POLS210 week 3 forum

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Congress now has some difficult times ahead - and some difficult decisions to make for the American people. After reading Lesson 3, answer the following question:

Using a current bill, illustrate how a bill becomes a law in the federal government. Discuss how which steps the bill has already passed, and then explain which steps it has left to become a law. Please use the link below.


Post by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Friday, and provide substantive replies to your classmates by 11:55 pm Eastern Time on Sunday. Forum responses should be 300-500 words. Replies should be 150+ words.

A 300-word post and 150-word replies are the minimum requirements to earn a grade of a "C" or higher, but they will not automatically result in an "A" for a grade. Review the rubric that's linked below for grading criteria before posting.

Please be sure that you have completed and proofread your work before posting it. You will not be able to delete or edit your work once you've submitted it, similar to the way exams and papers will not be returned for corrections after they have been submitted.

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