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  • Choose a social or political leader (current or past) to examine through an Adlerian framework of superiority striving and style of life.
    • Superiority Striving
      • What might be the motivation behind this leader’s career choice, according to Adler’s theory? What was this person’s perceived inferiority or weakness? How did this person obtain his or her high level of superiority striving? For example, Franklin Roosevelt's bout with polio may have been responsible for some of his motivation.
    • Style of Life
      • What was his/her goal and unique style of life that could be used to achieve this goal? What steps did this person take to overcome their perceived inferiority?
      • Did this leader act out of social interest or for personal gain? What was the long-term outcome of his/her striving?
    • Birth Order
      • How would you apply Adler’s theory of birth order to this personality?

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