Diversity within organizations and leadership

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Diversity is an important issue within organizations as is leadership. Explain, separately, why each concept is important and why good workplace diversity as well as good leadership is important. What are the positive aspects each brings to an organization as well as to the people within the organization? What can be the drawbacks/issues of each? What are the implications to the people within the organization if each is not properly working? Tie in other OB concepts within your answers to all the questions above.

Next, create a workplace diversity training program focused on leaders within an organization. Why would this type of training be important to have within an organization? Within your training program discuss what level of diversity you will aim the program at as well as the type of leadership style you would promote within the program. Explain why you would aim the training at the level named and why you would aim it at the type of style discussed. As part of your answer include two training objectives, a discussion of the needs assessment, a discussion of the type of training delivery and why you would use this delivery, a discussion of how you would evaluate the effectiveness of your program, and how you would ensure transfer of training. Within each of the parts to be discussed regarding your program ensure you explain why each is important to a training program, i.e. why should each be completed? Why does each part need to be thought through prior to actual delivery? Be as detailed as possible regarding each aspect of the training program within the 6-8 page limitation.

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Explanation & Answer

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Diversity within Organizations and Leadership




Diversity within Organizations and Leadership
Diversity and Leadership and Benefits of both Concepts
Diversity can broadly be described as dissimilarity and is mainly applied when describing
the kind of workplaces that are seen as inclusive of individuals coming from varied backgrounds,
ethnicities, ages, gender, or races (D’Arcy, 2017). It may be described as accepting,
appreciating, and acknowledging the differences that exist among individuals (Green et al.
2015). Having a diverse workforce is critical for any organizations good performance, to manage
diversity should, therefore, be a key goal for any entity as it leads to better efficiency and
productivity of the employees (Pynes, 2013). Diverse teams have been found to be more
productive than homogenous ones. Another important benefit of having a diverse workforce is
that it allows for a higher level of creativity, high quality ideas, the very differences that exist
among the team helps nurture an atmosphere of constructive competition which creates a
favorable ground for nurturing innovative solutions by the team ((Rock, Grant, and Grey, 2016;
Pynes, 2013). Diversity allows for the availability of varied talent, skills, and experiences that is
invaluable to any organization enabling it to compete effectively in the marketplace (Hult News,
2017). Organizations that have global offices or activities can thrive since language and other
cultural barriers do not limit them. Similarly, the organizations stand a better chance of offering a
more comprehensive and adaptable variety of services and products (Hult News, 2017).
Leadership is defined as the attempt of influencing the activities of those that are led with
the help of a communication process with the aim of meeting specific goals (Omolayo, 2007). It
can also be defined as the influence process that allows management or those in leadership
positions to do what is expected of them and do so willingly and adequately. An efficient leader
should be able to make quick and decisive actions when called upon and at the same time be bold



in the decisions that they make. Nevertheless, the leaders should be able to meet their obligations
but at the back of their minds have the ability and the sense of empathy and concern about the
well-being of their followers (Sugerman et al., 2011). Additionally, they should be able to
manage change and have skills of problem-solving and critical thinking (Jenkins, 2012).
Effective leadership in any organization is essential to the excellent performance of the
team, and such leaders create a favorable working environment where the team can bring out
their best and in turn leads to the productivity of ...

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