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Leading Organizational Change LDR/531

Reviewed course assignments for Weeks 1-5, including the results of the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment taken in week 1. Selected an organizational change in a company. Developed an action plan for how to address the organizational change. Included the following: Identified the organizational change process steps and prioritized the order in which student would take them.Included both individual and organizational leadership actions. Scholarly citations must be given to support your rationale and proposed actions. The action plan is 1,050 words in length.

I used Google in my previous paper

Anderson R J Adams W A 2016 Mastering Leadership

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Running Head: CREATIVE ORGANIZATION Strategic Change: Case Study Hadasaw A. Price The University of Phoenix, School of Business Management LDR/531 Jim Scholes, SPHR 08/03/2018 1 CREATIVE ORGANIZATION 2 1. In essence, creative organizations can draw a new idea from problems within the firm. An issue considered a problem can lead to the organization developing an innovative approach from the various solutions suggested. Moreover, with an experienced leader in the firm the successful implementation of the new ideas is achievable (Bilton and Cummings, 2010). The presence of an active leader improves performance. A good manager and leader can guide his team and organization towards goal accomplishment. Nevertheless, the manager requires understanding the group’s dynamics to motivate them towards goal achievement. Google, Twitter, Facebook, Squarespace and Zappos remain regarded as creative organizations due to the capacity of the leaders being able to manage and motivate their teams towards achieving their objectives. Google is considered an innovative firm because it nurtures a learning culture that contributes to the growth and success of the corporation. The company provides a safe work environment for the employees and also employs policies that help to maximize performance (Marwah, 2011). Facebook is also a creative firm that encourages learning and growth of employees. The company boosts teamwork and communication in a bid to be successful in the competitive environment. Twitter, however, makes use of initiatives such as open-air reunions and corporate goals that guide it towards developing new innovative strategies for success. Squarespace also generates its creativity by making employees feel appreciated as their ideas are listened to by management. Lastly, Zappos focuses on team building and employee inspiration to boost its creativity. The creative firms often employee teamwork and employee motivation in a bid to improve performance. Nevertheless, the creative organizations can employ other initiatives to CREATIVE ORGANIZATION 3 boost performance. For instance, these firms can opt for training on employees to increase their skills and expertise in the line of work. Integration of new behaviors and mindset by the leaders should help to be efficient and unique in generating new ideas for performance improvement. These recommendations are the substantive comments from the team. 2. Google Company is a creative organization based on the mastering leadership approach. In mastering leadership, an organization is expected to focus on improving team and organization performance. The primary priority of Google Company is centered on increasing employee performance. The company utilizes various initiatives to boost the performance of its workers. The first approach that Google focuses on is nurturing a learning culture. As the corporation continues to grow from advancement in technology, it tries to reinvent its culture to make sure that employees follow the same route. The company employs an active approach to increase the morale of the employees. For instance, Google gives free meals to all workers. Other benefits that employees at Google get include free haircuts, swimming, gym, free dry cleaning, free health and dental services and car subsidies. Also, it organizes excursions for all the employees in the environment. Moreover, Google gives financial incentives to the workers. Furthermore, it creates opportunities where the employee can attend open conferences, engage in gym classes and even bring pets like dogs to work. These approaches help to keep employees motivated towards working at Google Company. Additionally, Google has been able to establish a balance between personal and work life for all employees. The firm organizes a workplace that is pleasant for the employees thus limit CREATIVE ORGANIZATION 4 stress that may arise at home or in the workspace. Also, the firm has initiatives and policies that govern all workers and direct them towards goal accomplishment. These policies guide employees towards improved performance. Therefore, as a creative organization, Google can be said to follow the mastering leadership approach which entails team building and performance improvement. The company strives to increase employee morale and contribution to the organization's goals. Google Company meets the criteria for mastering leadership. The criteria involve leadership creativeness, which entails improving the effectiveness of leaders in organizations. A good leader should be able to deal with current growing complexities and guide his or her team towards better performance despite the increasing complexities in the work environment. Moreover, mastering leadership entails establishing strategic approaches that can assist in creating a competitive advantage for a firm. As such, Google has been able to meet these strategies by helping employees at work. The company focuses on enhancing the abilities of its employees. It utilizes initiatives that can boost employee performance thus, in turn, creating a competitive advantage despite the environmental complexities arising from technological advancements. Additionally, mastering leadership requires leaders to focus on personal development to build teams that are efficient at work (Anderson and Adams, 2016). This is an approach that leaders at Google employ. The management has been able to accomplish personal development and hence to gain the capacity to manage others. Google has a unique culture that contributes to its success in the competitive environment. The firm has employees whose purpose is to make all the other staff members CREATIVE ORGANIZATION happy and productive. By improving employee performance, Google can remain a top performing firm. Moreover, the firm practices specific behaviors that contribute to its success. For instance, as a creative organization is expected to have leaders that are good coaches to the employees, that is what the company does. The company as an excellent coach to personnel provides solutions to problems affecting employee contribution. Secondly, Google works towards empowering its employees. As employees are given tasks to complete towards goal accomplishment, they are also granted freedom at work. Moreover, the firm expresses its interest in the team members in a bid to boost team building. Additionally, Google makes use of effective communication in the work environment. It encourages open dialogues that allow for the ideas of employees to be heard. Moreover, the problems and concerns of employees are heard through effective communication approaches. Also, the firm utilizes initiatives that contribute to the career development of workers. Google also has a clear vision and mission that guides the team towards goal accomplishment. The vision provides a strategic approach that employees follow. Lastly, the firm utilizes technical skills to provide advice to employees as well as improve their performance. As such, the corporate culture at Google is efficient and one that contributes to its success (Hitt, Hoskisson and Ireland, 2017). Therefore, proposing a change in the organization may require convincing ideas at Google. The current culture at Google is what makes it a top performing corporation. As such, introducing an opportunity for strategic change is met with great opposition (Cunningham and Harney, 2012). Changes in the firm may be difficult to accomplish. Employees at Google are already contented with the current culture. The ethos is what force employees want to come to 5 CREATIVE ORGANIZATION 6 work every day in the firm. Therefore, deciding to introduce a new change will require outlining greater benefits to the firm and staff for it to be accepted. The corporate culture and organizational structure of Google are likely to cause a significant barrier to opportunities for strategic changes. This is because, for one, employees might feel as though the freedom and free benefits are given to them at the firm will be compromised. Moreover, the management might see changes as a means of reducing employee motivation and performance. Thus, a change at Google will require exciting initiatives for it to be considered an adequate strategic opportunity. Based on the analysis of a creative organization, it comes out that, a firm centered on improving employee and organization performance qualifies to be among the innovative companies. Moreover, a firm that follows criteria of mastering leadership which involve team building and self-development is an innovative company (French, 2011). Therefore, creativity does not only include establishing solutions to problems or designing new innovative approaches alone. However, a creative organization is centered on utilizing initiatives that improve and enhance employee performance. CREATIVE ORGANIZATION 7 References Anderson, R. J., & Adams, W. A. (2016). Mastering leadership: An integrated framework for breakthrough performance and extraordinary business results. Bilton, C., & Cummings, S. (2010). Creative strategy: Reconnecting business and innovation. Chichester, West Sussex [England: Wiley. Cunningham, J., & Harney, B. (2012). Strategy & strategists. Oxford: Oxford University Press. French, R. (2011). Organizational behaviour. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Hitt, M. A., Hoskisson, R. E., & Ireland, R. D. (2017). Strategic management: Competitiveness & globalization. Marwah, G. (2011). Change management: Exploring the understanding of an organization's capacity to change in. Place of publication not identified: Grin Verlag Ohg.
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