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Create a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides (not including the title and reference slides) discussing Economic Growth and Market Dynamics. Include the following:

  1. What is GDP and how is it measured?
  2. Evaluate the validity of using GDP as a measure of economic output.
  3. Explain how the consumer price index and GDP work together to measure price index change from year to year.
  4. Assess the importance of the business cycle relating to the labor market and economic activity.
  5. Select one formula for a key labor market indicator and give an example. Use the formula to explain how the labor market indicator measures labor force participation.

Be sure to include graphs, charts and other visuals in your presentation that will enhance your analysis. Include slide notes containing explanations and rationale.

Be sure to cite three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. Use only scholarly sources found in the GCU Library or those provided in Topic Materials.

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While APA Style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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Explanation & Answer

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Economic growth and market dynamics

Institution Affiliation


GDP definitions

GDP is the gross domestic product of a country

The GDP is the market value obtained by a monetary measure of all the final goods and services
produced in a period of time

The period of the year should be quarterly, semi-annually or annually

It can be referred to as the total value of everything produced by the people and companies in the country

The GDP does not matter if those who participate in production are citizens of the country or they are
from foreign countries.

How to measure GDP.

The GDP is measured by the use of the various components that make up the gross domestic

The components are:

Personal consumption expenditure

Business investment

Government spending

Exports minus imports

Therefore the Gross Domestic Product has to incorporate the four components for it to be
measured effectively and to reflect the true picture of the affairs of the state.

It uses the formula C + I + G + (X-M)

Importance of a GDP.

When the GDP of any country is measured and the value is known by the government
as well as the citizens it serves various roles in the growth of the country economy.


The GDP is a primarily indicator of the health of the country’s economy

It represents the value of the dollar of goods and services produced over a specific
time period.

Enables policy makers to analyze the impact of the variables in t...

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