5 page proposal
You are working in a community mental health center in a rural area that has a need for you to start an addictions group for clients with alcoholism. You meet with your boss and he asks you to bring your proposal to present at the next board meeting in order to get them on board to approve funding for this program.
- How you would form the group? Include what you will do to inform potential clients and the steps involved in forming the group.
- How would you terminate the group? Include what criteria you will use to evaluate when clients are ready to graduate from the group.
- Identify 2 group counseling approaches you might use with this population and why.
- Identify 1-2 of the counseling issues you might encounter in the group. How would you handle these issues? Provide specific strategies/techniques and why those are the most appropriate.
- Provide a rational of the need for funding of this group that includes the benefits that the group therapy would provide.
Cite your sources using APA style and include references at the end.

Explanation & Answer

Student name:
It is common knowledge that substance abuse is one of the global challenges that many
individuals in our society are facing today. Many efforts have been put in place to try to reduce or
combat this vice but nothing much has been achieved yet. The cases of young people particularly
the youths engaging in substance abuse at a tender age have risen tremendously. These young
individuals start engaging in substance abuse and alcoholism due to peer pressure, eager to taste
and feel the impact of drug abuse, and hopelessness and the commonly abused drugs are bhang,
heroin, inhalants, cocaine, tobacco, and alcohol (Barga et al, 2009). Therefore, there is a need to
eradicate this vice by helping drug abusers to get out of their addiction situation. The formation of
addictions group for clients with alcoholism is one of the most effective ways of trying to eradicate
substance abuse in the society.
Group formation
The steps that I would follow when forming the group include; identification of the need
for an addiction group, engaging other members of the community, coming up with a group name,
formulating the group’s mission and vision and statements, recruitment of members, launching of
the group, and registration of the group.
Identification of the need for an addiction group
This is the first step that I would follow in forming the group. I would conduct a survey to
identify a number of alcoholics in the community. During this process, I would be enquiring from
the alcoholics to identify the reason why they decided to engage in drug abuse and alcoholism. I
would then record their reasons and make a comparison to identify the common ones. Also, I
would compare the number of alcoholics in the community with that of the community members
who are non-alcoholic to come up with a ratio in terms of percentage. If the percentage of
alcoholics exceed 10%, then there is a need for formation of a group whose members are drug
abusers and alcoholics to help eradicate or reduce the rate of substance abuse and alcoholism. I
would conduct this survey in a period of one month to collect the data, then analyze it before
making my final conclusion whether to form a group or not.
Engaging other community members
This is the next step that I would carry out after identifying a need for a group whose
members would be drug abusers and alcoholics. I would engage other members of the community
in order to market my idea such that they can brainstorm and the sense of trying to reduce the vice
of alcoholism and substance abuse. I would utilize that information that I would have collected in
the first step to inform them the rate of alcoholism. This step is very important because after
identifying the rate of substance abuse, I'm sure that many concerned parties and individuals would
support my idea of transforming the alcoholic population in the community into responsible and
useful members. Most importantly, engaging other community members would ena...