Staffing, Training and Development
* When you finish from my assignment i have to submit in turnitin and that website its looking or searching in my assignment words if i taken from any resource of ( internet, students , books, newspaper ...) so you have be careful in that to not become higher then 5%* follow all the question paper pleassCase StudyAnswering the PhoneJim Mullens likes supervising the Customer Service Unit. This unit is responsible for updating customer accounts and files as well as for providing information to customers and other employees. Typically, the customer service representatives (CSRs) he supervises answer questions about the services offered, provide information about the customer’s account, and modify the files so that they are up-to-date and correct. This unit was formed only recently, to handle the increasing volume of direct customer calls more efficiently by using the newly installed on-line customer information system.Unfortunately, the planning for the new unit was not done well. The on-line computer system was purchased and installed before the actual operations people were brought in. As a result, Jim was given the responsibility for getting the unit up and running within one week. He had to make some quick personnel selections and take care of a lot of administrative details within a short period of time.Now, three weeks after receiving the assignment, Jim feels quite a sense of accomplishment. He has been lucky that things have worked out as well as they have. In fact, the only thing Jim is concerned with now is the way in which his reps handle customers over the phone.In Semester Individual Assignment Spring 2018Module: Staffing, Training and Development (BUSS 1702)Level: 2Max. Marks: 100Duration: 5 weeksStaffing, Training, and Development– BUSS 1702 – Spring – 18 – CW2–QPBUSS 1701 (QP) Page 2 of 4Jim knows that good telephone etiquette is essential to the successful accomplishment of his unit’smission, yet his reps use many different styles in answering the phone and do not follow basic rules. Forexamples, the reps commonly neglect to put customers on hold while they search for information. Whenasking questions, they do not explain the reason for the inquiry; they do not verify information; and, attimes, they may react defensively when they don’t know the answers. These are the major – but not theonly things they do wrong.Jim knows that he must train them in the techniques of proper phone etiquette. There is no availabletraining program to which he can send his personnel. Therefore, he must provide the training andcoaching to the reps while they are on the job.Answer the following questions1. Prepare a training plan for Jim to useA. Carry out job analysis on this job (10 marks)B. Conduct training needs analysis (10 marks)C. Outline the objectives of the training program (10 marks)D. Design the training program (10 marks)E. Conduct the training (10 marks)F. Outline problems that Jim might encounter in conducting the training program and suggestsuitable solutions to the problems identified (10 marks)G. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program using various methods of evaluation (10marks)H. Discuss employees’ development problems in this organization and suggest suitable solutionsto the problems (10 marks)Source: Clardy, A. B, (2007). 50 Case Studies in Management Training. Mumbai, Jaico PublishingHouse.Staffing, Training, and Development– BUSS 1702 – Spring – 18 – CW2–QPBUSS 1701 (QP) Page 3 of 4Instructions for the assignment:1. This is individual assignment. Individual report needs to be generated and submit individually.2. Total words count should not exceed 2000 words.3. The assignment should have a cover page, table of contents, introduction, answers to the questions,conclusion, and appropriate references.4. The report should be done in Word, font size 12, font style Times New Roman, text colour black,colours can be used ONLY in appendices; main body of the report should be black and white.6. Last date of submission: 8th week of the semester7. The assignment should be submitted on time through Moodle. Late submission shall be penalised asper the norms of MEC mentioned in the Module Information Guide.8. Plagiarism Policy. Plagiarised documents, in parts or whole, submitted by the students will berejected. However, if the plagiarism is found to be accidental the student may be advised to re-submitthe work only once within one week from the date of rejection. A penalty of 25% of the total marks onthe specific coursework assessment component will be imposed on the re-submitted work. If the resubmittedwork is also found to be plagiarised the student will be awarded a zero mark in the respectiveassessment. If the work submitted is found to be intentionally plagiarised to gain an unfair advantage inany form, such work will be automatically rejected and a mark of zero will be awarded. If the student isfound to consistently submit plagiarised work it will be dealt with seriously and may warrant suspensionfor a period or expulsion as may be recommended by the committee set for the purpose.9. Evaluation criteriaEvaluation Criteria MarksIntroduction 10A. Carry out job analysis on this job 10B. Conduct training needs analysis 10C. Outline the objectives of the training program 10D. Design the training program 10E. Conduct the training 10Staffing, Training, and Development– BUSS 1702 – Spring – 18 – CW2–QPBUSS 1701 (QP) Page 4 of 4F. Outline problems that Jim might encounter in conducting the training program andsuggest suitable solutions to the problems identified10G. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program using various methods ofevaluation10H. Discuss employees’ development problems in this organization and suggest suitablesolutions to the problems10Format of the report and referencing 10Total Marks 100