Rasmussen College Opening the Doors to Your Business Assignment

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Business Finance

Rasmussen University


After your negotiation and transaction with Mr. Barker, you start to realize that this could be a lucrative business. Your mother has been bugging you for months to get rid of all of the other children's meal toys that you collected over the years. With your estimate, you probably have over $10,000 worth of toys.

For this part of the project, you will be starting your own business selling the children's meals toys. At this point in time, you are the only one running the business, and you will not have any employees. If you were to structure a business based on the facts of this situation, which would you choose and why is that the best fit? At this point in time, you are the only one running the business and you will not have any employees.

Your paper should be 1-2 pages in length, double-spaced, and properly APA formatted.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

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