INFORMATION ASSURANCE questions. (Plagiarism check will be done)

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Computer Science

Information Assurance Integrat


1.) Explain why business continuity plan is needed. List three key components of a business continuity plan and describe why each is important.

2.) Briefly explain the SDLC. Give an example and short description of any one of the SDLC methodologies.

3.) Explain risk mitigation. Describe a minimum of three techniques used for the management of risk?

4.) List the basic principles of information assurance used to manage risk related to the use, processing, storage, and transmission of information or data.

5.) Define outsourcing and insourcing. Give at least three reasons when you would use outsourcing instead of insourcing.

6.) Explain the difference between a primary and secondary (used as a research) source. Give one example of each.

7.) Explain why we use APA formatting when writing research papers.

8.) Discuss at least two common information technology metrics used for strategic initiatives. Explain how they are measured.

9.) Provide three examples of policies that an organization should implement to help ensure ethical compliance. Briefly explain each policy.

10.) Explain the difference between Efficiency and Effectiveness in a business environment.

11.) Describe paraphrasing in reference to APA and explain why it is important.

12.) Identify two reasons for an MIS project failure and describe why the reasons lead the failure.

13.) What is the process of risk analysis assessment and the importance of risk management planning.

Plagiarism check will be done so the answers needs to be original.

I'm looking for a brief and precise answers

You don't need to add reference.

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Explanation & Answer



Information assurance
Name of the student
Name of the professor
Course title


Information assurance


1. A business continuity plan (BCP) is document that explains actions, procedure, and
policies that will enable restoration of the most crucial organization functions in time
of crisis or a disaster.
Business continuity plan is composed of the following three key components. These
components entails data protection, order in which servers will be restored, and
explanation of employees training sessions.
a) Detective measures: this are measure that are put in place to enable detection of
potential threats. This can include installing server monitoring software or/and
installing anti-virus. Employees training also fall under detective measure.
Training employees on cyber security land scape and ensuring that they are in a
position to respond appropriately to threats.
b) Preventive measure: in this component having a data backup is critical to
preventative disaster recovery. Disk back up can be replicated to an off-site disk.
Both on and off-site data can be replicated by a hybrid cloud data backup.
c) Corrective measure: this are measures that are put in place after a disaster occurs
to ensure re-establishment of a company’s IT infrastructure. This can include restalling data and restoring other IT functions that are crucial.
2. System development life cycle (SDLC): this is a process used by software developer
to test, develop, and design high quality software. The main aim is to meet or exceed
customer expectation and meet cost and time estimates after completion. It consist o...

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