General Chemistry: Chemical Equilibrium and Entropy Question

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Correction: Part e. "What is" not "what it"

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10) Cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II)] is a potent treatment for certain types of cancers, but the trans isomer is ineffective. H3N H3N100 CL Pt Pt H3N CL cis isomer CL NHZ trans isomer cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 trans-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 4 HºkJ/mol -467.4 -480.3 4,6° kJ/mol -228.7 -222.8 a. Given the information below, what is the equilibrium constant at 298 K for the transformation of the cis to the trans isomer? b. Which is the favored isomer at 298 K, the cis or the trans isomer, explain? c. Is this isomerization enthalpy or entropy drive, explain? d. Determine if Cisplatin becomes more or less effective at physiological temperature, which is 37°C. e. What it the equilibrium constant at 37°C? f. Does the change in equilibrium constant with temperature support your answer to c. Explain?
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