Terrorism and Organized Crime 1st response

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Business Finance


Review at least 1 other student's outline of their Strategic Operational Plan Proposal (SOPP), and provide meaningful feedback. Refrain from general feedback, such as simply stating "good job." Your feedback to other students is most helpful if you not only point out weak areas but also offer suggestions for improvement. The best feedback takes a three-stage approach to identify what was done well, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Respond to the following SOPP outline:

I.Analyze the current situation:

A.Terrorism vs. Organized Crime



B.Discuss the possible terrorist threat to Chicago

1.Identified terrorist organization name/symbol(s).

2.How many terrorist cells are we looking at and why?

·What is the goal of the terrorist organization to the City of Chicago?

3.Who is The Outfit?



4.Communications strategy and methodology. -

·Cell phones


·News paper

·Word of mouth

5.Types of threat capabilities available to the organization.

6.Critical vulnerability that when destroyed or disabled make the organization ineffective, or weak.

·Eliminating funding

·Taking out key leaders to the terrorist organization

7.Identified organized crime/transnational OC organization name/symbol(s).

8.OC/TOC organization’s vision and mission for its illegal business enterprise.

·Plan To take over the outfitters,

·Drugs, Gambling, Prostitution

·Where Russians are from originally

9.Reporting structure (Leaders and organization members).

·Who to report to and when

10.Communications strategy and methodology.

·Important communication strategies

11.Impact of risk related to the nexus. -

·Different risk to airports in Chicago

·grounding airplanes, panic, stopping exchange….

12.What is the illegal activity of the OC/TOC and level of participation? -

·Terrorist attacks to Chicago airport and activities

·Money aspect


C.Threat assessment and identification of potential targets to include type(s) of threat medium and corresponding deliverable(s).

1.Type of threat(s). -

·Syrian gas low yield nuclear methods

2.Delivery means.

·Cell members, Terrorism to carrying out attacks, killings and execution

3.Location(s) of possible attack(s).

·Locations to attack in Chicago

4.Potential after effects of attack(s).

·impacts of risk,

·casualties and delays

II.MISSION of the Operation (Who, what, when, where, and purpose/end state).

·Task force - Delta 1- assignments and responsibilities to stop threat

Delta 2 – assignments and responsibilities to stop threat

·Bringing terrorist to justice and prosecution

·Working with other agencies to detect and prevent the threat

III.Strategies for countering the identified organizations.

· Specific Roles and responsibilities of each team during assignment

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