Business Problem Statement

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Business Finance



For this assignment, you will use the "Business Problem Statement" template to organize your problem statement. This will help you identify your business problem you will eventually address using analytics. The business problem statement will be an integral component of the remaining activities in this course.

Ensure that data are available to address your business problem. You will need to provide your dataset as a part of the Topic 3 assignment. If data are used from your company, ensure that proprietary concerns are addressed or approvals to use the data are obtained. If company data are being used and if there are concerns of proprietary issues, you can change your dataset accordingly.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Business Problem Statement For this assignment, you will use this "Business Problem Statement" template to organize your problem statement. Complete the table below according to the directions found in your assignment. After providing complete information below, write out your Business Problem Statement in the last box. What is the organizational history? Has this problem been previously encountered? How long has this problem existed? What are the potential factors that are influenced by this problem or factors that the problems influence? What stakeholders can you interview to ascertain root causes of the problem? Is the business problem stated in such a way that analytical tools and techniques can be applied to address it? Can the necessary data for your identified business problem be obtained? What are specific benefits to the organization if the business problem is solved using analytics? State the business problem. © 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
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Business Problem Statement
Institution of affiliation




Business Problem Statement
What is the organizational history?

The monk investment company was started ten years
ago in 2008, in Manhattan Australia. The
organization has a specialization in architectural
work. From the business, the organization has
gathered huge fortunes. The government policies on
housing have always favored business as a result of
a government directive mining, the cost of
construction has doubled hence reducing customers
their need for a review of the business problem as it
costs the business revenue

Has this problem been previously

This was the first time the organization had
encountered such problems. The problem is from
sources outside the business especially government
policies on housing
The ...

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