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Television provides us with many interesting examples of interpersonal and neurotic behaviors. In this assignment, you will delve into the life and actions of some of your favorite television characters and analyze them using Horney’s coping strategies.

Interestingly, Horney’s three coping strategies for one’s neurotic needs correlate very well with three of Adler’s different personality types:

  • Horney’s moving-toward strategy—Adler’s getting or leaning type
  • Horney’s moving against—Adler’s ruling or dominant type
  • Horney’s moving away from—Adler’s avoiding type

Using Horney’s theory of coping with neurotic needs with three different interpersonal orientations, select a TV program of your choice containing a character that Horney would identify as exhibiting neurotic behaviors. As you watch a full episode of this show, focus on this character and tally each instance of moving-toward, moving-against, and moving-away behavior.

Research Horney’s theory using your textbook, the Internet, and the Argosy University online library resources. Based on your research, respond to the following:

  • Discuss this character’s neurotic needs and trends.
  • What do you think has happened in his/her life that has led to these behaviors?
  • In addition to general life events, how has gender and culture influenced the character’s neurotic needs and behaviors?
  • How do these interpersonal orientations impact the way this character interacts with others and develops relationships?

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Explanation & Answer

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Synthesis and design of beta hairpins
containing ẟ amino acids
Vivek Kumar
Registration No.: 20141178

Final Project Report

CHM 302/402:302 Lab Training/Theory Project
Instructor: Dr. H. N. Gopi

Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune
Date of Submission:


I hereby declare that the matter embodied in this report is a result of the investigations
carried out by me in the Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research Pune, India, under the supervision of Dr. H. N. Gopi.
In keeping with the general practice of reporting scientific observations, due
acknowledgement has been made wherever the work described is based on the finding of other

Vivek Kumar

Registration No.: 20141178

Project Supervisor: Dr. H . N. Gopi

{Your Project Supervisor’s signature here}

Course Coordinator: Dr. Muhammed Musthafa

Abstract: The design of peptides that adopt hairpin structure (without relying on metal binding,
unusual amino acids or disulphide linkages) has made significant progresses and yielded into
protein dyanamics. Unlike α- helixes, beta hairpins are not stabilized by a regular hydrogen
bonding pattern. Drug discovery has benefited from novel, short chain peptide ligand mimetics
with both enhanced biological activities and proteolytic resistance. Used as molecular probes,
they can help to better understand the function of biological systems. Optimized and fine tuned
analogues of peptidic substrates, inhibitors or effectors are also excellent analytical tools and
molecular probes for investigating signal transduction pathways or gene regulations. One of
the major interest is designing unnatural peptides such as beta hairpins that can able to
segregate beta amyloid which is a major precursor in neurodegenerative disease called
Alzheimer disease in the growing population of elderly people. Beta hairpins are also used as
a stable turn in drug delivery system where it is attached to phospholipid membrane to increase
regulation time and to target special cells such as cancer cells.
Introduction: Proteins are large biomolecules or macromolecules consisting of one or more
chains of amino acid residue. Proteins perform many functions within organisms including
catalysing metabolic reactions, DNA replication, responding to stimuli and transporting
molecules from one location to another.A linear chain of amino acid residues is called
polypeptides. Most proteins consist of linear polymers built from including an α carbon to
which an amino group, a carboxyl group and a variable side chain is bonded.Only proline
differs from its basic structure as it contains an unusual ring of N end amine group which forces
the CO-NH amide moiety into a fixed conformation. Most proteins fold into 3 dimensional
structure. Protine structure is divided into four aspects :
1> Primary structure: the amino acid sequence.The protein is a polyamide.

2> Secondary structure:regularly repeating local structure stabilized by hydrogen
bond.The most common examples are α helixes, β sheets and turns.
3> Tertiary structure: the overall shape of single protein molecule as the sp...

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