Grand Canyon University Public Speaking Issues Discussion Questions
ALL RESPONSES 100 WORDS EACH REFERENCES WITHIN LAST 5 YEARS1 (kmc) We all have stregths and weaknesses when it comes to public presentations. Confident, professional presentations allow you to grow, share knowledge and advance your career.A weakness of mine when it comes to professional presentations is the fear of public speaking. I have had to do hundreds of speaking engagements from teaching classes, to presentations to neighborhood groups, to Board presentations and I get very nervous. I move my hands a lot, mouth gets dry and get anxious before giving the presentation. My weakness could best described as "anxiety sensitivity means that in addition to being worried about public speaking, people are worried about their anxiety about public speaking and how their anxiety will affect their ability to perform in challenging communication situations" (Tsaousides, 2017). The more I stress and get anxious, the worse I get. One way to overcome this is to mediate an hour or so before the presentation, keep doing presentations, (practice makes perfect, or at least more comfortable) and to prepare so you know the material you are presenting.A strength of mine is development of the presentation itself and the ability to engage the audience through laughter. Developing an engaging presentation is key to engaging the audience and not putting them to sleep. In addition, using some humor, usually at my expense, is a way to reduce the stress level on myself, make everyone relax and relax the atmosphere of the formality of a speech or presentation.2 (Kmcin) Professional presentations require one to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Understanding oneself allows one to identify and overcome weaknesses. Identifying these areas allows an individual to learn and progress on upcoming presentations. My presentation will be based on hospital falls the presentation will require detailed information on hospital falls.My strength in the presentation is in preparation for the presentation. This preparedness allows me to be confident in the preparation (Kokemuller, 2016). In the presentation of hospital falls I will have information about the causes and prevention of hospital falls. Preparation also allows me to be well organized this allows me to prioritize what is vital for the presentation and what should be left out.In the presentation of hospital falls in a formal setting I will use PowerPoint. This will make me be prepared in having all slides the way I want the information presented. I will also have slide notes with adequate information. This will follow with well-prepared discussion, I will have cue cards to use during a discussion this will boast my presentation. I will improve on my strength by having adequate slide notes and cue notes.My weakness is I fail to make eye contact with my audience (Dgoodarzian, 2015). Most times it makes me not articulate my points well. It also shows a lack of confidence. It is very important to work on my weakness to present my presentation on hospital falls. This will be done by preparation and rehearsing on the presentation to boost my confidence. Also, I will improve on body language and a better body posture to face my audience.It is very essential to work on my skills of presentation. This is because the success of the presentation will rely on how I work on my strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the preparation of the presentation of hospital falls will ensure all information is presented. Working on my weakness will also make the presentation a success.3. (jf) I have done a few professional presentations over my career and I believe my strength is that I am able to connect with people well. I am able to gauge my audience's demeanor and move forward through my presentation by engaging the right people at the right times with humor, and easy to understand language instead of focusing on medical jargon. I think my weakness stems from the fact that English is not my first language so my presentation may not flow as smoothly as I would like as sometimes I cannot find the right words to convey the right ideas if I forget what I rehearsed during my presentation. In order to improve my strength in connecting with my audience, I will practice to not hide behind the computer and ome out to the center or side and present even though it may be easier for me to look at the slides more often than not. Maintaining eye contact with the audience and remembering to pause every so often are also skills that I can practice Rehearsing often before can help me to stop cluttering my presentation with verbal noise such as “umm,” “like,” or “so, ” and adding rhetorical questions once in a while can be useful in maintaining the audience’s attention (Wellstead et. al, 2017). In order to improve my weakness in not being functionally native in English, I will try to speak English more with my family and others who I usually feel comfortable speaking within my mother tongue. I will watch more English television and movies to get comLong-term adoption of evidence-based practice is essential to improve and promote sustainable effective quality of health care to enhance patient outcomes. Evidence-based practice (EBP) has emerged as a marker for the quality of care (Shafiei, Baratimarnani, Goharinezhad, Kalhor & Azmal,2014).One of the potential barriers that would be encountered when implementing the capstone project would be the inadequacy of subjects willing to participate in the project. The project requires the consent of expectant women to voluntarily participate in the change proposal. The barrier would be overcome by educating the expectant women about the benefits and purpose of the project. Providing education on the intervention would ensure that the participants understood the need for participation and consent regarding the epidural analgesic they would prefer.The second barrier that could undermine the achievement of the anticipated change in the healthcare organization is inappropriate institutional culture, which does not support the practice. Inappropriate institutional culture includes failure to demand the best practice from the nurses. Developing an EBP culture enhances nurses’ ability to engage in scholarly activities for project implementation and dissemination in the workplace (Wyant,2020). To solve this barrier, involving the organization’s management as a key stakeholder during implementation of evidence-based practice is of critical importance.fortable with normal slang and verbiage that sounds more normal than the formal English I was taught at school.4 (cmc) Change can be hard for experienced nurses, what is something you could say to someone who says “We have always done it this way”?5 (fb) Long-term adoption of evidence-based practice is essential to improve and promote sustainable effective quality of health care to enhance patient outcomes. Evidence-based practice (EBP) has emerged as a marker for the quality of care (Shafiei, Baratimarnani, Goharinezhad, Kalhor & Azmal,2014).One of the potential barriers that would be encountered when implementing the capstone project would be the inadequacy of subjects willing to participate in the project. The project requires the consent of expectant women to voluntarily participate in the change proposal. The barrier would be overcome by educating the expectant women about the benefits and purpose of the project. Providing education on the intervention would ensure that the participants understood the need for participation and consent regarding the epidural analgesic they would prefer.The second barrier that could undermine the achievement of the anticipated change in the healthcare organization is inappropriate institutional culture, which does not support the practice. Inappropriate institutional culture includes failure to demand the best practice from the nurses. Developing an EBP culture enhances nurses’ ability to engage in scholarly activities for project implementation and dissemination in the workplace (Wyant,2020). To solve this barrier, involving the organization’s management as a key stakeholder during implementation of evidence-based practice is of critical importance.6 (aba) Barriers are considered obstacles that prevent the implementation of a given policy or intervention. The implementation of evidence-based practice hospitals is desired to carry on in the provision of care. Nurses and other healthcare professionals believe that continued implementation of proposed evidence-based practices ensures that quality, safe, and equitable care is offered. The reduction in medical errors, hospital readmission, is also enhanced. There are many barriers to evidence-based practice, but for the case of the proposed project on reduction and prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections, lack of clinical support, an insufficient number of handwashing stations, and antiseptic solutions and resistance by nurses are key issues. Low compliance to catheter monitoring and lack of inadequate knowledge concerning catheterization are also potential barriers. According to Khammarnia, Haj Mohammadi, Amani, Rezaeian, and Setoodehzadeh (2015), human and organizational factors are associated with barriers to the use of EBP, including lack of time to read literature, heavy workload, lack of staff experienced in EBP, and lack of resources.Clinical support is desired by the researchers so as to improve care delivery. The hospital management offers financial support, educates, and trains the nurses on better practices of implementing evidence-based practice. Failure to offer enough and desired support to the implementers would lead to a collapse of the evidence-based practice. This is because the management would fail to purchase enough hand washing equipment and also be reluctant to educate care providers on the best catheter inserting and monitoring techniques. Additionally, the inclusion of healthcare professionals during the planning and development of the intervention is highly desired for all care providers and other hospital staff.Failure to collaborate with the nursing staff in the evidence-based practices leads to increased resistance to the project. The health care systems need to ensure that the intervention is fully implemented to ensure success in the improvement of care delivery (Khammarnia et al., 2015). The management needs to provide continued training and health education to nurses and other hospital staff. Moreover, the need to provide enough resources would ensure that the required items, tools, and 0.1% chlorhexidine solutions are purchased. Inclusion of all members from every hospital department needs to be encouraged since this would promote the implementation of the intervention and hence reduction in nurse’s resistance.