The Department Of Homeland Security
The U.S Customs and Border Protection
Unit 3 Individual Project
Calvin Booker
Robert Uda
Colorado Technical University
The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a cabinet department of
the United States Federal Government mandated with the responsibility of ensuring public
security. The mission of the department involves antiterrorism, immigration, and customs, border
security, disaster prevention, and management, as well as cybersecurity protection. The
department was created in response to the September 11 terrorist attack which left thousands of
Americans dead and several others injured (Carafano & Heyman, 2004). It is the goal of the
department to work within the civilian spheres to protect and defend the United States within, at
and outsides its borders. The department also has a goal of preparing for, preventing, and
responding to the U.S domestic emergencies especially terrorism and other human-made and
natural calamities (Carafano & Heyman, 2004).
Upon the creation of the United States Department of Homeland Security, the department
absorbed several agencies and assumed their mandate and roles. Some of the agencies that have
been incorporated by the United States Department of Homeland Security including but not
limited to Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the U.S Custom and Border Protection,
Transport Security Administration, the U.S Secret Service, the National Protection and Programs
Directorate among other agencies (Carafano & Heyman, 2004). Each of these agencies is
mandated to undertake specific roles within the DHS. In this paper, the focus will be on the
Customs and Border Protection which one of the many agencies operating under the Department
of Homeland Security (Bush, 2002).
The U.S Customs and Border Protection
The U.S Customs and Border Protection is one of the largest federal law enforcement
agencies of the U.S Department of Homeland Security. The agency is also the U.S primary
border control organization that is tasked with the role of regulating and facilitating the U.S
international trade, enforcement of the U.S border regulations, the collection of import duties,
and enforcing other regulations including international trade, customs, and immigration
(Customs & Protection, 2016).
The U.S Customs and Border Protection strategic plan
The U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) strategic plan 2020 reaffirms the
agency’s mission of establishing Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as the country’s sole
agency mandated with the responsibility of safeguarding the national borders and promoting the
country’s economic prosperity (Customs & Protection, 2016). This strategy provides the
guideline and foundation for the transformative course. In other words, the agency must ensure
that the country remains economically viable while at the same ensuring the protection of the
national borders from illegal trade. While the DHS continue to combat the threat of terrorism
and other transnational crimes, the agency must remain vigilant in safeguarding the national
economy through encouraging lawful trade and travel as these are a critical facet of the national
economy. It is therefore vital to note that the U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have the
responsibility of maintaining a proper balance between law enforcement and enhancing
economic competitiveness. This balance thus requires a comprehensive understanding of all
cross-border threats and their potential consequences to the economy (Customs & Protection,
From the analysis of the U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) strategic plan, it
becomes evident that the major objectives and missions of the agency include but limited to the
1. Ensuring effective border protection
2. Regulation of trade
3. Facilitating of the international to boost economic prosperity
4. Enforcing the U.S regulation in regards to trade, customs, and immigration
5. Collection of import duties
The missions highlighted above indeed attempt to address the challenges of balancing
national security and economic competitiveness in the sense that through regulations, the agency
can weed out illegal trade and tax evasion thus allowing the effective and efficient collection of
duties. On the same note, the agency ensures the protection of the country from external
aggression that can interfere with U.S economic stability (Koestler-Grack, 2007).
The U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has been an integral age agency when it
comes to border protection and ensuring economic stability through trade. Although the agencies
current strategies and priorities have proved very critical to the nation, the agency should engage
more in innovative approaches to intelligence. This is to counter criminal networks that could
pose a threat to the national security through participating in diverse conspiracies such drug
trafficking, terrorism, human trafficking, outbound transfer of illegal and lethal weapons, and
importation of illicit or counterfeit goods.
The purpose why I wrote this page ,because it was what was ask for me do so that anyone
who had to read it because it was the assignment that was given for me to write about. Now you
are able to see wat was ask to write about from the begin to the end.
Bush, G. W. (2002). Address to the Nation on the Proposed Department of Homeland
Security. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, 38(23), 963-965.
Carafano, J. J., & Heyman, D. (2004). DHS 2.0: rethinking the Department of Homeland
Security. Heritage Foundation.
Customs, U. S., & Protection, B. (2016). About CBP. ndc). Immigrant visas vs. nonimmigrant
visas. Retrieved from https://help. cbp. gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/72/~/immigrantvisasvs.-nonimmigrant-visas.
Koestler-Grack, R. A. (2007). The Department of Homeland Security. Infobase Publishing.
Analyzing and Quantifying Risk
Unit 4 Individual Project
Calvin Booker
Robert Uda
Colorado Technical University
The Purpose Statement
The United States Department of Homeland security works to improve and enhance the
safety of the United States. Established on November 25, 2002, the department has become one
of the most critical cabinet departments in the United States. Its main agenda is to protect the
United States against threats. Since it was established, the federal agency has enhanced aviation
security, emergency response, border control and cybersecurity. This paper seeks to strategically
analyze the current Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Homeland Security Quadrennial
Review (HSQR), Bottom-Up Review (BUR), the Department of Homeland Security, Fiscal
Years (FY) 2014-2018 Strategic Plan (StratPlan), and The DHS FY 2015 Budget In Brief (BIB).
The paper will also summarize the Department of Homeland Security Strategic Plan and budget
priorities and provide recommendations.
Background Discussion
The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a cabinet department of
the United States Federal Government mandated with the responsibility of ensuring public
security. The mission of the department involves antiterrorism, immigration, and customs, border
security, disaster prevention, and management, as well as cybersecurity protection. The
department was created in response to the September 11 terrorist attack which left thousands of
Americans dead and several others injured (Baggett & Simpkins, 2018). Because the border is a
nexus to a continuum of activities, the Department of Homeland Security through the U.S
Customs and Border Protection ensures that the country is protected from illegal activities such
illegal trade, illegal immigration and other potential threats that can interfere with the national
security (Kettl, 2006).
Analysis of methodology
To foster the understanding of the current Department of Homeland Security and other
associated agencies, critical analyzes and evaluation of essential agency documents will be
conducted through internet such and peer review evaluation. These bodies have rich information
available to the public regarding their management structures and strategic plans and other
relevant activities which are for public interests. Moreover, the information regarding the
operation of these agencies is readily available in their publications and websites which are
accessible to the public.
Summary and Findings
Homeland Security Quadrennial Review (HSQR)
The Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR) is the Department of Homeland
Security capstone strategy document. This document is updated every four years as required by
the law and provide recommendations for long-term strategies and priorities that should be
undertaken by the Department of Homeland Security. QHSR developed a list of priorities and
strategies for the DHS, and they included but not limited to prevention of terrorist attacks
through counter violent extremism, strengthening transportation security, deterring and
disrupting their operation and most importantly analyzing, fusing, and disseminating terrorism
information. Another priority area for the QHSR was preventing and protecting against the
unauthorized acquisition or use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear materials and
capabilities (Baggett & Simpkins, 2018). Crucial other priority areas for the QHSR included
securing and managing our borders, enforcing and administering our immigration laws,
safeguarding and securing cyberspace, and strengthening national preparedness and resilience by
enhancing national preparedness, mitigating hazards and vulnerabilities, ensuring an effective
emergency response, and enabling rapid recovery (Baggett & Simpkins, 2018). These were the
priority areas and strategic plans that QHSR documented.
Bottom-up Review
The Bottom-up Review (BUR) provided results of the department’s original assessment
to help in aligning the department’s programmatic activities and the organizational structure with
the mission and objectives identified in the QHSR document. BUR aims at finding ways on how
to strengthen the DHS performance in the five mission areas identified in the QHSR. It also
aimed at identifying ways on how to improve the DHS operation and management, and most
importantly it aimed at identifying ways of improving accountability for the resources that the
department is entrusted with (Baggett & Simpkins, 2018). The BUR process provided an avenue
for the DHS to review its programmatic areas and activities and the organizational structure in
greater length. In other words, it gives the department an opportunity to gauge how well its
current operations are aligned with its mission priorities and goals as highlighted in the QHSR
document. It also provided the department with an opportunity to identify ways on how to
achieve better programmatic and budgetary alignment throughout the department. Moreover, the
report provided the department with a chance to identify the gaps in its mission execution and
how to prioritize activities to facilitate and strengthen the existing programs and organization.
The department of homeland security fiscal years 2014-2018 strategic plan and the DHS
FY 2015 budget in Brief
The department of homeland security budgetary years 2014-2018 strategic plans majorly
focuses on how the department will implement the goals and objectives laid out in the 2014
Quadrennial Homeland Security Review. The plan also describes the mission and objectives of
the DHS, the strategies the DHS use to achieve the highlighted goals and how success is
measured in the department (Dahl, 2015). The plan also sets vital priority areas under each
mission underscored in the QHSR document and highlights how the key priorities will be
achieved through the Department of Homeland Security Unity of Effort Initiative. For the fiscal
year 2015, the budgetary request by the president for the Department of Homeland Security was
$38.2 billion (Dahl, 2015).
There is a need for sufficient documentation of risk result to facilitate their validation to
foster the ability of the DHS to improve future assessment of various risk factors it continues to
encounter. On the same note, the QHSR document describes the various homeland security
hazards, but there is no proper ranking of the identified hazards to help prioritize the mitigation
strategies. It is essential to foster an appropriate classification and comparison of the risk factors
to help determine where risk mitigation is highly needed and help come up with cost-effective
risk management options to strengthen the Department of Homeland Security.
Baggett, R. K., & Simpkins, B. K. (2018). Homeland security and critical infrastructure
protection. ABC-CLIO.
Dahl, E. J. (2015). A Homeland Security net assessment needed now!. Strategic Studies
Quarterly, 9(4), 62-86.
Kettl, D. F. (2006). Managing boundaries in American administration: The collaboration
imperative. Public Administration Review, 66, 10-19.
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