Theory and Behavior Change

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Application: Theory and Behavior Change

This week you considered potential reasons people may not change behaviors, even though they are fully aware of the need for change. For instance, why do people continue to drink in excess even though they know it is harmful? There are a number of theories that attempt to explain behavior change, and you examine some of these in the weeks ahead. For the current assignment, you explore some of the reasons health psychologists use theories when attempting to explain or predict behavior change.

The assignment: (2–3 pages)

  • Describe what may increase and decrease the chances that a person will change a negative health behavior and explain why.
  • Explain at least two ways to motivate a person to change a behavior.
  • Explain the role of theory in development of health behavior interventions.
  • Support your responses with references from the Learning Resources.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

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Explanation & Answer



Theory and Behavior Change
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The American Psychological Association suggests behavior change is transformation or
modification of the human. According to two researchers, DiClemente and Prochaska behavior
change is a complicated process explained by various theories such as the Stage of change model
in smoking cessation. Additionally, Social cognitive theory and theory of planned behavior have
significantly used to understand behavior so that psychologist may intervene with the aim of
designing and implementation of programs or intervention targeting change in behavior and
improving health and wellbeing (Kok, 2018).

Theories of behavior change are critical for

helping the practitioners in the psychology field to better understand critical elements of
behavior change such as fear, self-efficacy, threat, response efficacy, attitudes, benefits and
subjective norms.
Factors Increasing and Decreasing Chances Of Changing Negative Health Behavior
The reward of better health is the motivation of changing negative behaviors such
cigarette smoking. The client targeted for behavior change develops response efficacy " a
perception that the recommended action to improve current will prevent the threat from
happening. The strategy in this case scenario provides evidence or examples that the suggested
response to negative behavior will ave...

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