rewrite my essay in your own words

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rewrite my essay in your own words. keep an eye on grammar and puntuacion when rewriting. please no copying from coursehero or internet. make it as original as possible.

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Explanation & Answer

check_circle Rebenia marked this question as complete.

The first simple definition on democracy is given and explained by Schumpeter (1942) he
practically explained it in expressions meaning; "the institutional planning for a group of
individuals to land at a political decision in which they will acquire the power choosing by
means of a struggle of competitive people's vote". Dahl (1971) gave a long definition grouping
these key standards essential for democracy which clarified it as "polyarchy"; associational
autonomy, inclusivity of suffrage, officials elected, expression freedom, free and fair elections,
the right to contest for public offices, access to alternative sources of information.
Procedure for democratization which took place in parts of the growing world by 80s pushed
researchers to include the classified definition making it the reason for the merging phase but not
only the renowned transition to a free government. Certainly, the uncomplicated interpretation
was not able to give reasons on how to consolidate the democratic structures, here being
accountable is a prominent and important role (Rocha Menocal, 2007). Within a democracy, the
rule of responsibility says that government officials even if elected or nominated by the chosen
people they have to be responsible to the citizenry for their actions and choices. Accountability
requires that all the actions and decisions of the people in government to be open to all public
analysis and those in the community have the right to acceptance of the facts. All those ideas are
important to the real idea of democratic governance. Missing clearness and accountability will
make democracy unmanageable. Those being absent elections and an idea of the will of the
people wil...

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