Comm110 Forum 5

User Generated


Computer Science


Week 5 Forum: Using and Synthesizing Information

Information and digital literacy impacts the decision-making process in multiple ways from academic research to personal interest. More than ever before, information is at our fingertips and coming at us with lightning speed. How do we sift and use this information? Step 4 of the Big 6 model relates to our use of information and the process of engaging and extracting relevant information. Next, Step 5 of the Big 6 approach focuses on synthesis of information.

Your instructor will set-up four (4) conversation groups this week in which you will select one or more topics to discuss which are of high interest to you. At a minimum, participate in one group, although you are welcome to participate in all group threads. Once the conversation is flowing, participate substantially with your peers to teach one another.

To begin, choose a topic from one of the discussion threads. Select a topic reference source, from the open web, which you deem credible and reliable. Read the source, extract the information and consider how you will engage your group members in the topic and information from the source. Be sure to include source attribution.

How will you synthesize and present the content of the source to share? What do you want your group members to know, and what do they need to know? How will you share the information so that the content is clear and concise? This is an opportunity for you to practice use of information and synthesis as you share with one another your own knowledge combined with a supporting source.

Conversation Groups:

  • Health and Wellness
  • Buying a Car
  • Hobbies
  • Vacations

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Information and digital literacy impacts on Health and Wellness
The increasing use of technology is an essential part of the everyday life both to personal
life and to professional life. With the constant development of Technology Enhanced Learning
(TEL) and the Technology Enhanced Care digital literacy is fast becoming an essential part of
our society. For the health care system maximize their services on patient care, the use of
technology must be fully exploited. The Technology-enhanced learning, if effectively
implemented in all learning and training aspects of the modern healthcare systems including the
development of digital capabilities in all the learners and personnel within the system, can be a
major boost to flexibility, innovation, accessibility, collaboration, participation, and
communication within the healthcare system.
Personnel in the healthcare system need both skills in digital and the confidence within a
range of several multiple other domains to administer services effectively. If citizens are
constantly empowered, it raises the expectations of capability and innovations that are related to
their health wellbeing and various other aspirations. When working on a national flag name the
health personnel can begin to have the thought of improving their digital literacy levels. Also,
organizations and...

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