Critical Evaluations of Research

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Critical Evaluations of Research

You have been taught the components of good and bad research questions, as well as those of null and experimental hypotheses.

Using the South University Online Library, select two articles. Summarize each article by writing short paragraphs and making sure to avoid plagiarizing. After each summary, critically evaluate each research question by discussing its strengths and weaknesses and making suggestions on how it could be improved.

Next, use the South University Online Library to find two additional articles (you may not use the ones you used earlier in this assignment), one with a null hypothesis and the other with an experimental hypothesis. Compare and contrast these hypotheses and the ensuing research that resulted from them.

Compile your work in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document.

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Critical Research Evaluation
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Article 1. Summary of Summer Brain Foods.
There is plenty of veggies and fresh fruits to put into your refrigerator because it is
summer time. How do you choose what to buy, with so many options? Options that helps you
fuels your body part for them to function right while at work and school, are available, especially
for the mind. These foods for mind will aid you through by giving your brain power:
Blueberries-they are good for the brain as they help protect it from oxidative stress. These
fruits also improve or prevent memory loss. We also have lemons that almost go well with
everything adds potassium to your system, which helps in a clear brain operation as well as
boosting your moods. On a hot summer, sometimes there is nothing better than a piece of flesh,
that is watermelon rich in antioxidants and vitamins which boost brain function and power. It is
also incredibly hydrating, which is suitable for the proper function of your body, brain, and
nerves. Lastly, a favorite green leafy vegetable called kales. It is famous for good reasons
because it loaded with antioxidants like selenium, vitamin A, C, and E, that plays a pivotal role
in brain wellness.

Article 2. Summary of Developing a Personal Brand.
She still uses her heights and athleticism to her advantage today when she strides i...

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