: completely cloudy Water Temp. °C DO, mg/L %Sat 26.6 6 drops 82% Nitrite-N, ppm Nitrate-N, ppm Conductivity Turbidity 222 5 Total Cl, ppm Alkalinity, ppm Free CI, ppm pH Hardness, ppm 기 300 120. o (attached Stream Discharge Stream Discharge: Worksheet) (attached Macro-invertebrate Count Water Quality Rating: Worksheet) Visual Stream Survey: (attached Visual Stream Survey Checklist) 2 County Johnson Fasching – total min. 15 MACROINVERTEBRATE DATA SHEET Please check the box next to “Site #" if this is a new site and please be sure to attach a map. Site # Stream _ Brush Creek 8. Site Description_Neto bridge in Mission KS Date 7/8/1Trained Data Submitter (person assuming responsibility for these data) Trained Data Submitter's Stream Team Number Rainfall (inches in last 7 days)_4.4" Trained Participants Invertebrate Type Net Set #1 Net Set #2 Net Set #3 Score Habitat type → After entering the number (#) of organisms collected, circle Time Spent Picking min . picking 5 min. picking 5 min. picking the number below for every (Minutes picking x number of people 3 3 type of organism collected. x # people x #people 3 x # people Add the numbers circled and picking) 15 record the total as your Water = total min. 3 = total min Quality Rating Sensitive # of Organisms # of Organisms #of Organisms Circle Types Present Caddisfly Larvae 3 Hellgrammites 3 Mayfly Nymphs 0 3 Gilled Snails (right) 205 4 니 3 Riffle Beetles 3 Stonefly Nymphs 0 3 o Water Penny Larvae 3 Somewhat Sensitive # of Organisms # of Organisms # of Organisms Circle Types Present Other Beetle Larvae 2. Clams/Mussels 2 Crane Fly Larvae 2 Crayfish 2 2 Dragonfly Nymphs 2 Damselfly Nymphs Scuds 2 2 Sowbugs 2 Fishfly Larvae 2. Alderfly Larvae 2 Watersnipe Fly Tolerant # of Organisms # of Organisms # of Organisms Circle Types Present 1 Aquatic Worms 1 Black Fly Larvae 1 Leeches 1 Midge Larvae 1 Pouch Snails (left) Other Snails (flat) 18-23 = Good 12 - 17 = Fair > 23 = Excellent < 12 = Poor Water Quality Rating ololo dopoo Comments (mention any changes from your usual readings) PLEASE KEEP A COPY AND SEND ORIGINAL DATA TO: Priscilla Stotts Water Protection Program Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 176 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 8 Water Quality Volunteer Volunteer Monitoring - 1/04 charley Xons Fasching, Tyler, Luke Kohl . Stephanie Chico Kirstenstephenson Stream Discharge Worksheet Stream County Date 1 Site # Description Trained Data Submitter Trained Participants Instructions for Calculation of Stream Discharge (Flow) Select a section of stream that is relatively straight, free of large objects such as logs or large boulders, with a noticeable current, and with a depth as uniform as possible. Stretch the tape measure provided by the program across the stream. The “O" point should be anchored at the wetted edge of the stream. The end of the tape measure should be anchored at the opposite end so that it is taut and even with the other wetted edge. 1. Determine stream cross-sectional area. The first step in determining cross sectional area is to measure and calculate the average stream depth. In the table below, record depth measurements at one foot intervals along the tape measure you have stretched across the stream. The depth must be measured in tenths of a foot (i.e., 1.7 feet equals one foot and seven tenths). DO NOT MEASURE DEPTH IN INCHES. Record Depths at 1 Foot Intervals Stream enstr -0.5 Interval Number Depth in Feet Interval Number Depth in Feet Interval Number Depth in Feet 1 11 1.04 ft 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 1.25 -4 133 -5 67 1.67 1.67 1.5 -33 -25 6 16 26 sh 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 20 10 Sum 30 Sum Sum The average depth is calculated by dividing the sum of depth measurements by the number of intervals at which measurements were taken. 4.61 Sum of Depths (Feet) Number of Intervals 42 Average Depth (Feet) The final step in calculating the cross sectional area is to multiply the average depth (in feet) by the stream wi (in feet) at the point where the tape measure is stretched across the stream. х .42 Average Depth (Feet) 10. Stream Width (Feet) Cross Sectional Area (Feet) Water Qua Volunto Page Volunteer Monitoring - 06/00
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Environmental Science 110L
Brush Creek Sampling
Understanding the Earth
Submitted by
[Your name here]

Group Members:




This experiment sought to find more qualitative information on water habitats for a small as well
as urban stream.
The Team conducted several surveys of the particular site which meant they would also
measure the chemical parameters as well as the streams of water flow. The exercise would
require several items including collection equipment and detailed instructions.
"for water quality monitoring, each of the tests (mg/L, %, JTU...)” gave remarkable answers for
example dissolved Oxygen would give 85 % SOL-DO at 7ppm/7 drops at 23 degrees.


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