HCA 430 Final Project Help

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Health Medical

ashford university


Week 5 - Final Project

Final Project


In the first two written assignments, you selected one vulnerable population in need of a new program or service in your community. In this project, you will finalize the research that allows you to understand elements that go into designing and launching a community service. The Final Project will be written using a persuasive tone, such that you would be able to present it in order to gain community and organizational support for your program. The Final Project must demonstrate an understanding of the reading assignments, class discussions, as well as your research and application of new knowledge. Your project must contain the following elements:

  • A description of the vulnerable population and why they need assistance in your community.
  • A description of the health service needs of the vulnerable population you have chosen to serve with your program.
  • In order to support the need for the service you propose, cite statistical data obtained from your county health department, state health department, and organizations or agencies who serve the vulnerable population.
  • A description of your proposed community service or program; include the specific service(s) provided and one continuum of care level (prevention, treatment, or long-term care). Explain how the selected service(s) and the continuum of care will impact the chosen population.
  • Discuss the social and cultural norms of your vulnerable population and how these play a role in the need for the services offered by your program. Describe how the vulnerable population experiences the health care system. Analyze methods your program can use to overcome social and cultural differences.
  • Identify two or more community organizations or agencies with which you can partner in order to implement your program. Explain how these organizations can help you implement the services you offer and the continuum of care offered by the potential partnering agencies. Explain which services these organizations will provide to your clientele that are not covered by your program.
  • Analyze at least four potential funding sources for your program, one of which must be from a state funded agency, one of which must be from a federally funded agency and the remaining two can be not-for-profit or for-profit business sources. Explain what factors must be met in order to receive funding from your sources.

Your final project will demonstrate quantitative literacy, which shows your ability to identify and solve problems. Additionally, you must demonstrate integrative learning, which means you combine your earlier learning from this and other courses, analyze data from multiple perspectives, explore issues to their full extent as is required in the assignment, as well as incorporate your own personal and professional experiences.

Be detailed and convincing in describing the above elements. For your presentation, you may choose between the following formats:

  • An APA formatted Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  • Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use at least six scholarly sources, not including the textbook.
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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Explanation & Answer



Running head: HCA 430 FINAL PROJECT

People Diagnosed With Mental Conditions
Course information (HCA430 – Special Populations)
Instructor’s Name



The complexity of mental conditions has made them become somehow difficult to
combat. The responsibility of combating these disorders not only lies in the local mental care
department but also on the entire community. It is unfortunate that the current programs for
assisting individuals diagnosed with mental conditions have been either insufficient or
ineffective, considering the increasing numbers of this vulnerable population in California State
as well as the entire country. Mental health researchers are therefore making more efforts to
identify the most effective programs for assisting mentally ill individuals, from the local
community. Evidence-based programs can be effective in filling the treatment and assistance gap
among individuals living with mental conditions. This project paper provides a proposed
program that once implemented can provide the much-needed assistance and support to people
diagnosed with mental disorders.
Vulnerable Population
Mental conditions are becoming highly prevalent and are now among the considerable
major causes of disease and suffering among the individuals who are diagnosed with such
conditions. The number of people diagnosed with mental conditions is significantly increasing,
but the treatment resources for offering assistance to these people are not increasing
proportionally, which is a serious health concern for the community. This means that a high
number of people diagnosed with mental conditions do not have access to adequate care and
treatment. To add on this public health issue, most individuals diagnosed with mental disorders
still remain untreated, even in situations whereby there is at least access to some assistance,
irrespective of it being inadequate (Griffiths & Christensen, 2006). The need to assist individuals



diagnosed with mental disorders is undisputed, considering the level of social and psychological
care that is required for effective treatment of these conditions. Mental health care needs are
becoming a health concern for individuals and the community, considering their increased
prevalence currently.
Lack of early diagnosis and treatment can result in severe mental disease conditions,
given the re-occurring nature of some disorders. Mental conditions can have extreme impacts by
exacting an emotional toll on individual victims, their families and the entire society. In addition
to being highly prevalent, medical conditions are also highly disabling, thus illustrating the need
for assisting these individuals as soon as the disorders are diagnosed. The extreme effects can be
as severe as premature death, or a permanent state of mental disturbance. It has become
extremely difficult to identify impairment for individuals diagnosed with mental conditions
because these conditions are heterogeneous. Some patients may meet the criteria for diagnosis,
for a severe condition, with no significant functioning impairment; while others may diagnose
with mild conditions may suffer from a functional impairment which impedes their general
working ability (Sterling, Chi & Hinman, 2011). These impairments can be persistent or
temporary and can either recur or improve, depending on whether they are treated early or not.
Individuals diagnosed with mental illnesses need to be assisted with support programs
that protect them from against injury and health risks which threaten their ability to work or
participate in social activities. Individuals diagnosed with mental disorders need to get some
wide range of support from their families, the local mental care department as well as the entire
community. It is a challenge for the entire families and community of those people who are
diagnosed with these conditions. There is a need for the willingness to come together as one unit,
accept the diagnosis, seek help, and go past criticism, as judgment and blame do not guarantee



recovery but make it furthermore likely. Support for this group of individuals is needed, to assist
in minimizing the damage and indignities caused by mental conditions (Bond et al., 2011). These
damages are more likely to occur when there is no initial support in the first place.
Health Services Needs For the Population
People diagnosed with mental conditions require a wide range of health...

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