teamwork paper

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While there are several outcomes for this project, the two most significant deliverables will be for your team to teach your classmates something new (add value) and significant about the select organization as well as to present the topic using creativity.

Select an organization for which you will write and present their "story'. The story describes a change initiative the organization went through.

Topic: Tesla motors

This is a teamwork, my part is the body paragraph, so no introduction and conclusion. I only need to will address the following questions:

1.What was the role of leadership?

2.How did leadership communicate change to stakeholders?

Paper style: APA style

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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: PROJECT


Tesla motors


Role of leadership

Leadership is the way people are led towards achieving their goals. Every organization
has leaders which their work is to influence the behaviors of employees in various ways. They
set a clear vision for the company, inspires the workers, guide them through the work process
and help to build their morale (Hinyard & Kreuter, 2017). In Tesla Motors, there are various
roles of leadership that were played. One of the roles is that of an analyzer where leaders
understood data and were confident enough to bring their ideas to the table in a logical and in a
rational way. Here, leaders were a skeptic, critical and had a different strategic eye towards the
future of the Tesla Motors. Their decisions were built from data that are supported by bottomline metrics for massive changes in communication that backed them up.
The role of leadership in Tesla Motors was structuralized in that they provided the
framework and the process needed to take the firm where it deserves to be. According to Abbas
and Asghar (2010), leaders must be straightforward and concise while putting their strategies in
place so as to be transparent in all their ...

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